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The Dreams of Songs Gone Past - Part Eleven

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:35am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Captain Tirothyn R’Shav & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior.

Mission: Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Location: Hospital Plaza - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1630Hrs - June 12th, 2393

Captain Rabb smiled as he had finished with Captain, now Division Admiral Tom Lasky, as he returned to his office for the last contestant of today's quiz show. He knew that Tienn Iteela would be the last one of this group he would interview today and that she would be coming on duty shortly if she wasn't on duty already. Rabb picked up the single last PADD remaining on his desk as he tapped the display, the PADD lit up under his touch, he picked it up and then he read the display of the PADD in his hands about this one, he had already dealt with her sibling earlier today and now he was going to deal with Tienn Iteela.

Rabb raised an eyebrow as he reminded himself that he was glad he was sitting down as this case was a real case of Starfleet miscarriage of justice that it had a really bad habit of dishing out recently. Rabb noted that Tienn Iteela was sexually assaulted. Tienn was then demoted two grades for defending herself and security refused to press charges against the medical officer in question as the two were dating. Rabb blinked as he felt he missed something so he went back over it, noting the names of the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Security Officer, at the time the two were dating but now they were husband and wife with two children. Rabb sighed. "What you two did, was downright illegal and I aim to see that you two pay for these crimes," he said quietly, more to himself than anyone else.

Rabb tapped the PADD a second time before he scrolled down to the changes being made to Tienn Iteela's service record, pending her approval and the offer that was being made to the Bajoran. Rabb nodded as he rose to his feet and departed his office but the PADD was still on his desk, where Rabb had left it.

A few minutes later, Rabb entered the large hospital complex before moving to the large front desk. "Hello. I'm here to see Captain Tirothyn R'Shav."

"Is she expecting you, sir?" A young human female inquired, a cheery smile on her lips while she regarded Rabb.

"No, but I'm the Chief JAG Officer assigned to the base. I've been asked to deal with a case involving one of her medical officers and I want her present for this." Rabb explained. "So there are no issues and no surprises for anyone involved." Rabb clarified his position.

"I understand sir." The young woman answered. "Let me page here for you." as she tapped the display a few times. "Captain R'Shav has been paged, if I could get you to take a seat over there and she'll come and see you."

"Thanks," Rabb answered before he went over to the waiting area, he sat down in one of the empty chairs where several others where already waiting, some with ease and others who were clearly in pain. "What are you in for sir?" asked a young man who was clearly in pain from an injury to his arm.

"I'm just here to deal with a JAG case," Rabb answered. "What's your name?"

"Miklin sir. Petty Officer 3rd Class Ryan Miklin. Sorry sir." the man explained.

Rabb nodded. "What happened Micklin?. To your arm I mean?" he added a moment later.

"I was doing some work in a Jeffries tube and I misjudged the height, I lost my grip on the ladder and fell about four feet and landed on my arm," he explained.

"Ahh. Mind a word of advice?" Rabb inquired.

"Sure sir," Micklin responded in an uncertain tone.

"Turn off the internal gravity in the area where you're working, it'll make your life a little more complicated but if you slip or lose your footing, you won't fall anywhere." Rabb smiled.

Just then, a nurse came over "Captain Rabb?" she inquired.

"Yeah." Rabb rose to his feet while he was told that Captain R'Shav would see him now. "Thanks." he turned. "Take it easy Micklin." and with that, he followed the younger woman behind the large desk and down a series of hallways before finding himself at what he had assumed was his destination. He followed the tall Caitian female into her office. "Have a seat and tell me what you wish with me?" R'Shav responded as Rabb sat down. "Well, it's not with you per see. I'm here to see Lieutenant Tienn Iteela regarding a complaint that was made. I will explain all when she arrives." and with that, Rabb handed her a PADD.

The tall Caitian female read the PADD in silence before R'Shav regarded Rabb in silence for a moment, "Yes, I see why you came to me." the tall Caitian purred ever so softly. She tapped the combadge affixed to her chest. "R'Shav to Tienn?"

"Go ahead?" came the response from the Bajoran woman who Rabb was looking for.

"Could you come to see me in my office?. I have someone from JAG who would like a word with you."

"Lovely. I'm on my way." came the expected response. Rabb settled in to wait as he knew this wait would not take long. The wait ended quickly when there was a knock at the door. R'Shav bade her visitor enter and Tienn took a seat before the two of them. "What does Starfleet JAG want with me?" Tienn inquired bluntly.

Rabb regarded her with a look, she looked identical to Tienn Nerra whom he had dealt with earlier this morning except that she didn't have the baby bump her twin carried with her. "Last year, a complaint was made regarding yourself and several others, the evidence was compelling and damming." Rabb then slowly smiled. "Admiral Chegwidden asked Commander Roberts and myself to look into the matter, the accusations were not against you Ms. Tienn but rather it was about your treatment at the hands of others."

