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Mirror, Mirror - Part Eight

Posted on Sat Mar 21st, 2020 @ 5:25am by Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi
Edited on on Wed Mar 31st, 2021 @ 5:01am

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard / USS Spirit of Winter
Timeline: 1245Hrs - September 11th, 2393

Jorge was seating at the work station that this set of quarters maintained, he liked how it was tucked away to the side but it was small enough to be cozy but large enough to work with, in short, it was a good place to work on assignments from home or do some work for one's reasons from home, It had several bookcases along the walls, but these were empty and presently say unused as Odessa had nothing to put there. Jorge regarded the information displayed before him. "Hmmm... So I too, have a twin here as well... Except he looks a little different to me." Jorge said quietly aloud, "the nose, for one thing..." he added. "I assume, same father but different mothers..." he paused as he glanced over the file before him, the mother's name was listed.

"Computer display file of Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi..." and the computer obliged him. "Oh my, she's hot." he mused softly as he regarded the woman who he had asked for. Long dark hair over a dark-skinned woman's face, with gentle blue eyes, she had a strong jawline and an impish smile. Jorge could tell that this was a woman who had a rather potent sense of humor but there was a subtle power within her and a gentleness he could also see.

"So you are the wife of my uncle Jake... Feels weird saying his name like that..." Jorge commented quietly. "Weird."

The image didn't change as Jorge tapped the display once, the screen went black. He noted the similarities between this woman and his mother and the differences between the two women. "Computer, list the family members directly related to Torilla Yamaguchi..." he commented.

The names were listed a moment later. Jorge noted the names in silence as he regarded one of the names that leaped off of the page at him. "Savannah Yamaguchi. Wife of Gabriel..." as he sat back in hair chair before he tapped his combadge. "Yamaguchi-Tienn to Com Center, could you call the USS Spirit of Winter for me, I'd like to talk to their Chief Tactical Officer, mark it as personal please?"

"Understood Lieutenant, placing your call now, please stand by."

Jorge settled in to wait in silence, while he waited, he had suddenly wondered what he was thinking about when the screen before him activated as a young man was sitting at a display, much like this one with a young woman seated next to him, both of them looked calm and relaxed, or as much as one could while wearing the uniform. Savannah regarded him for a moment before she turned to her husband. "Looks like I lost, you can claim your winnings from me later," she commented to her husband before she turned to the man before her. "Hello. I was wondering when you would call... "

"I guess so," Jorge commented. "I'm Jorge Yamaguchi-Tienn... I'm... Well, I guess I am your new cousin."

"You look like my twin. Cousin... Pah, you could pass as my twin and nobody would know the difference." Gabriel answered with a smile as if the entire event didn't bother him in the least. "I heard about uncle Ian... Dad called me and informed me... I'm expecting Elizabeth shortly as Dad mentioned she met Serina... He said it was weird seeing Elizabeth with Bajoran nose ridges and with more lines and angles then a garden rake... His words, not mine..."

"You'll forgive me but I was not expecting you to be so... accepting? or welcoming?"

"Why not?" Gabriel asked. "You've done me no wrong and you've just lost everything in your life that gave your life any real meaning," he explained evenly. "The least I can do is to welcome you, to accept you and find out what sort of a man you are..." he paused as he smiled. "Besides, you seem of sound mind and judgment."

"How do you know?" Jorge inquired. "I could be insanely crazy..." he added, testing the waters.

"Perhaps... But I trust my dad. He said as much, he met your father and your mother... Saying that a version of dad married to Tienn Ezas is something I find oddly romantic, even if my mom wasn't available so he got the next best he had instead, your mom..."

Jorge paused. "Umm... Do you and Tienn Ezas get along?"

"We do, she is a friend to my family," Gabriel answered. "She has a Capellan for a husband, he's a good man to have around." he paused. "Dad thinks the world of him... Maybe your dad will too."

"Maybe, after Dad settles in... Dad wanted out of the service for his reasons... Mom called him back and it was only because it was her that he even considered coming back in the first place..."

"I can understand, He had other goals in life... Which is perfectly fine." Gabriel answered. "So, any ideas what you will do now?"

"Try to move on with life as best as I can... Try and find a way forward."

"Fair enough... If Savv and I can help, do not hesitate to ask us okay, any time of the day or night..."

"Why?" Jorge asked without thinking about it. "Why do you care?"

"Because that's what you do for family, you look after them and you protect them and never turn your back... ever."

"Serina was right..." Jorge commented quietly. "She said I was being unfair and that I needed to try to reach out to my kin here... Same father but different mother. It is really strange meeting myself..." he paused. "But I hope we can at least be friends..."

"You have done no wrong, to me or mine..." Gabriel repeated himself. "I'd like that..." he turned his head. "I'm due back on watch shortly so I must go. Can I contact you later?"

"Sure, I have no assignment so I will be around for awhile... Probably a few weeks before my new assignment comes through." Jorge answered.

"Sounds good. I assume you are on Vanguard for a time? okay. I'll contact you later okay?"

"Sounds good," Jorge answered, a smile on his lips

Savanah regarded him. "It was good meeting you, Jorge." and with that, she hung up, terminating the conversation in silence. Jorge sat back in his chair as he reflected on the communication that had just taken place, he was starting to feel good about the chance encounter and now maybe he could find what he was seeking on the road of life that stretched out before him.


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