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Coming to a Boil - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 3:52pm by Captain Tolian Brevik & Commander Malcolm Walters & Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Watseka & Major Bart DeCrescents & Lieutenant Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance
Timeline: 1330Hrs - August 23rd, 2393

Doctor Skherli smiled as he finished his doctored paperwork, he placed it onto the pile to be sent to the administration personnel under his command when one of the two nurses who were Human Defense League moles, dropped by his office. "Doctor, recovery room one is ready for you." the young human nodded before he responded. "Good, mark it as off-limits to all save myself only," he answered evenly.

"Right away doctor." the woman answered evenly before she departed, to carry out the order that he had assigned to her. While he rose to his feet and he decided it was time to claim his prize, once and for all, a moment later he entered the recovery room with a large medkit in hand, after the door closed behind him, he locked it before he went to enjoy his prize as he began to remove his clothing, he wished to have his way with Lindsey Watseka before anyone could stop him. He felt a rather delicious feeling of lust pass through him as he gently began removing her skirt and panties, before he slid his thick cock into her soft, wet womanhood.

An hour or so later, after he was finished with what he was doing, he smiled as he placed the evidence to incriminate the other victim onto Lindsey Watseka, while she slept off the drugs in her system which was keeping her sedated, allowing Skherli to do what he wished with her at any time. He smiled while he grinned. "Everything is proceeding as planned."

Shkreli then went about cleaning off anything that did not need to be present, and a short time later, after dropping into the chair in his office. Skherli tapped his combadge. "Skherli to Brevik?" he commented as he smiled.

"Brevik here. Yes Doctor?" came the answer.

"I found out what happened to Commander Watseka," he explained.

"Understood," Brevik answered evenly. "I'll be right down."

Skherli only needed to wait a few minutes before the door opened and in walked Brevik. "What's going on Doctor?"

"Commander Watseka was assaulted and raped by Major DeCrescents," Skherli responded. "I have her in recovery ward one, nobody can get access to her except authorized personnel only."

"Can I see her?" Brevik inquired, he wanted to be sure that his chief of security, his friend, was alright.

"I'm afraid not sir. She's recovering at present." Skherli answered evenly.

"I see," Brevik answered before he was handed a PADD by Skherli. "The extent of her injuries and the like, sir." the Doctor explained.

Brevik read the PADD in silence. "Thank you, Doctor, as soon as Lindsey wakes, I'd like to talk to her."

"I'll keep you posted Captain," Skherli promised one he had no intention of ever keeping. Brevik took the PADD with him as he departed sickbay, he had suspicions as he knew Major DeCrescents from a previous assignment and the two men were friends. He tapped his combadge. "Brevik to the bridge."

"Walters here, go ahead skipper?" came the expected answer.

Brevik smiled. "Find Lieutenant Commander Stinson, advise her that due to Lindsey being sidelined. That's she's now in charge. I'll be talking to Major DeCrescents. Send a security team to my location but keep this quiet, I do not wish to cause more drama than needed."

Walters smiled, he nodded his head. "You got it, skipper, four security guys will be en route to you momentarily."

Brevik slowly smiled. "Thank you number one." as he tapped his combadge a second time before he reached out with his left hand, he tapped the wall panel. "Computer locate Bart DeCrescents?" he inquired of the ships main computer.

"Major DeCrescents is in his office. Should I show you the way?" the computer who was almost fully intelligent in her own right, answered in soft dulcet tones.

"Negative," Brevik answered in softly. "I know the way." he then started off. "Bart, I hope you can explain this... Because I will give you that chance," he said to himself in a quiet tone of voice.

Brevik reached his destination a moment or so later. He tapped the doorbell before he settled in to wait to be granted access to the other man's domain.
The answer was forthcoming a moment later. Bart DeCrescents was a large hulking human male, he was of average height but he was very well built, muscled and defined. "Skipper, this is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?"

"You can explain the injuries to Lindsey Watseka," Brevik answered in a cool tone of voice, he handed the report to DeCrescents. "Doctor Skherli has implicated you in this matter."

DeCrescents blinked, this was a shock and the look on his face said as much. "Skipper. You and I have both known Lindsey for a very long time, I came to this posting because you asked it of me, she came back you asked it of her." he paused. "I was in my office all morning, I didn't do this. She's been my friend for many years now. Hell, she and I were engaged to be married at one point but assignments broke us up. Tolian you know all of this... Do you really think I'd want to hurt her?" DeCrescents answered in a defiant, angry tone of voice.

"I know Bart. I wanted to look you in the eye and see what you had to say." Brevik answered in a soft tone of voice. "I have my own questions but you know how this has to go... So I'll have you confined to quarters, for now, out of respect for our friendship and if I find out that you did do this... Well, I won't say it, I don't need to but you know I had to do this Bart. These are very serious allegations."

"I know Tolian. I'll make no trouble." DeCrescents answered as he plucked off his combadge from his chest and he handed his sidearm both to Brevik. He then lifted his right foot and drew his second phaser and also handed it to Brevik. "As I said, no trouble."

"Alright, I've trusted you a long time Bart and I am going to continue to trust you." Brevik held the two phaser sidearms in his hands and the combadge next to it. "I'll keep these in my office," he commented before he returned his attention to DeCrescents. "For what it's worth Bart. If I thought you were capable of this then I'd have had you arrested with two security teams worth of guys." he paused. "I do not think you did this. I know you better than that but this still has to be looked at and I still have to show that the rule of law applies to all."

"I know. So, my quarters then?"

"Yes, and Bart... I want your oath that you will not try to escape out of the Jeffries tube exit that I know you had placed behind your sofa." Brevik answered quietly.

DeCrescents looked at his commanding officer for a moment, he knew that Brevik was going out on a limb for him here with this confinement to quarters rather than confinement in the brig. He nodded. "You have my oath."

"Good. Come on, let's get this over with." Brevik answered quietly before DeCrescents departed the office with Brevik right behind him. There were four security offices, waiting outside. "Skipper." the leader addressed him.

"Fall in with us gentlemen," Brevik responded in a neutral tone of voice. "We will escort the Major to his quarters, his quarters will have two guards at the door and I have his word that he will not try to escape. He will be placed under guard until such times as the investigation warrants circumstances further, questions?"

The five men, including the Major all, shook their heads in silence. Brevik nodded. "Let's go." and with that, the small group set off for their destination in silence.


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