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Over Coffee

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:14am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:15am

Mission: Mission 7: Finding My Way
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1600Hrs - March 20th, 2389

It was sixteen hundred and as if on cue, the door opened and in strolled
Lieutenant Tom Lasky as he looked around. "Hey... has Doctor-" he paused
as he didn't really know her name. "The hot one from earlier.. Whatever her name was... has she left yet?"

The duty nurse gave him her sternest look over the front desk.

"I beg your pardon?"

Fives sighed softly. "Has the on duty Doctor departed yet?" he inquired
evenly as if expecting the resistance. "The taller one with shoulder length chestnut coloured hair.." he added as he smiled at the Andorian Zhen who was talking to him.

"Doctor Tressa Brislan, the station CMO?" she asked with a disapproving tone.

"Yes?" Tressa answered as she walked out of her office. "Oh, hello Fives," she said, grinning. "Excellent timing."

Fives smiled at the Zhen behind the desk. "Yes... the hot one.." as he turned his attention to Tressa. "Hey, I was beginning to wonder if these folks overprotect you from the evil people roaming the halls and floors of the base." he commented. "So... you working late or?" he inquired as he knew she frequently had to work long hours.

"Just finished the hand-off meeting so I am officially off-duty," Tressa said, handing a PADD to the duty nurse. It was received with a raised eyebrow as the pair walked towards the door. "I hope my staff wasn't too unkind," she added with a laugh. "I think she's more surprised that I'm not leaving alone!"

"No. they are protective." Fives responded. "I don't think the nurse liked it when I was asking for you... I couldn't remember you're name so I said... Y'know the hot brunette or the hot one.." he admitted. "the look the Zhen gave me was worth it though... she was not amused." he smiled at her. "So..
any ideas where we should go?, I don't know where anything is in this place.."

"The hot brunette? Well you confused her," the doctor said with a laugh. "There is a nice cafe not far from the Habitat, we could go there? They have food too and I'm starving," she added, patting her stomach.

"Then we should go eat... anywhere is good really." he smiled at her, noticing her smile. "shall we then?" he looked at her.

"Absolutely," she answered. "This way."

Fives followed her as he decided to inquire about her. "Tell me about yourself Tressa... where you from and the like?" he inquired.

"I'm an Earthling, born in North America on the Chesapeake Bay. My dad was a marine biologist," she began. "We had the most popular house in the neighborhood, all of the kids wanted to spend time with our pets. My brother Aiden became an exobiologist."

Fives smiled. "Sounds like you had a happy childhood and lots of friends around." he commented.

"I did. Our mother died when we were teenagers, he was Irish, she was Sicilian. Strong personalities but they loved one another." Her gaze softened as she thought of her family. She nudged him with her arm, "How about you, where are you from?" she asked with a smile.

Fives looked at her. "There isn't much to tell... Like you, I'm from Earth but I don't have a family.... they were all killed when a drunken shuttle pilot lost control and crashed into the starliner we were vacationing on. I was one of sixty survivors of...." he sighed. "of over three hundred.." he looked at her.
"I was the only one of my family who escaped, mom dad and Nigel didn't make it."

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry," she said softly.

"It was a long time ago.." he explained. "I've long since adjusted to it... no uncles or aunts, I'm last Lasky." he shrugged as if he was okay with that.

Tressa took a deep breath as they turned a corner and walked into the Promenade. "Do... do you have children?" she asked carefully.

Fives regarded her. "No." he admitted.

"I do, well, they are my niece and nephew. My brother and his wife died in the line of duty four years ago and I've had them ever since."

"Then you understand..." he replied quietly. "Tell me about them..." he seemed almost hesitant. "I'm sure they are great kids. They have to be with you as their mom..."

She smiled again as memories of Xavier and Kaylee flooded her mind. "They were great kids before they were mine. Twins, and their mother was Betazoid, but two children were never more different. Xavier is very much like Aiden; lots of friends, competitive, not shy at all. Kaylee... she's the quiet one. Loves her books, fewer friends than Xav, responsible. They are very close to one another, though. Oh, this is the place!" she said, pointing to an Italian cafe. "The best panini sandwiches in the quadrant!"

"Sounds good, This I have to try." he followed her into the café, a few minutes later they were seated at a table. "Do your kids have someone to teach them about their abilities?" he inquired.

