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In the Void - Part One

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 4:18am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard / USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - June 20th, 2393

Fleet Captain Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx was sitting in the office she had been assigned for the duration of her assignment to the Starbase. The small Bolian honestly had no idea why she had never considered a Starbase posting before as this assignment had done wonders for her and her family, even if she was severely outnumbered with the men in the family she held dear.

Dvald-Vaxx smiled as she was presently doing paperwork from her past actions and it was the paperwork she was doing presently that would determine who got what from her former crew, the original USS Tranquillity that had been destroyed almost a year earlier over Goranar. Be it awards, medals, promotions, and combat citations. The effect of the last one, her entire crew plus herself was getting that one so Siaxx really did not need to worry about filing for that one.

"My ship is gone to the scrap heap and I'm sitting here worried about paperwork. In Valen's name, I should hang my head in shame." Dvald-Vaxx commented aloud before the small female huffed a sigh at everything in the room, all at once.

Shonax meowed as he regarded her before he simply lay down on the desk before his mistress, he meowed at her once as he demanded her attention. Dvald-Vaxx smiled as she gently ran her fingers through his soft fur. "I'm not having the greatest of days Shonax," she admitted, more to herself than to the cat before her

The cat meowed at her as Dvald-Vaxx sighed softly, while she gently petted her cat. "I think I should get it over with." the small Bolian female commented. Shonax meowed at her as he slowly got up to stand before her, he meowed several more times.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded him as he spoke to her as she blinked her eyes. He meowed at her as he stretched out all four paws before Shonax extended all of his claws.

Dvald-Vaxx sat back as she watched kitty go about fully waking up before he let out a massive yawn, revealing his sharp teeth. "Come on. I need to take you down to the vet." she paused. "Elizabeth will have a field day with this one." the small Bolian rose to her feet as Shonax leaped off of the desk, he chased her across the room and out the door.

Dvald-Vaxx went down the hallway. "Shonax, up," she commented before Shonax lept into her arms, the small Bolian carried the cat in her embrace as she entered the transporter room. "Two to beam over to the USS Dreamcrusher please Chief."

"Sure thing Captain. But you'll need a cat carrier." the young Bolian male responded as he went to work, he smiled as he regarded Dvald-Vaxx with his eyes while he worked. 'Wow, she's hot.' he thought to himself. The cat carrier arrived and Siaxx gently placed Shonax within, he did not like it in the slightest as the kitty made his displeasure known to all with a loud meow.

"Energize please," Dvald-Vaxx responded with a gentle smile.

The Bolian male did as requested and Dvald-Vaxx was beamed over to the Dreamcrusher. She was met by one of the younger officers. "Welcome aboard Captain. Can I assist you with anything?"

"No thank you, Lieutenant. Thanks for the welcome though." Dvald-Vaxx answered, a wide smile on her lips.

"Of course Captain." the man responded. "Can I help you getting around?"

Dvald-Vaxx shook her head. "No. I'm expected in their medical department, I have an appointment with this ships vet."

"Ahh. Very well. then I shall leave you to it Captain." the young officer responded. "Do you know the way?"

"I do," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Thank you though."

"Of course," he responded as Dvald-Vaxx made her escape from the transporter room in silence, her cat carrier in her arms as she made her way towards her next destination.

Dvald-Vaxx entered the sickbay of the Dreamcrusher several minutes later, she smiled as she went over to the front desk. The small Bolian placed the carrier on the desk. "Hi. I'm here to see your ships vet regarding this guy."

"Okay, are you booked in?" came the expected question.

"No. I never got the chance to call for a booking. I was hoping that Elizabeth could squeeze me in."

"I'll contact Doctor Yamaguchi-Solusar and see what she can do for you." the nurse then paged for Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar to come to the front desk soonest.

Dvald-Vaxx was directed to the waiting area, which the small Bolian went over and took a seat, she set the cat carrier down between her boots as she picked up a holozine while settling in to wait.

Meanwhile, behind the nurse's desk. Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar came over, she was wearing her regular duty uniform and the medical lab coat. "Hey Merris, you called?"

"Yes. Fleet Captain Dvald-Vaxx is in the waiting area with her cat. She would like for you to look at him when you get a moment to yourself."

Yamaguchi-Solusar raised an eyebrow. "Okay. I'll see what she's after." she paused. "Thanks, Merris." and with that. Yamaguchi-Solusar went over to where the small Bolian was reading the holozine. "Hey, Captain."

"Elizabeth," Dvald-Vaxx answered as she put down the holozine. "So formal today." she paused a moment. "I hate to do this to you on such short notice but could you have a look at Shonax for me. She doesn't seem to be eating well these days."

Yamaguchi-Solusar agreed with the small Bolian that this was a very bad way to handle this, she really was throwing a monkey wrench at the larger female but this was Siaxx and she didn't do things lightly and Siaxx had a special relationship to her mothers family so she was willing to overlook things. "Okay. I have twenty minutes so let's go into the back and we can look at Shonax and see what his issues are." Dvald-Vaxx picked up the cat carrier as Dvald-Vaxx followed her old friend's daughter into a medical room after going down two hallways, with a left and a right thrown in. They both emerged next to an office marked. "YAMAGUCHI-SOLUSAR E - MD"

Yamaguchi-Solusar entered her office first as she indicated the table in the center of the room, Dvald-Vaxx obliged by placing the cat carrier onto the table, she opened it and out came Shonax, his whiskers twitched as he took in the scents of this new place before he turned to confront Yamaguchi-Solusar as she looked at him, the cat blinked as he stood before her.

Yamaguchi-Solusar ran her tricorder over the cat's form. "Well, he seems alright. What are you after Siaxx?" as she suspected that the small Bolian female was being cagey about things.


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