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Klingon Lessons - Part Two

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:00am by Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 8: Hope Found and then Lost
Location: Turbolift leading to the holosuite - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1210Hrs - April 18th, 2389

"Welcome to the Courtyard of House Kaang." Rachael supplied the information.
"It is here that I train."

Looking around the area Meslina nods to Racheal, "impressive I look forward to testing out the programs Mok'bara with my own." She says as the opponents start to file out of the building and into the courtyard.

There were a half dozen Klingon warriors, all were armed only with knives and all were wearing exercise clothing, also upon closer inspection, all were teenagers.

Staring at the Klingons Meslina felt a little sadness fall over her as they reminded her of the Klingon friend that had died, whom had trained her in the ways of Mok'bara. She then looked over at Racheal and saw that she was getting prepared to start her combat exercises and decided that it would be a good test of her skills to go up against another Klingon regardless if it was a bunch of teenagers or not, considering that even the teenagers could be a ruthless group of fighters if pushed far enough.

Rachael gently shrugged both shoulders as a smile graced her lips before going over to the War Master, which was an instructors rank, much like Drill Sargent was for the Federation.

She bowed to him as he acknowledged her presence with a simple grunt and then a nod. "You are on time. I see they still teach you manners child....when I finish with you-" was as far as he got before Rachael had wound up with her bo and slashed it across his front, the ease and grace indicated that the bo was her preferred weapon of choice.

He growled before he reached down, snatching a fistful of her tunic he brought Rachael to him as he snarled something at her, she snarled back at him before driving her knee twice into his solar plexus, this caused him to drop her.

She landed in a huff on the ground but remained standing. "You will permit me to train here War Master..."

The old grizzled Klingon smiled at her. "You have earned your spot... come then..."

Meslina tilts her head to the side then looks at the other warriors that stand off to the side wondering if she should do a warm up on them before trying her hand that the War Master that Racheal just fought with. Going with her gut instinct that is exactly what she does approaching one of the teens she drops down into a combat stance and lets out a low growl of challenge then she leaped forward.

The Klingon teen reacted as he swept aside her first strike and then parried her second, he then moved backwards as Rachael turned her head to watch the Ensign taking on one of the Klingon students.

Reacting to his parries she switches her stance to more of a defensive one trying to goad him into attacking while he stood there confused the Klingon Master yells at the student to attack and stop acting like a scared fool. Being pushed into an attack from Meslina's unusual stance and his Master he comes at her and she parries his attack this time only to land a blow in his gut with her knee, though sacrificing her own side to his free hand as he comes around and lands a full fist into her side. Letting out a small grunt at the impact she backs off a little and then when he thinks that she is not coming in for an attack she bounces off her back foot and does a spinning kick to his left leg knocking it out from under him. Following through she punches him with both fist while he is still in the air knocking him firmly into the ground at her feet.

The master watched Ensign Amakawa in silence before turning to Rachael. "How are you larger then she is?"

"Because of different genetics and I wouldn't let the Ensign hear that if I were you."

"Or What?" he growled in challenge.

"Or she can and will kick your ass.." Rachael smiled. "Go on... make my day... see how badly she beats you."

The Klingon growled as he stalked over to where Mesilina was standing before he said something insulting to her in Klingon. Rachael sighed as she watched the Ensign, wondering what she was going to do next.

An evil grin slowly crept upon Meslina's face as the insult was being said, though she only understood bits and pieces of it from her friend and former Mok'bara Master. "Really now is that anything that should be said about a lady?" she says as she reaches down and prepares to do a full body punch to the side of his head.

Seeing her fist he laughs and then spits in her face while calling her a petaQ. That was the last straw for Meslina for in a instant she had knee'd him right in the balls and then jumped up and did a head butt to his face as it was coming down from the shock of the crunching sound that Racheal heard from over where she was.

"bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh!" Meslina tells him as he groans on the ground. Thankfully he manages a slight reply and she is happy that she doesn't have to go through with the death threat.

Rachael watched in silence, her only reaction was raising one eyebrow. "Nice." she commented. "I didn't think you had martial arts experience.." the larger teenager commented, the fact that the Ensign was smaller then she was, was still a novelty for her.

"Yeah I had a good teacher, and plus he pissed me off commenting on my height being that of a child's and that I wouldn't make any male afraid of me... I think I just proved him wrong." Meslina stated as she looked down at the hologram, a little guilt flooding her as she swore that she wouldn't let her anger get to her as much.

Rachael regarded the Ensign with a smile as she regarded the drill instructor who was still lying on the deck. "I would agree.... they know I'm a teenager and you are smaller then me.." she turned her attention back to the Ensign. "Which... isn't always a bad thing..... but I'd stay away from the school if I were you.." Rachael then grinned at the older woman. "You might have some of the older guys hitting on you, especially if you are out of uniform."

Meslina looks up a Racheal a little and cocks her head to the side thinking, "I'm not sure what is meant by that but I will try to keep that in mind for future reference."

"Well.. you do look rather young... I can only assume you're a couple of years older then Elizabeth, my oldest sibling, she just turned twenty."

At that Meslina burst out into a joyful laughter in between breaths she manages to get out her age. "My young friend I turned 37 on March 19th, but I thank you for the complement of you thinking that I was much younger."

Rachael blinked, this was something of a surprise. "Wait... What?" Rachael asked. "You're kidding me right...?"

Meslina stops laughing a little bit and goes over to Racheal and puts a slender hand on her shoulder, "no I'm not kidding. I may look young but I've been around the block so to speak. It's a family curse in a way because the women always look a lot younger than what they really are not to mention my height and build doesn't help it," she says kind of making an effort not to laugh again.

"Well it could always be worse I guess." Rachael commented. "I'm the smallest Yamaguchi.... well of my family anyway..." she paused. "I should introduce you to my brother the next time he's on leave."

"I guess so, I mean I'm still not sure about your mother yet since I haven't meet her. Let's meet her and then we can go forward with the rest of the introductions." Meslina said while slightly embarrassed about the fact that she isn't good with dealing with males that much.

"Mom has an odd sense of humor." Rachael explained evenly.

"So I'm heard from some of the other people that I've talked to, but that makes it more interesting rather than a dull work environment." Meslina says after thinking about it for a moment. "So I think we've had a nice warm up and talk but I really think I'm starting to get hungry now," she touches her stomach a little as it gives off a slight grumble. "Maybe some other time we can train again it"

"I'd like that." Rachael smiled at the smaller woman facing her. "You mentioned breakfast?" her smile widened. "I can finish my training later."

At that Meslina laughs again, "computer end program." The holodeck goes back to it's normal grid base and the door shows up about ten feet away, both of them make their way to the door and head out into the corridor. "Um this may sound a little weird, but since I'm new here could you lead the way to the mess hall."

Racheal looks down at Meslina and smiles a little, "yeah just follow me. You'll get used to this place soon enough if you are going to be here for a while." she paused a moment. "Well I can't get into the mess hall but I do know a few good places on the promenade which make some excellent food.


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