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This is What We Are Doing

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 1:22pm by Master Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1200Hrs - December 25th, 2390

Teval walked into the cargo bay with Torilla to see the junk that the ship was picking up. "So this is what we are doing," Teval commented, disappointed.

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she regarded the junk. "Yep. I love having my time wasted... don't you?" she regarded the smaller being.

"Oh tell me about it," Teval commented, rolling his eyes. He watched as several engineers and science officers working. He noticed that some of them looked pretty tired.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis looked exhausted. "Commanders.. we're just a fucking garbage hauler... this is a waste of time." he handed her a chunk of debris.

Torilla accepted the debris. "Lovely... nothing like spending my time as a garbage man to make my life complete.." she handed the hunk of metal to Teval. "Feel like we're valued?"

Teval looked at the scrap metal, then threw it back into the pile, saying, " Yeah, a great use of our time."

"Chief... you look like you're gonna drop dead on me." Torilla said to Davis. "Find someone to replace you then go get some rack time.."

"Yessir." he commented as he turned to do exactly that as Torilla turned to Teval. "How long do you think we'll be out here?"

Teval shrugged, "As long as starfleet wants us cleaning the border, they think it looks ugly."

"Godmamit.." she commented as she looked down at Teval. "Did you enjoy your time with Zara?"

Teval ran his hand through his hair, "I don't remember any of it, even now, I don't remember a thing."

Torilla smiled as she simply handed him an Isolinear rod. "This is the recording of you and the Captain getting it on..." the larger woman grinned. "All other copies have been... removed." she explained. "that's why I was holed up on my office for six hours... "

Teval stared at the rod, saying, "What do I want this thing for."

"It's the video recording of you getting it on with Zara. Enjoy the show." she commented before she shook her head before she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Tane. You sleeping alone tonight?" she inquired. "I need to get laid... and I want you to have your way with me."

"Uhhh...." Zara paused. Clearly taken aback by that. "Sure. But did you have to ask on an open line?"

"I felt it best to be blunt about it." Torilla commented "so.... yes."

Teval still didn't have a clue what to do with the thing, so he said simply, "well, wanna go for lunch."

Torilla smiled down at Teval. "Sounds lovely."

"Well, Karryn said she was making something decent, anyone you want to invite," Teval asked.

Torilla paused as she tapped her combadge "Yamaguchi to Tane, Zara. I've been asked to lunch... you want to come along?"

"Love ta... Clothes, right?" Zara asked skeptically.

"Yes Zara..." a smile graced her lips. "Clothes are preferred."

"Ah. Good. I'll be there then," Zara closed the line, sounding oddly relieved.

Teval shook his head, saying, "you humanoids and your obsession with clothing."

Torilla looked down at the smaller being before her as she raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't call wearing my uniform an obsession.... I'd much rather wear as little as possible... I don't have a nudity taboo..."

Teval didn't say anything a they went to his quarters, where Hakaya had lunch in the making. As Teval entered he found Karryn curled up on the couch, with two of Silversnows 4 week old kittens wrestling under the table.

Torilla followed in silence before reaching their destination. "Mmm..."
as she looked under the table. "Now... thats just cute..." she regarded Teval. "Anyone ask about them yet?"

Teval shook his head, as he found the third kitten and picked it up. The kitten meowed in response. Cradling the kitten, Teval said," No so far no one has asked about these four, but it will still be about 8 weeks before they are ready. However after that I will have to give at least some of them away, quite quickly, because it is about that time that i will have kids of my own.

Torilla nodded. "Well Rachael and I have two already..." she paused. "I'm wondering if Elizabeth will want one... It'll help her settle in since she could be aboard ship for awhile..." Torilla sighed. "It'll help me reconnect with her.."

Teval shrugged, then sat down next to Karryn," Well you will probably have to be the one to find out, its doubtful she wants anything to do with me."

