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Agents of Chaos - Part Three

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 1:15pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 2300Hrs - December 24th, 2390

Siaxx had recently come home to find Phoenix being dragged out of bed. "What the fuck is going on here?" Siaxx growled. "I go out for dinner and a movie... and I come home to find this shit?"

Gunther, whom didn't really feel like dealing with nonsense, Said simply, "Sorry, but Captain Tane wants Phoenix arrested and put in the brig. Apparently for leaving a bunch of cat and dog shit in her fighter."

Siaxx blinked. "Lovely.." he commented. "Well.. before you haul her off in cuffs.... let her take Dora with her..." she commented. "Dora is the German Shepard... let me go get her leash.."

Gunther nodded," Yeah, thats O.K., personally I think phoenix is being arrested for a stupid reason anyway."

Siaxx handed Phoenix a leash. "I'm sorry..." she said softly, despite the fact she had nothing to do with this before she turned to Von Estling. "How long is Phoenix gonna be locked up for Senior Chief?"

"As long as Tane deems," Phoenix shrugged, half-groggily while she finished putting her pants on. Then picked up Dora in her arms and proceeded to leave the bedroom

She took one last moment to kiss Siaxx on the lips, "I'll be out in a week or so."

Gunther shrugged, "If it was up to me, I wouldn't bring you to the brig anyway."

Siaxx smiled. "I can live with that." the smaller Bolian commented with a smile.

Gunther didn't bother to try and force Phoenix. He just simply led her to the brig. After bringing phoenix to her cell, he commented, "Well, hopefully this stupid shit doesn't last too long. Of all the things to throw someone in the brig for."

Siaxx turned as an idea came to mind. "Zara... you are mine.." and with that she went out the door and down the hallway, towards her destination, she went into the transporter room. "Chief... may I beg a favor?"

"Yes Doctor?"

"Beam the Captain into one of the recovery rooms in sickbay then let me know which one."

"Sure.." the man tried not to chuckle but failed as Siaxx went out the door, her next stop was sickbay. "Transporter room four to Doctor Dvald, your subject is in Recovery room two, have fun."

"Oh.. I will." Siaxx smiled.

A few minutes later Siaxx stood over the sleeping figure of Zara Tane. "WAKE UP!!!" the lights were down low as Siaxx softly growled. "RISE AND SHINE SCALLYWAG!!"

"Fuck you," Zara retorted groggily as she sat up slowly, then looked around the room and then registered Siaxx in the room. "Oooh no," Zara groaned with dread.

"I sometimes wonder about you..." she commented. "You seem to have it bad for Phoenix so I have to wonder what the issue is.... do you want her or something... or do you want me?" she inquired. "Well... you will have me..." she paused. "Strip.... now." she paused. "Or I will have my orderlies strip you."

"Ummm... No." Zara spoke rather defensively. "I'm not fucking you. I don't like Phoenix either... The bitch ruined Glyph's fighter."

Siaxx growled. "I don't know who Glyph is and nor do I care.." she growled. "you arrested her over a fucking prank... what the fuck is wrong with you.... have you lost your dammed mind?"

"She knew Glyph and I dated," Zara spoke rather angrily. "That's why no one touches that fighter but me. And she did. And she ruined it."

"Do you see anyone else in this room other then me... Do I look like I care?" Siaxx's temper suddenly fused white hot. "You're getting pissy over a twenty year old piece of shit scrapheap... and for what?.... what did you mean to do with it?"

"Clearly you don't give a fuck, so why bother explaining," Zara spat back.

"Well it would help it you cleaned the fucking thing... so everyone could see that a real man owned it and not one of these fake pieces of shit I am so often called on to put back together because they can't be bothered to do anything better with themselves.."

"Are we done here?" Zara asked rather aggressively as she got off the bed and walked to the door. "Cause clearly you're just going to harp on me for your girlfriend's sake. And I wont be bullied."

Siaxx's temper seethed as she growled. "This isn't me bulling you, this is me stating my mind..." she commented. "but... before you leave... answer my question..."

"What?" Zara asked rather rudely, for she fought herd with herself not to breakdown in front of Siaxx.

"What's so special about that fighter... you've threatened people with pain if they touch it... I treated two victims of you beating on them because they touched that fighter.."

"You think I wanted this command?" Zara snapped at the woman. "That fighter is the only tie I have left to a life that got ripped from me."

Siaxx raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that.... a life that got ripped?"

"This!" Zara spoke in raised tones as she lifted her shirt and point to her abdomen. "The Zeth Tane's legacy... And because I was an ass in my earlier years, COs didn't want me as an engineer. But Zeth's old buddies made room for me in a place I never fit in."

"So why are you still here.?" Siaxx inquired. "Taking everything so seriously... that's why you tossed Phoenix in the brig after you hauled her out of bed in the middle of the night... I'm gonna give you a taste of what that feels like." Siaxx then spun Zara around and she pinned her against the wall. "If you harm her... I will tear out your fucking intestines and wear them like a necklace..." then she let Zara go. "Now go on home.... sleep well." there was something in the Bolian's tone. "Sleep tight...."

Zara shoved Siaxx harshly off her and got into a low guard position. A defensive position with her brown eyes lit with fury.

"This is your last posting. Consider chapter work stared and your medical credentials revoked," Zara barked out at the woman.

Siaxx finally blew a fuse. "Good.. means I'll be away from the fucking nutcases that populate this ship... and drug-addled people like you." she hissed the last few words just as the doors opened. "Enough!" the third person to the dance entered the room.

Siaxx turned as she took a swing at the third woman, the Bajoran grabbed the other woman's fist as she drew her to her, Tienn then spun her around while placing her in a headlock.

"Captain... Siaxx... my little Bolian ragecase." the handsome Bajoran woman commented. "Siaxx... seriously... Get the fuck out of here and go home before she has you dumped out an airlock.... or should I just... finish it now..."

"Fuck... lemme go..." the Bolian growled as Tienn grinned.

"Siaxx. Find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation." Tienn smiled as she held onto the angry Bolian woman.

Siaxx sighed. "What the hell are you sayin'?"

Tienn added. "It's a haiku." she turned to Tane. "Sensai. Siaxx has held the command but she is a child who lacks leadership.

"Well this child is about to kick your ass," Siaxx growled

"Get her out of sickbay. She no longer qualified to practice on anyone," Zara spoke as she left the room, barefoot and still in her pjs.

"Right." Tienn commented as Siaxx kneed the taller Bajoran before she extricated herself from the Bajoran's grip.

Siaxx went into the Chief Medical Officer's office as she began gathering her things of which there was little anyway, only a couple of items, she then plucked her name-tag off of the display next to the door, then she retrieved her items then she left sickbay.

Tienn watched the Bolian leave in silence, a sad look in her eyes as up to now she had never had an issue with the Bolian, but she had never seen Siaxx come apart so dramatically, she then followed Siaxx. "Lieutenant, drop your stuff off at home... i'm taking you to the drunk tank for the night.... don't resist me on the matter Siaxx..."

Siaxx turned her head. "I'm taking my cat with me."

"Fine by me... I'll get the brig guard to let you out in the morning."


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