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Saved By the Bell - Part One

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:19am by Colonel Thomas Jackson & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 9: Interference
Location: Airlock Three - USS Essex
Timeline: 1200Hrs - May 1st, 2389

Master Sergeant Jeffery Duval sighed softly as he walked off of the USS Essex as he boarded the starbase he nodded to the two guards on duty as he proceeded to check in so the base computer and the personnel would know he was back aboard base.

He had one notation indicating that someone had left a message for him but due to his status as First Battalion, First Sergeant, the number of people wanting to see him was limited so he shrugged his massive shoulders and went back to his office, where he usualy lived.

He reached the main armory where he traditionally stored his various weapons, a claymore and two old style M1911's where stored here in addition to his armor. He checked in his personalized rifle which he had custom crafted himself, it was larger then the standard rifle and had two power cells rather then one but the rifle was one of a kind.

Then he went to his office, he walked in as he smiled. "Home, sweet home." he said to the empty space as he sat down at his desk, he tapped the display as he quickly called up his messages.

He quickly noticed that there were a great many changes happening on base, they and added an armed battalion which Duval thought was very long overdue and that a Colonel Thomas Jackson wanted to see him, Jackson was marked as both the 1st Division, and MARSOC experienced so Duval rose to his feet and out the door he went.

He found the Colonel's office a few minutes later as he tapped the door chime.

Jackson found himself with another routine day of reviewing the after action reports filed by his officers after these past events. The sound of a door chime actually brought joy to him, knowing that a visitor would be a break from routine.


The door opened and in came a mountain of a man. "Colonel Jackson?" the being rumbled, his voice sounded like an odd mix of Vulcan Shi'kar and New Zealand, needless to say he had quiet the accent as Duval came to attention and saluted the Major. "Master Sergeant Duval, you wanted to see me?."

Jackson thought to himself "Was this a man, or an asteroid?", but kept the thought to himself. He also saw in this marine's eyes, that he was one of the few marines in this sector that has seen more action than himself. He also recognized another element in Duval's accent. The accent of home...

"At ease Master Sergeant. What part of Alpha C are your from? I am from Athens."

"New Leningrad sir" Duval answered with a smile which on his face looked unusual as he relaxed, Duval didn't smile much and everyone who knew him knew that. "I've not been home in many years... but I have no reason either."

"I have been home a few times since enlisting. My longest break was after the last war. Other than that, I don't get home much. Now, I have been reviewing your service record. Two things that got my attention. One, you are MARSOC qualified. Now, we already have a dedicated MARSOC group, but from time to time, you can partake in their operations if you would like. Now the second thing that got my attention. You are sniper qualified."

Jax waited for his words to sink in before he continued.

"I know that you are the top NCO of 1st Regiment, but as needed, can you take on the sniper role?"

"I'd consider it a privilege sir." Duval answered evenly. "Sniping is a special job as not everyone can handle it and as for the MARSOC group, if they will have me then I will operate with them."

"Well, since I have a special understanding with the MARSOC CO, they would have you from time to time. After all, I don't want to permanently deprive First Regiment of an experienced First Sergeant. I will "borrow" you from time to time. "

"I understand sir." he responded. "Permission to speak freely?"


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