"I'll talk to her." Torilla commented. "See what she says... but then I wouldn't get my hopes up." a sigh escaped her lips. "I know she's knee deep in homework so I'll go visit her later..."

Torilla sighed softly as she looked around. "Nice place you have here...." she commented. "Whats for lunch?"

Before anyone could really answer Wukari came in, cradling her kitten Brightspot. Her hand where still in braces and barely usable.

Torilla noticed the smaller woman quickly. "Hey Wukari. How are you doing?" she inquired. "So... you inherited Silversides's second kit.." she added with a smile. "Hows your hand?"

Wukari shook her head sadly," Useless, I can't do anything with them."

Teval sighed, knowing the implications of that statement himself. Wukari was unable to even properly clean herself anymore, particularly her rear end, which Teval himself had to help with a few times already.

Torilla seethed in silence, suddenly glad she had done what she had done. "Oh shit..." she commented quietly.

Wukari didn't say anything to Torilla, she just gave Teval the look and he knew exactly what she needed, commenting, "Gotta go."

Wukari nodded.

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she turned and went over to the replicator as she ordered herself a drink, not putting two and two together.

Wukari released brightspot, whom was ready to be let go. Both Teval and Wukari went into the bathroom without saying anything further.

Torilla noticed and it was then when she out two and two together, she suddenly found herself glad that Gonad was dead and that she had been the one to pull the trigger, she then moved into the kitchen to find Hakaya, busy with cooking. "do you need a pair of hands?"

Hakaya shook her head," Not really I am almost done." as she pulled the burgers off the skillet.

Torilla sipped her drink. "Alright... let me help you clean up then."

Hakaya figured it out pretty quickly," You want to take your mind off something huh."

"Yep.... thinking about Gonad... and what he did to Wukari... and Rachael.." Torilla admitted. "I'm sitting under house arrest as Jacen Saint wants to lock me up for life for it." she shrugged. "He's just a self serving asshole so fuck him.."

Hakaya just continued her task, saying," He does confuse me. I looked at his file, and I didn't expect him to be a hard nosed prick. He is too much of a contradiction."

"Rachael told me the same thing... as did Siaxx." Torilla sighed. "Well.. I think he's out to screw me."

"Jacen wants to fuck everyone over," Zara spoke none-too-enthusiastically as she sat down at the table. She had entered respectfully some moments before, so as not to interrupt the conversation.

Hakaya looked over at Zara, saying, "Oh, Hi, didn't see you there, want a hamburger."

"Thanks," Zara accepted and then poured herself a glass of water. "So what all have I missed during my banana craving?"

Hakaya shrugged as she sat down with her plate. Her issues with Zara where long gone now, now that she knows Zara cares about the crew, even though she shows it in a strange way. "Well, I think Teval is regretting the whole being XO thing, particularly after what the to lard sacks, the Bremers did."

Torilla smiled. "Zara." as she helped herself to some food before sitting down next to the tiny Trill woman, their whole relationship was unusual in that when the two met, they had a very antagonistic attitude towards each other but now they got on very well.

Torilla regarded Zara. "Your craving for banana's will go away in time..." she paused. "I feel bad about what happened... I should have tried harder to stop her. I'm sorry."

"I'll live," Zara insisted while she started to eat on her burger. "So what did those two idiots do?"

Hakaya sighed, She knew this news wasn't going to go over well. So she explained, "Well the same night that you where mindfucked by Elizabeth, these two idiots strangled Petty officer Dart and Crewman Mundurm to death, and tried to dispose of the bodies in rather idiotic ways."

"Dare I ask what stupid ways they came up with?" Zara asked skeptically.

Hakaya simply replied, "Well, They tried to dispose of Dart by recycling her in a replicator. They only got as far a dematerialize her head before breaking it. Mundurm, they attempted to pry open a plasma conduit. They caused a power surge that blew up the port power coupling."

Zara facepalmed and shook her head, "Why do I get all of the asshats of the fleet, and only a handful of smarts?"

