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The War Prayer

Posted on Tue Feb 25th, 2020 @ 2:44pm by Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 15: Old Ghosts
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - December 3rd, 2390

Lieutenant Siaxx Dvald was sitting in her office, she had just moved in yesterday and now she was getting to know the system that her predecessor had left for her to deal with. It was a little more cluttered and chaotic then she would have preferred but it was also an elegant system, also it worked which for Siaxx was a must.

Now she was doing physicals for all of the new two hundred and eleven people coming aboard, many had already been done and now she was waiting on the last fifty or so.

Captain Tane was normally one you have to find, when you wanted a physical out of her. But the truth was, she wanted to meet her new doctor. The Ro had seldom been given great doctors and she knew her ACMO was a fruit loop. Thus Tane kept her fingers crossed, that Siaxx was at least fair.

"You haven't reported in yet," Tane accused as she entered the CMO's office. "And you probably should have, else I'd have to assume that bald-headed nymph was still in charge here."

Tane eluded to the anti-social half-Deltan, Lieutenant Nalla Furban. Gods know where the water nymph was. And Tane did not really care, for her former CMO was demoted and out of Tane's hair.

Siaxx raised an eyebrow as she regarded the Trill woman before her. "Indeed sir." she commented. "I heard about her from several of her recent conquests... I mean ex-lovers.." she then smiled. "I was going to report in this afternoon before asking for physicals from the new senior staff... "

"So are you wanting to do my physical? Or does that mean I can go hide?" Zara asked hopefully.

Siaxx regarded the Trill woman before her. "The physical will take two minutes and it won't hurt... I promise.... I will skip the drawing of your blood and the sacrifice.... this time around..." the Bolian commented in a jovial tone. "Of course we Vampires must have our blood... I am rather hungry afterall.... I've not fed and... you look simply... delicious." Siaxx then grinned at the Trill.

"I'm sure a vampire like you raids the plasma coolers often," Zara retorted very quickly, but was skeptic as she slowly sat on the nearest biobed.

"Nah, I prefer my blood to be fresh." Siaxx commented as she slowly licked her lips. "I've not fed today..."

"If you bite me, I'll brig you," Tane cautioned darkly.

Siaxx simply crossed her arms over her chest as she ran her tongue over her lips. "I'm willing to consider risking it.... but... first.." she produced a Tricorder. "Your physical.... I promise not to bite.. this time." she added a rather evil looking grin as she regarded the Trill.

"I'm told you're Phoenix's girl," Tane pointed out, rather than guessed. "The rate she fights, you're risking your life with that wild lioness."

"No more then yourself or anyone else Captain..." Siaxx commented. "Phoenix and I have had our fair share of issues, mishaps and misunderstandings." the tall Bolian explained. "No need for anyone else to add more....." she then gave Tane an unhappy look. "Do you have issues with Phoenix that I should know about?"

"Should? Probably. Will I? No," Tane spoke rather guardedly. "And if your girlfriend hasn't told you by now, then it's a good bet she wont either."

Siaxx regarded Tane in silence as she conducted the Captain's physical, without even touching the Trill woman. "I see.... how long has this thing between you two going on?" she inquired.

"I don't know... Maybe fifteen years?" Tane guessed with a shrug. "Before she lost her arm."

The Bolian female blinked. "Fifteen years... thats a long time to let this go... don't you think... I mean I've known her about six months and you...for about ten minutes.... so I can't really comment on it." she then slowly sighed. "However...I should make mention that I'm involved weither I like it or not."

"Maybe you should tell her as well?" Zara asked with a shrug. "All I know is that she hit me on the hangar deck and ever since, likes to keep hitting me."

The Bolian simply nodded her head. "Oh I plan on it." she then paused. "Also... I'd like to get some time out of sickbay and up on the bridge... I want some command experience... I already have the training... and... I'm starting to wonder if I can do something else other then fix hangnails and upset stomachs..."

"I'll talk to the XO... Maybe put you in the night shift a few times a week," Zara added after a long moment of pause. "Just keep Furban away from me and out of everyone's hair and I'll make it happen. She drives everyone bat shit crazy."

Siaxx nodded her head. "Alright... I'll keep Lieutenant Furban out of your hair...." she then suddenly grinned. "So long as I can have a bite?" she then grinned to show she was joking.

"You bite on the plasma," Tane thumbed the plasma cooling units. "Or your girlfriend... Don't think Phoenix would mind that."

Siaxx raised an eyebrow. "No... she'll enjoy it actually." the Bolian commented.

"Maybe you could nudge her during your pillow talk to report in to me?" Zara asked carefully. "If I come to her turff, she'll take it as a means of a war declaration."

"I'll tell her to report in tomorrow." Siaxx commented. "Before we ship out."

"So do I meet your health standards?" Zara prodded the good doc.

Siaxx slowly ran her tongue over her lips, as if trying greatly to resist the temptation. "Mmm... yes... you do." she commented. "You are fit.. for duty." she paused only a moment between the words fit and for as she smiled. "I'm still hungry."

"Go fuck your girlfriend then," Zara countered as she moved off from the biobed area.

Siaxx slowly smiled. "is that an order then??" she inquired

"Why not? Like not either department has a huge workload," Zara shrugged aside.

The Bolian rose to her feet. "Consider that order happily carried out." and with that Siaxx placed her tricorder on the desk in her office before leaving sickbay.


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