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The Song of Orthos

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 2:13am by Department Master Chief Petty Officer Stephen "Orthos" McKnight & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Main Settlement - Utgarde Four
Timeline: 0100Hrs - June 4th, 2393

Orthos McKnight was restless and he did not sleep well, it was late and while Daisy had the ability to sleep anywhere and anytime, a little detail that Orthos had always envied about his much younger spouse but that was something he would never tell her. He slowly moved onto his side as he sighed softly, when suddenly there was a loud scream, his fatigue was burned away as the scream was loud enough to wake Daisy and he was sure that it woke Edward and T'Sara as well.

Daisy sprang up in bed. "What the hell was that?" She asked as she got out of bed. "I'm going to check on the kids."

"Okay, I'm going to check on mom," Orthos responded before he slid out of bed and exited the large bedroom. In his heart, Orthos knew that his mother had just had a nightmare and he was concerned about her.

The cat had been startled by the scream and had run under the desk of the study that Othos had set up with two large cat trees as T'Sara began crying and Edward was also jolted awake, he also began crying.

"I'll settle Edward down. See if your mother is okay." Daisy rushed out of the room towards the crying Edward.

"I'll take care of it." Orthos's voice came back to her before he knocked on his mother's bedroom door. "Enter." McKnight bade her visitor enter, she knew exactly what they wanted.

The door opened and in walked Orthos, he regarded her with a concerned look in his eyes. "Mom, are you well?"

"I am satisfactory," McKnight answered quietly, however, there was some hesitation in her tone of voice.

Orthos simply looked at her, he knew full well of just how stubborn his mother could be when she dug in and stood her ground. "I am concerned mom," he responded. "We heard you scream. I told Daisy I'd come to look in on you," he added.

T'Sara knew that her son meant well as she pulled on her shirt over her chest and breasts. "I apologize for waking you both."

"No apology is needed. You are my mother." Orthos responded. "I often go to bed early so I can wake up and look in on the children as they slept. To make sure all is well. The new kitten is settling in well with T'Sara." he added. "Edward is restless so I got him a soft toy to sleep with. It is helping," he explained.

McKnight rose to her feet before she pulled the pair of pants on over her shorts that she had been wearing, she had no nudity taboo and Orthos knew this. "I need to go for a walk. I need to.." McKnight paused.

"I understand mom," Orthos answered quietly. "I will leave the front door unlocked for you," he added in a soft tone of voice.

McKnight pocketed the items she knew she'd need. "I do not know how to properly articulate what I feel," she admitted. "I am sorry my son."

"Dad was a part of us all, he shaped us and guided us. He was the guiding light we all followed." Orthos responded. "I know of how you feel mom, I have been there myself."

"I know, I apologize, I did not mean to belittle your own losses." the Vulcan female answered as she regarded her eldest son.

"No offense was taken, mother," Orthos answered with a nod.

McKnight moved out of the room she was staying in, as she passed her son at the door, she touched his hand with her own and then the moment was over as she moved down the two flights of steps and down into the hallway while Orthos remained upstairs as he watched her leave, he knew she needed to get out of the house and whats more he had done this himself a few times but he had his spouse near him and his young children. "Daisy.?" he said in a gentle voice.

"Yes, it's me," Daisy replied. She carried a now docile Edward on her hip. "Is T'Sara alright?"

"No," Orthos answered quietly. "She had a PTSD episode and she needs some air. I'll leave the door open for her," he explained. "Hows T'Sara and the kitty?" he asked of Daisy.

"I checked on them. They're both doing alright." Daisy replied as she slowly bounced Edward. "I imagine your worried about your mother?"

"I am. I know whats bothering her." Orthos sighed softly. "The same thing that's bothering me," he answered with a soft sigh as he regarded his spouse. "The main difference is.. I got you and the kids, she has only her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren." Orthos regarded his wife in silence a moment. "Dad was the one who helped sort mom out from when she was dealing with the fallout from her family and what they did to her. I got curious about them and many of them are minor functionaries in their home province on Vulcan, in short, they are all nobodies, never leaving home and never doing anything worth doing." he paused. "farmers, ferries, and stableboys. That sort of thing."

Daisy nodded. "It is just going to take time. There isn't much you can do to take the pain away. T'Sara has to let herself grieve."

"I know," Orthos answered in a gentle tone. "I remember what it was like, losing Vanessa I mean." he shook his head. "I need a drink, you want anything?" he asked of Daisy. "What about the kids?"

"No, I'm good. T'Sara is asleep with the kitten. Edward is having issues getting back to sleep. Why don't you make Edward some warm milk?" Daisy asked.

"Sure. I can do that." Orthos answered. "Something for an upset child. Gotcha." he went down the stairs before he went into the kitchen, he located the items he needed before he went to work. Orthos came back several minutes later before he gently handed Daisy the drink for Edward. "Here you go, its got a little honey in it," Orthos explained.

"Thanks. This should put him right to sleep." Daisy replied. After Edward finished his drink he started to nod off. Daisy looked Orthos. "I'm going to put him back to bed now." She could see that Orthos was in deep thought. "Look you're obviously still upset. Why don't you take some time off? You must have like twenty years worth of vacation time?"

Orthos smiled at the statement. "I have close to fifteen years of time off but you're right. I should take time off to help with processing this," he commented. "A shower will help clear my head," he added.

Daisy smiled. "Good. His Majesty is already asleep. Take a shower and then see if your mother wants to talk."

Orthos chuckled softly, he had not been expecting the joke about Edward. "Alright. I'll wait for mom, she might be awhile, you go on back to bed.." he commented while he seriously considered asking Daisy to join him in the shower, in the end however, he decided not to.



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