She watched him for a moment. "I do, yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because I was curious." he responded quietly. "children with special needs can be a handful..." he sighed softly. "especaly when telepathy comes into it."
he paused. "but at least someone is helping with their training... that you can't go wrong with." he paused a second time as a waiter came over. "Mademoiselle, may I please take yer order?" he inquired in a heavy French accent, despite the fact that this was an Italian place.

Fives raised an eyebrow. "I like the fake accent...."

"I apologize...." the Frenchman dropped his accent. "I thought this was a French restaurant."

"No.... Italian." Fives commented evenly. "Weak eyes... excellent ears.."

Tressa chuckled. "Vorrei un cappuccino, per favore, and coffee for you, Fives?" she asked.

"I'll try a cappuccino... with chocolate if you can arrange it." clearly he had no idea whatsoever of what went into it.

"Lo stesso con il cioccolato per il mio bel amico," she added. The server nodded and walked away.

Fives turned his attention back to the lady before him. "You're accent is a little off... Corsican?" he inquired as he tried a guess, he knew it was an islander but he wasn't sure but then he had not been on Earth in close to fifteen years now.

"Sicilian, I'm a bit rusty though. Parli Italiano?"

"i just have an ear for accents.... yours is.... interesting" he regarded her. "No. I can't speak Italian..... sprechen Deutsch?:" he inquired.

"No, I'm sorry I don't. Is your ear for accents related to what you do?" she asked with a smile.

"Not in the slightest. I'm a damage control specialist who earned a decent rank." he explained. "I always preferred damage control. its like surgery on a ship or base.... power is blood and when its damaged, it bleeds everywhere."

"That sounds like a high-stress job."

"Same as a Doctor my dear.... just with metal and computers." he smiled at her. "rather then flesh and bone."

"The flesh and bone of a starship," she said with a wink.

"Indeed." he smiled at her as he raised an eyebrow as their food arrived, he looked at the waitress. "Thank you dear." he commented as she blushed as she dropped off the Doctors food, then she went away.

"Quite the charmer, aren't you?"

"I'm just old fashioned in regards to others Tressa, I might be a miserable old sod but that doesn't mean I need the rest of the galaxy to share my misery."
he then smiled. "but... I manage with what I have... and most of the time... its good enough." as a smile graced his lips as he added in flawless German.
"Sie sind die schönste Frau, die ich je getroffen habe."

"I wouldn't have taken you for miserable, Fives. Why would you say that?" she asked, sipping her drink.

"Well... mostly its because some have assumed in the past that because I have no family in a place like this that's full of families, that I must be miserable because I am alone." he explained. "I manage.. I don't smoke, I don't drink and I don't do drugs and I manage.." he regarded her. "How about you?"

"I don't remember feeling alone before I had the kids, now in so many ways they are my life," she began. "When I'm off station I have a bit more time to myself but I still miss them. Sometimes you have to step back and see what you have, not what you don't. I'm sure you have friends, don't you? If not you certainly make friends quickly," she added with a smile.

"I've only been on base for a few days now." Fives commented as a waitress came over. "Umm... Miss.." she was addressing Brislan. "Do you know what he said to you in german?"

"Ah, no, I was afraid to ask," she said sheepishly.

Fives raised an eyebrow. "I said you were the most beautiful woman I had ever met."

The waitress nodded. "Your accent is flawless... you even sound like a native of Hannover." she added as he smiled. "I've kept sharp... could I get a cup of coffee since you're here."

"Of course. black?"

"Please. two sugars."

She nodded and with that, she was off, leaving Tressa and Tom alone.

"That was so sweet of you to say, maybe it's good that I don't speak German," Tressa said, blushing slightly. She watched him for a moment, as if seeing him for the first time. "You don't seem miserable at all, Fives. But there is more to you than meets the eye."

Fives chuckled softly as he regarded her. "Good... I hate to be considered as a cardboard cut out." he commented as he gave her a smile. "If you ever want to learn German.... I'd be happy to teach you but.... it would be easier to do in a private setting."

Tressa laughed, "Very smooth, Fives, very smooth." She caught the attention of their waitress, "Antipasto salad, please. Are you having anything?" she asked the Lieutenant.

Fives regarded her. "Tressa, I sense you have no faith in me.... would I take advantage of you like that?" he looked at her as a soft smile crossed his lips.

"A woman can hope," she replied with an inviting smile of her own. "You have such beautiful eyes," she added softly.

"Ahem," the server said in an anxious tone. "Can I get you anything else?"

Fives smiled as he regarded Tressa. "No thanks." he said to the Waitress who nodded as she departed.


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