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Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 2:06pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - December 26th, 2390

Siaxx Dvald was dozing lightly in the brig as the door opened and in came Commander Torilla Yamaguchi. "Ensign." she looked at the brig guard. "Could you give us a few minutes?"

"Sure ma'am. I'll be right outside."

Yamaguchi nodded, feeling tired but she regarded Siaxx. "What the hell is it with you... I mean you kidnap the skipper, drag her into sickbay, threaten her not once but twice and you two nearly get into a fistfight." she commented. "tear out her intestines and wear them like a necklace.... whats with you?"

"Its not important anymore Torilla.... I'm no longer Chief Medical Officer and I'm gone at the end of this mission.... and I'll be out of Starfleet too..."

"Is that what you want...?" Yamaguchi asked.

"You said all that?" Phoenix asked with shock in her voice while she continued to console Dora.

"Yes... its all true..." Siaxx answered quietly.

"So you're just lettin' Tane destroy your work without a fight?" Phoenix shook her head, "That aint you, Siaxx."

"She's right Siaxx... think this through.." Torilla commented quietly. "So... what happened..?"

"I....I got ...angry.." the Bolian sighed softly as Shonax woke up from his nap as he recognized Torilla, he then let out a wail of a complaint.

"Hey Shonax.." Yamaguchi commented. "So... Siaxx.... you just gonna wash it all away... your rank, your career and your name...thats it then?"

"Well... What else is there?"

"Well first you need to apologize."

"Torilla, I've been told by far too many people on this ship what I need to do. I'm tired... I'm tired of having to put up with the endless morons aboard ship, of being called away from my own life to deal with drunken idiots who need to be put back together after a smashup in the lounge." she continued. "I never get time to do anything else other then to work and sleep... I might get time for other activities." she indicated phoenix. "She knows of where I speak."

"Do you want your license restored...all of this to go away?" Yamaguchi commented. "I'm going to cut you a break... I will help you....this time..." as the taller woman sighed. "you need to knock this shit off... you are your own worst enemy and you'e been getting worse over the last while... getting into fights and losing your temper far too often..." she looked at Phoenix. "I keep expecting to brig you for fighting... not you..."

"Imprisonment is an injury, regardless of how you justify it." Siaxx responded.

"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. Regardless of where that truth leads you. You caused the incident that put you in here... now.... I am going to walk you to the Captain..." she commented. "You have disgraced yourself and you must be punished."

"I caused it," Phoenix laughed uncomfortably. "Siaxx just felt the need ta protect me. Which she don' need ta do in this case."

Torilla tapped the forcefield control. "Grab your cat... and let's go." he sighed.

"Please don' do anythin' stupid Dear," Phoenix pleaded with concern.

Siaxx gently plucked Shonax from where he was sitting and she followed Torilla in silence, the cat likewise was silent until they got to their destination.

The two entered a turbolift in silence other then Yamaguchi's statement of "Main Bridge." and the lift proceeded to the destination.

Yamaguchi tapped the door-chime twice, an indication of who was here.

"Enter," Tane called from behind the door, and when she saw who walked in, her eyes went full of terror.

Siaxx caught the look in Tane's eye as she looked away. "Siaxx... have a seat...and do not move...." Yamaguchi commented, Siaxx moved to the sofa in silence as she sat down. Shonax looked around as he mewled softly, picking up on all the emotions in the room.

"Siaxx.... You disappoint me..." Yamaguchi quietly commented. "I would have figured that you of all people would know better..." she looked down at the small Bolian. "Do you know what you said.... with your threat."


"So... Why?" Yamaguchi inquired.

"Because I'm processing everything that's happened in this loony bin.
"Kam tried to destroy my career, my family doesn't want me and nobody else seems to care. All I had was Phoenix, my career and my self respect."

"Because you tried to kill yourself once before..."

Siaxx looked down at the deck. "Yes... Phoenix knew where to find me.... Kam tried to take everything I had left... he almost succeeded."
Siaxx responded in an almost detached tone. "Now I have nothing left... Whats the use of anything...?"

Zara did not know why she did it. She just pulled up a duty log that had been transferred to Captain Olmos. Then she hit play:

"...I can honestly say that the limited night shifts Commander Dvald has performed on the bridge, that she is ready for more responsibility to be thrust upon her.

If not for the fact I have other O6s ahead of her, I would have her as one of my command staff. Therefore, I feel when Starfleet Medical next looks at my CMO's record for possible promotion, that they not only give her Commander, but strongly consider an XO position for her."

Zara remained quiet. So much fear. So much hurt. And as such, she was forced to look back at her stack of PADDs.

Siaxx shook her head as she softly whimpered.

Yamaguchi turned to Tane. "When did you send that off?" she asked softly.

Siaxx couldn't breathe as the full weight of her misery hit her, Shonax noticed as he went over to his companion, he gently tapped her with his paw as he complained, before brushing his head up against her hand.

"Few days after Kam's stupidity," Zara answered dully while pretended to be very busy in her requisition PADDs. She felt like total crap from all this stress. "...I always thought highly of you."

Siaxx paused. "I'm Sorry..."

Zara could not speak. Did not trust herself to keep steady. So those intense brown eyes sought out Torilla and immediately thought, Ask her what she wants to do now? And what do we do about her threatening to rape me?

Torilla looked at Zara as a soft smile graced her lips. "Siaxx... what do you want to do now...?" she inquired. "Wash your hands of your career and go home in disgrace or.... do you want to remain here with your career intact... and your license restored?" Yamaguchi asked.

"How....?" Siaxx got out. "After what I said and did-"

"That... is something you will have to pay for... you were so far out of line Siaxx that frankly, the only reason you're here and not leaving this ship in chains is because Zara.... cares about you...." Yamaguchi commented. "Considering what you did... and said..." she paused. "I'm going to stick you on probation, you know what this entails....

Siaxx sat in silence, her misery could be felt by telepathic far and wide as she looked at Torilla.

"You get in trouble one more time.... you're history and I won't be able to save you again.... this... is your last chance." Yamaguchi took her time in explaining it before she turned back to Tane as she gently projected into the other womans head. Did I miss anything Zara?

Zara shook her head in the negative and stood up slowly. Almost arthritic. "I'm going to go back to bed. I'm not feeling well."

Almost as an afterthought, she turned to Siaxx and willed herself not to cry as she spoke, "...I'm not your enemy. And I hope you eventually learn that."

Torilla noticed that Zara wasn't feeling well, Siaxx noticed too. "Captain... your not well." she paused. "We should at least get you checked out... make sure... that you're alright.." she paused. "you don't look well..."

Torilla regarded Siaxx, not unkindly. "What Zara needs is a good nights sleep...."

Zara nodded vaguely to Torilla and just walked out of her office.

Torilla regarded Siaxx. "I'm sending you home for however long it'll be..." she then produced an isolinear chip. "I came across these a few years ago... they make me laugh..." she paused. "What you need Siaxx..... is something to make you laugh... or you'll end up in a worse place then King Leoric."

"Never heard of him." she plucked the chip from the desk. "I imagine this will be enlightening."

"These files from ancient games will explain... and they will help you laugh... something you've done far too little of, you're carrying grudges and its crippling you. Work on that... thats an order." she handed the chip to Siaxx. "On that you'll find over a thousand hours of entertainment. I want you to watch at least four hours worth."

"Okay..." Siaxx paused. "I'll do that..."

"Good... go on... Your dismissed."


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