Tienn went from being suspicious and looking displeased to suspicious and looking confused. "Wait, you lost me." the Bajoran responded.

"Its a bit of a long story. In any event, the accusation was from a computer system located on Starbase Fifty Four and we don't know who sent it but I have my small list of suspects, namely Saki Yamaguchi among them. Anyway, the evidence checked out and the files for yourself and several others showed that illegal actions had been taken against you and others."

Tienn nodded, she was listening. "Go on please."

"Your issues result from your time on the USS Orlando," Rabb responded, stating the one thing that Tienn hated, it showed too. Tienn swallowed, she did not like discussing this matter with anyone, not even with family, however, this was official so she had little choice in the matter. "You'll forgive me if I say that I do not like discussing it."

"I understand but you'll like this," Rabb answered. "The Captain of the ship, who at the time was the ships, Chief Medical Officer. Well, his sins have now finally caught up with him, same with those of his wife who at that time was and still is, his Chief of Security." Rabb suddenly smiled. "I've asked the JAG officer on the ship where they are assigned to look into the two of them for drawing up of charges for one count of sexual assault. two counts of negligence. Two more counts of assault on Starfleet personnel. Two counts of conduct unbecoming and two counts of covering up a crime." Rabb explained.

Tienn paused. "Well, I didn't see that coming," she responded.

"The case with your name on it, in particular, was damming, Admiral Chegwidden asked me to personally handle these matters as our investigation is concluded, the black mark and the two demotions against you are going away. Your service record was tampered with. I assume by Lesley Ball as it makes sense for her to try and protect her husband's interests." Rabb explained.

Tienn paused. "So.. What does my service record look like now?" she inquired as she let out the long breathe she didn't realize she had been holding.

Rabb produced a PADD. "The top list of the original and the bottom list is the new one. You are also wearing the wrong rank." as he handed her the PADD.

Tienn accepted the PADD and began to read the display. "I am?" Tienn as she reacted with surprise. She then sighed softly. "I just got my rank of Lt Commander."

"I know," R'Shav answered for the first time in over five minutes. "But you are having what should have been your original rank restored to you, that of full Commander." as she produced a small black box. "I'll need your single black pip," R'Shav responded, a quick trade later and now Tienn was wearing three solid golden pips. "I didn't expect this."

"Neither did anyone else Tienn," R'Shav answered. "My personal issues just got resolved, I believe." The Caitian responded. "Captain Dvald will be so pleased." the Caitian then smiled.

"Nobody could have been expected to endure what you have endured Commander and remain a good Starfleet officer. You have been reasonable in an unreasonable time. Your conduct reflects this." Rabb explained. "Mister and Miss Ball, however, will answer for what they have done to you and others, you may be assured of that Ms. Tienn." he then smiled at her.

"Good. It took justice long enough to come but its here and I won't complain." Tienn slowly smiled. "Nerra called me earlier about you, she told me and I quote "to be wary of Captain Rabb bringing gifts" but here you are." as the Bajoran grinned at him.

"Nerra has judged me poorly I'm afraid," Rabb answered with a smile. "Most tend to see JAG as this force of doom and gloom and with work and effort, I am making efforts to change that, I start with this Starbase and the Starships presently docked here with all of their crews. The Child custody case last year has helped me but I have much to do, I am afraid." Rabb added.

Tienn nodded. "I do not envy you, that task."

"I embrace it actually," Rabb answered. "I hear all sides and then try my best to make an informed choice and decision on what to do. I also believe the regs can be too harsh at times. Fortunately, I have a supporter in Admiral Chegwidden so I can get away with it and my decisions stick." Rabb explained. "Do you have any further questions before I head back to my office to see my next visitor.?"

"No...Not at present anyway.." Tienn answered. "I probably will later, however."

"Of course, feel free to contact me when you have those questions," Rabb answered. "Thank you Ms. Tienn, for your assistance, you have been most helpful," Rabb commented with a smile. "I must head back to my office and move onto my next victim...err I mean contestant on today's reality show."

"What?" Tienn blinked as she had not been expecting the joke, neither had R'Shav been expecting it either.

Rabb paused. "Just a joke. Thank you for your time. Captain." he said to Tienn and R'Shav in order before he rose to his feet and departed.

Tienn paused as she gently ran her fingers over her rank pips. "I did not see this coming."

"I don't think any of us did Tienn." The Caitian female agreed. "Still. I've heard of Captain Rabb from others and he's not the type to fuck around." she paused. "You'd best head on back to your work and I'd better get back to this paperwork."

Tienn rose to her feet and with a nod, she departed in silence as the Caitian female returned her attention to the paperwork that was being demanding of her.


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