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Oh wow.... I ummm.." she paused. "Umm...." she stopped as she shook her head. "What do I say to that?"

Hakaya took a chomp out of her burger, while Karryn had already polished off a second burger. No one really said anything, when both Teval and Wukari came out of the bathroom.

"How are you holding up, Wukari?" Zara asked once everyone was seated.

Wukari held up her hands, which where both still in very restrictive braces, "Still can't really use my hands."

"Well... If Furban and Siaxx are working on your case, I've no doubt the inconvenience should go away soon," Tane promised. "I'm just sorry Gonad took his losses so sourly. He never really was fond of me keeping him from CAG either."

Wukari looked at her useless hands, "You have no idea how bad it is. I cant even clean myself anymore."

"I could have engineering install a bidet if you like. Assuming this injury is not likely to be fixed yet," Zara offered. "Medical say when the braces would come off?"

Wukari sighed, "At least another 2 weeks, if not longer. Plus they will go right back on after each surgery, a process that could take 6 or more months."

No one else said anything for a few minutes, until Hakaya mentioned, "I still have a hard time believing Jacen still wants to go through with taking this situation up with JAG, considering how worthless that useless fuck Gonad was."

"Well... he's got me stuck in a nice gilded cage.." Torilla responded. "I want out of my cage... I'm tired of having someone rattling my cage whenever Jerksin opens his mouth about justice." she commented in something of a sarcastic tone. "I will be on the bridge tomorrow morning in uniform and on time for alpha watch...." she turned to Teval. "Thank you for everything."

"I told him he isn't supposed to charge you. That you're my XO," Zara spoke rather loyally.

Teval sighed, "Well, I know I could use a break from the XO job for a few days, I miss the pod now."

"Hopefully you'll get to play in that pod again," Zara spoke hopefully, but paused when she thought about the kitty orgy she walked in on recently.

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Zara... you have such a filthy mind... there is nothing happening up in the pod.." she commented. "Tell you what... we'll go back to your place and I'll... finish your"

Hakaya and Teval looked at each other, confused, Hakaya then said, "wait, what was going up in the pod."

Zara shifted very uncomfortably pulled at her collar. "Well... You erm... You know Please don't make me say it aloud."

Teval and Hakaya where both now really confused, Teval then added, "Uh, no we don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, or what crazy assumption that you have."

"All the purple shirts were having an orgy in the tower, when I went to pick you as XO," Zara admitted quietly, and with a hugely red face while she looked down as her food.

Teval, Hakaya, Wukari and Karryn all facepalmed at the same time. It took a good minute for Teval to finally say, "Oh dear god, you have no clue how our species works. There was no orgy, you where just assuming wrong. Hakaya just likes to cuddle with people, there is no sexual desire in it at all."

Teval then looked at Torilla, saying, "I think Zara may need your help getting her head out of the gutter, I think its stuck good."

Torilla who was meanwhile munching on a chunk of beef burger as a smile graced her lips, swallowing her mouthful as she nodded her head. "Sounds like a job for Elizabeth... she can do it far easier then I could.."

"Heh," Zara huffed and just ate on her burger in silence. She was already embarrassed as it was to admit it.

A wide grin appeared on Torilla's face. "So.... you seem to have sex permanently on your brain." the taller woman commented. "Yes... I'm going to have to have a word with Elizabeth." as her eyes seemed to glass over.

A moment later the com system beeped. "Yamaguchi to Tane. I'll be right over as soon as I finish this assignment for Siaxx..." the younger woman seemed to be having a great old time. "Then.... you are mine..." there was the sound of someone blowing a kiss. "Tata darling... Yamaguchi out." and with that the com went dead.

Torilla's smile merely widened.

"Gotta go," Zara spoke in a panic, picked her burger up off the plate, and darted out of the room as fast as she could like scared off meerkat.

Torilla raised an eyebrow as a sigh escaped her lips. "Ahhh Elizabeth, you over did it."


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