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Foxtrot Seven - Part One

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:04am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:05am

Mission: Mission 11: Red VS Blue
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 0900Hrs - Febuary 6th, 2390

Fives was in his workout gear with a bostaff in his hands, working
through several katas as the sound of the bo cutting through the
air made a whooshing sound.

Fives smiled as he ordered a single opponent from his program lineup,
the shaolin monk appeared as both men bowed to each other then
the battle was joined as both men closed to engage, the monk attacked as Fives parried his first blow then he saw off the second attack which only narrowly missed his face.

Fives then went on the attack, from the outside looking in it would have
seemed like two men determined to kill each other as The doors opened and
in came Rachael Yamaguchi with a duffel over her left shoulder as Tressa followed the teenager with the children by her sides, one holding each of her hands.

Kaylee moved closer to Tressa, and her dark eyes met Racheal's. The doctor was looking at the stationary bicycles.

Rachael saw the fight first as a frown appeared on her delicate face. "Tressa, I'll take the kids with me okay?" she commented quietly. "Xavier.. go change, we'll meet you in the pool okay?"

Tressa turned towards the girl and caught the movement of the fighters. "Good idea, Racheal," she said.

"I got my turtle shorts!" Xavier exclaimed, then he sprinted towards the men's changing room.

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "I always come prepared..." she then smiled. "Wait... is that Fives?" she inquired.

"I think so. I'll catch up with you guys," Tressa said.

"I'll look after Kaylee okay...." with that a smile appeared on the teenagers face. "We'll meet you in the pool." she turned to the seven year old girl who was standing next to her aunt but was her mother in all but name. "Come on sweetie. Lets let your mom handle that."

Kaylee put her hands on her hips and shook her head; for a moment she looked like Tressa. "Xav always runs, its polite to walk!" she said. The doctor chuckled at the girl as she followed after Racheal.

Fives meanwhile had defeated his opponent as he smiled. "You fought well brother, I'll honor your name over my evening meal." he said in flawless Tibetan. "You might be just a hologram but... you will be honored all the same." he added.

"Tom..." Tressa said softly as she approached the tall man.

Lasky turned to regard her. "Tressa. I was just thinking of you.... Would you care to spar with me?" he inquired, it was a simple request.

She smiled, "I'm not much of a fighter. It's more my style to put people back together, not take them apart," she said with a wink.

"Do you wish to learn...?" he inquired as he regarded her with a smile. "Or am I interrupting something else?"

"I'm going for a swim later, but sure, why don't you show me what you were doing?" she said. "Go easy, ok? Combat was never my forte."


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