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Gunny Hobbs

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Selgae It'kla & Colonel Brianna Hobbs & Master Sergeant Gunthar Werner & Chief Warrant Officer Ryi "Taffy" Amlari
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 4:10pm

Mission: Mission 13: The Space Between
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 19th, 2390

Privates Ryi Amalri and Gunther Werner were sitting on a bench at the Promenade's mini arboretum. The small garden was on an upper level and over looked the foot traffic and outdoor cafes below. Ryi was eating out of a large bag of taffy. As she put the brightly colored orange and pink squares into her mouth she struggled to get the sticky squares of her blue fingers.

"What are you eating?" Werner asked Ryi.

"Andoria Taffy, best in the Federation. Kinda sticky though." Ryi answered.

"Really? Let me see a square." Werner demanded with his hand out.

"I didn't know you liked candy. Orange or pink?" Ryi asked.

"I don't care what color and I don't like candy." Werner answered as Ryi handed him a pink square.

"Then why do you want it?" Ryi asked, a little puzzled.

"Watch." Werner told her while moving behind the heavy screen of leaves.

Walking along the pathway of cafes below was a well dressed Caitian traveler. Werner flung out the pink colored square and it landed on the top of the Caitian's head. The merchant reached up to see what hit her and as she did her hand stuck to her head. She yelped as she had to pull out a large patch of fur to free her hand. She looked around in vain to see where the wayward candy originated.

Werner and Ryi were behind the leaves snickering. Without another word Ryi handed Werner an orange square. Werner waited until the Caitian huffed off. He then with incredible precision flung the orange square into a glass of Romulian ale sitting on a cafe table. The patron looked around, puzzled as to how the candy came to rest within the glass. He eventually fished it out with his fingers.

Across the level on the promenade Gunnery Sergeant, Brianna Hobbs looked out large windows at the Shadow.

"What happened to you girl?" she said as she looked at the damaged ship. There was more loud giggling. Brianna tried to ignore it but it was just too loud now. She had seen what the two marines where up to but until now just let them alone. The two were just acting too obnoxious.

"See if you can tag on officer." Ryi told Werner as she handed him a pink square.

"Do you think your behavior is appropriate?" Hobbs asked the two.

The two were taken by surprise. Werner had a flippant remark ready but didn't say it as he saw Hobbs' rank.

"Um, just um, letting off a little steam Gunny." Werner struggled to say.

"Where are you two assigned?" Hobbs asked.

Ryi acted dizzy and fell to one knee. "I'm sorry but I'm still wounded. I need to get back to our ship." she poorly lied.

"Yes, I'll help you back." Werner quickly caught on. "Sorry Gunny. Gotta go." he told Hobbs with a smirk.

Hobbs wasn't fooled by the lame act. "Wait a second you two" she ordered. The two ignored her and continued on. She was going to follow them but was distracted by two figures. On was a half Klingon marine officer. Her companion was a red headed marine noncom. The NCO stopped as she was a little struck by the sight of Hobbs. There was a flush of recognition on the women's face. Hobbs just looked at the women.

"Please say something Olga." Hobbs told herself. Olga turned her face into a scowl and silently rushed away. Hobbs stood there with a dejected look on her face. The incident didn't escape the notice of the officer who followed Olga.

Brianna sighed. "Better just get to the Shadow." she told herself as she headed towards the shuttle bay.

Meanwhile, Werner and Amlari reached the shuttle bay. Lance Corporal Singh was on duty outside.

"I didn't know you are on the duty roster." Ryi told Singh.

"I wasn't. I'm doing your shift because your still on light duty." Singh informed Amlari.

"Oh yah, right." Ryi casually blowing Singh's comments off. "Anyways, there is this noncom busy body following us. Please don't let her through." Ryi asked.

"So, you two did something and I'll get the tongue lashing?" Singh asked rhetorically and sighed. "If she isn't on the Shadow's manifest she won't get through." he reassured the two.

"Thanks bro!" Werner thanked Singh as the two headed for the shuttle.

At the base of the shuttle was a security Petty Officer with a PADD.

"Eh Shinsky. It's us." Werner told the man as he tried to board the shuttle. The petty officer stopped them in their tracks.

"That's Chief Petty Officer Karshinski to you sunshine." he corrected Werner. "And I need your name, rank, and position." he informed them.

"Private Gunther Werner, Marine Sir." he told the officer.

"Okay, thank you." he told the marine. He stopped Ryi as she tried to go along with Werner. Ryi had an annoyed look on her face.

"Really? How many Andorian Marines are onboard?" Ryi asked.

"Name, rank, and position please." Karshinski stated without emotion.

"Private Ryi Amlari, Marine." She told him.

"I'm sorry but are we peers?" Karshinski coolly asked.

"Private Ryi Amlari, Marine Sir." she restated, clearly annoyed.

"Thank you" he answered without emotion.

Ryi boarded the shuttle. there were a number of other personnel also boarding. She meet up with Werner who was sitting by a display screen.

"What are you watching?" she asked him.

"That women on the promenade. She followed us." Werner told her.

"She won't get passed Singh." she replied.

"And here she is." Werner stated while looking at the display. On it, Singh had his back turned and the women came into view. There was no sound but it looked like the two had a pleasant verbal exchange. Singh looked over his PADD. He then turned to face the shuttle. He had an excrement eating grin across his face.

"Why is he smiling like that?" Ryi asked.

"I don' know." Werner replied. "That weasel let her through!" he then said.

"Don't worry, Shinsky will stop her." Ryi told Werner.

The two could overhear the security officer query passengers. They paid more attention when Hobbs approached.

"Hello Chief." Hobbs said in a friendly voice.

"Hello Gunny." Karshinski replied.

"Gunnery Sergeant Brianna Hobbs, First Sergeant of the Marine detachment Chief." She told him.

"Thanks Gunny." Karshinski replied with a smile.

As Hobbs boarded the shuttle she noticed the two Marines she encountered earlier on the promenade. They looked at her with a little trepidation. She gave them a malicious smirk.


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