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Shock and Awe - Part One

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 2:54pm by Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:03pm

Mission: Mission 13: The Space Between
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 0800Hrs - March 1st, 2390

Lilly walks into the marines training room in her combat blacks with her combat knife attached to the small of her back with the handles of her two combat swords, with her throwing knives on her right leg and along her rifle carrying strap, along with a pair of combat pistols one on each leg.

Lilly looks around the room and sees that there is no one there apart from her. She walks over to the lockers and removes her swords and knives placing them in the locker and walks away and starts doing laps of the room. After several laps of the room she goes back to her gear and removes top and let's her hair down and picks up her combat knife and sword handles and walking back to the middle of the room.

Lilly stands in the middle of the room brushes her firing out of her face. "Computer activate bladed combat training program 13" moments after she finishes a dozen training foes appear around her with mixed weapons. She is charged by a foe with a combat knife, she pulls her own knife and engages them in combat they exchange blows till Lilly gets the upper hand and stabs the drone in the neck and it fades. Before she can catch her breath she is charged by 6 of the training drones with swords out, she replaces her combat knife in a holster and draws the handles of her swords and activates the blades, she takes out the first drone before it could react then locks blades with three of the stabbing one through the chest before thumbing one in the face bricking there lock and taking there heads off and they vanish.

She trips one of them up and stabs them in the chest before throwing one of her knives at an oncoming drone landing the blade right in the chest. The remaining drones enter the fray, Lilly displaces another with a throwing knife before combining her swords into a staff weapon by interlocking the handles. She twits it around taking off the head of one drone before engaging another two before lowing there guard kicking one in the chest and impaling them with one end of her staff and then gutting the other. Lilly kicks one in the knee forcing the to there knees and she slits it's throat, before bricking her staff in half and stabbing them into its feet before she brakes it neck. Removes one from the ground and throws it at the last drone landing the sword in the wall by the door.

Lilly turns round her hair a mess and Wild just in time to see the door open.

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she saw a body come flying past her, she raised her rifle as she slowly moved forward. "Drop your weapons." as she came around the corner to find herself face to face with Captain Ash-tor. "Sir." she commented.

"At ease, lieutenant, it's Lilly, do you see any rank on me at the moment?" Lilly says sweetly while doing so she retracts the blade on the sword in her hand and puts it back on her back as she gets up off one knee. "Please can you pass me my sword please?" She indicates to the sword stuck in the wall, not more than 3 foot form the lieutenants shoulder.

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she turned, she then yanked the blade from where it was embedded, then she handed the blade back to the other woman.

"Well this is one way to meet the new transfer" Lilly pauses for a moment then continues "or I could always shot an apple off your head if you would me rather." Lilly smiles and lets out a small laugh.

"Shoot an apple off of my head?" Tienn inquired. "Did I miss something?" the smaller Bajoran inquired. "I have a feeling that this is one story I must hear about."

Lilly smiles at Tienn, "yes we had a sniper and explosives training session just a few hours after I came on board and I gave the sniper demo and let's say I showed them how it was done by shooting an apple off the head of the chief operations officer. At this point I had not met anyone but the Major so my introduction to everyone was that." Lilly says as she starts walking back to her gear and indicates to Tienn to follow her.

"Isn't our Chief Ops Officer a Draenei?" she inquired as she followed after the larger human woman.

Lilly smiles, "yes she is."

"Did you reduce her to a ball of nerves and goo?" Tienn inquired. "Or did you actually remove the apple without harming a hair of her head?"

Lilly not trying to look to impressed with herself, "it was only 300 yards, it was an easy shot took it off her head without harming a hair. I would not expect her to have been a ball of nerves."

Lilly puts her swords on the work top before turning to the "lieutenant, how is your search for the new team going? Find what you are looking for?" Lilly inquires out of interest.

"Its not... I've only started looking... though I might take Amlari with me once she shows me she can handle explosives."


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