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Coming to a Boil - Part One

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Watseka & Lieutenant Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance
Timeline: 1300Hrs - August 23rd, 2393

Lt Commander Lindsey Watseka tapped the display as she narrowed her eyes. "Whoever did this, knew how to hide a com's signal in a way that's not easy to find," she commented in a soft tone of voice, the system beeped at her as the text color switched from white to red, indicating what Watseka wanted had either failed or was in the process of failing. "Not here either," she added in a soft tone of voice. "Whoever did this was good," she noted as she tapped something on the PADD that the tall woman was holding in her hands. She heard the door to the science lab that she was in open and then close as a voice interrupted her reverie. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Doctor Martin Shkreli inquired of the taller and larger woman before him.

"Other then me looking for a needle in a haystack," Watseka answered. "What's going on Doctor?" she turned her attention from what she was doing, over to him.

"Oh, just maintaining good relations with my neighbors," Skherli answered. "You've not taken a break in hours so I took the liberty of making something for you." he placed the sandwich and the drink near to where she was working. "It's a tuna sandwich and a glass of water," he added for explanation. "I only asked for mayonnaise and tuna, none of that filler crap that people like to load their food with." he shook his head. "I don't know why they do that."

Watseka regarded him with a curious look in her eye. "Do you always bring people lunch?" she inquired of him. "Not that I don't mind. I did skip lunch after all, whoever did this." she indicated the panel where she was working. "Was either a master hacker or we're dealing with a very serious threat to the safety of the ship and crew." as she lifted the sandwich and she took a bite. As she had expected, the taste was everything she could have hoped for out of her favored meal, she wolfed it down and she drank the water to wash it down. "Mmmm, this is great. Thanks, Doctor." and with that, she turned and went back to work.

Shkreli took note and inwardly he wanted to cheer as his plan was proceeding perfectly. He accidentally dropped the plate he held in his hands onto the deck as he passed the freestanding console that he was passing. "Dammit," he muttered as he bent down to retrieve it, placing a small device on the console as he did so. He smiled as he departed, allowing the Commander and the drugs he had slipped into her food, to do their work.

He moved down the hallway as he made his way back towards sickbay, the device would prevent Watseka from calling for help and to make matters even more dire, the door to the lab she was it would no longer work. He wanted to have the science lab isolated as he was about to declare it as a biohazard, particularly after he had removed the Commander from the location to recovery room one, he wished to isolate her from everyone else as she was a threat to his plans.

Meanwhile, still ensconced within the lab, which was now a trap, Watseka blinked as she started to feel the effects of the drugs on her system, she tapped the display as she jotted down the notes but she began to feel tired. "Mmm... Maybe I should have gotten more sleep last night," she commented softly as she sat down in a chair. She frowned as she knew instantly that something was wrong.

Suddenly, she had a eureka moment as her right hand snaked across her chest to tapped her combadge. " Bridge..." she paused as she tapped her combadge a second time, he beeped once which indicated that it was deactivated somehow, she rose to her feet before she fell forward, as the drugs finished their work as she was now incapacitated while lying on the floor a moment later.

A moment later, the doors opened as Shkreli walked back into the lab, he smiled as he beheld his prize as he retrieved the item he had placed earlier before he went over to the large human woman lying on the ground. "For whatever it's worth, I am sorry but you were a threat to me." and with that, he gently moved the prone human woman onto her back before he tapped his combadge. "Shkreli to Transporter room eight." he smiled as he recalled that one of his moles would be manning that post at this time and would handle things. "Two to beam directly to recovery room one in sickbay, code Seven Romeo."

"You got it boss." came the response a moment later. Shkreli smiled as he felt the transporter claim him and his prize a moment later. It deposited him into the recovery room, in the room were two of his nurses, they gently reached down and picked up the large woman and placed her onto the bed as Skherli departed the room a moment later, it was so they could prepare Watseka for her stay in sickbay. Shkreli knew that not everyone was converted yet and some of the medics and nurses still were not loyal to the cause so he still had to be careful as to who he could and could not yet trust.

Skherli moved into his office, as he felt the liquid desire ripple through him, there would be time for him to enjoy the fruits of his labors later after he docked the paperwork to say that Commander Watseka had eaten something which had made her ill, he picked up a PADD while he went to work.


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