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The Sea of Moisture - Part Two

Posted on Sun Mar 15th, 2020 @ 8:57am by Master Chief Petty Officer Ranav Dvald-Grenix & Post Captain Heris Dvald

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Security Annex - Starbase Watchman
Timeline: 1030Hrs - May 15th, 2393

In Starbase Watchman's Security Annex, it was shaping up to be a rather quiet morning for the personnel assigned to this watch. Seated inside his office, watching the cameras and generally keeping the peace. Chief Petty Officer Ranav Dvald-Grenix smiled as he sipped his drink. Life was good most days as the crime rate was actually quite low on this assignment but one could never be too careful, this assignment required a steady hand, a watchful eye, and constant vigilance.

The com system beeped at him. "Dvald-Grenix here," he commented.

The voice of Commander Helen Nasarri who was the Chief of the Watch for Alpha shift came over the com system. "Chief, I have an incoming subspace message for you, its marked as official and it's from the head of the personnel department of IFO. Looks like Admiral St John can't shut up this morning."

"Fantastic," Dvald-Grenix responded in a tone that could melt and dry out the planet of Rhen Var, both actions more or less taking place at the same time. "Well, the man has a lot on his plate, let's see what he wants now. pipe him through down here please?"

"Willdo Chief." came the expected response.

The face of Vice Admiral Ryan St John appeared on the screen. "Chief Petty Officer Ranax Grenix?" he inquired.

Dvald-Grenix blinked, this man did not know who he was contacting?. Was Admiral St John really that much of an idiot or was he just idiotic? 'No, he just doesn't care to do his job. Its showing' Dvald-Grenix thought to himself.

"That's Dvald-Grenix, Admiral," Dvald-Grenix spoke aloud in a tone that brooked no argument whatsoever. The male Bolian knew of Ryan St John, this guy was known for being hard to work with and being downright unforgiving on people who didn't operate at anything less then peak efficiency, as in he sat around like a slaver, while his people worked themselves to death for this ungrateful man.

"Whatever." St John answered with a dismissive tone of voice.

'Great, this is getting off to a fine start.' Dvald-Grenix thought to himself as he regarded the Admiral. "What do you want Admiral?" he knew of St John's reputation and Dvald-Grenix himself found the Admiral sadly lacking a great many things, a heart was among them.

"Starbase Vanguard is in need and I am sending you along with several others from your department over to her, you will assist in getting the base and her crew up and running as Independent Fleet Operations has need of her as soon as humanly possible." as if implying that humans were better then anyone else, "Also the base will have a squadron of support ships assigned to her," he added with an air of dismissal.

Dvald-Grenix regarded St John with a measure of distaste and disgust, it was well known just how hated this man was in the fleet and it was only through the good graces of the Commanding Officer of IFO that this man even had a job. Plus that was three racists insults in as many minutes which didn't sit well with Dvald-Grenix. the first was his name, the second was that he assumed humanity was better then anyone else and the third was related to the second, the location of the new Roanoke and where she was being built.

"Fine," Dvald-Grenix responded bluntly. "I'll take the assignment." because he did have the option to refuse it but he highly suspected that St John would have a major fit if he did so, still he was highly tempted to do so anyway, just to see the reaction he'd get. "Besides I hear that whatever world Vanguard is orbiting is lovely this time of year anyway. I look forward to seeing the new and improved Federation Ournal Three's in action. I'm told they are quite-." was as far as he got. Ranvax knew he was baiting the Admiral and while it wasn't wise, he was tired of being used as someone else's little bitch or plaything.

"You are insolent, explain yourself!." St John demanded in a strident, angry tone of voice.

"No, there is nothing to explain Admiral. You have given me my orders and I will follow them." he turned his head. "I must go. I have an emergency I must tend to." Dvald-Grenix turned his head as if nodding to someone off camera. "Right. Sorry Admiral. Gotta run." and with that, Dvald-Grenix hung up on St John.

The Admiral's face was a comical picture of disbelief and outrage as the screen went black. "By Valens name... I fucking Hate that man." the Bolian growled softly, there was no missing the malice in his tone.

"Chief, you don't mind my asking but... There is no emergency that needs tending to. What was that about?" one of the other security personnel inquired of Dvald-Grenix.

"I needed an excuse to get off the com otherwise he and I would have ended up in a shouting match that would have resulted in me getting punished," Dvald-Grenix said to the younger Bolian officer who had questioned his actions.

"Yeah, Admiral St John is a pure asshole." the younger Bolian officer responded with a soft sigh. "Still it sucks that you're getting reassigned outta here. Wait.." the young man paused. "What about your wife... he might split you and her up."

"Oh probably, it'll be just like St John to pull shit like that." Dvald-Grenix rose to his feet. "Watch the fort for me for ten minutes?. I need to call Heris and find out what she's got planned for dinner."

"Yeah, Chief. I got this. you take care of it." the man responded as Dvald-Grenix turned and walked out the door, he tapped his comm badge as he did so. "Dvald-Grenix to Dvald. Heris my sweet?"

"Yes?" came the response, he could tell by her tone that she was in a nasty mood so he decided to skip the sexual innuendo and come to the point of the conversation. "I've just been reassigned to Starbase Vanguard. I leave tomorrow."

"Oh good. Saves me from having a bitchfest at the Admiral later." came the unexpected response.

Dvald-Grenix frowned. "Wait, you're coming too?"

"Oh yeah," Dvald answered. "Our wedding anniversary, bundled up in the back of a Federation transport, how lovely." it was easy to tell that Heris Dvald was in a pissy mood and Dvald-Grenix did not blame her for it in the slightest. "I hear ya but we'll make do once we get to the other end." he sighed "Hey, Look on the bright side Heris. Its one of the first of the Ournal Three's being built right off the assembly line and we'll be helping to shake that bad boy down."

"Yes, there is that." there was silence for a moment as the Bolian female at the other end of the comm connection processed that detail. "Alright, you win. How long before you come home?" his wife and mate inquired.

"About thirty minutes. I need someone to replace me and I suspect that won't be long in coming either. Once I get relieved, I'll come home and help you pack out okay?" Dvald-Grenix knew his wife would be in an angry mood for a while yet and while neither he or the children had caused it, he knew it would take her some time to calm down.

"Yeah. sounds good to me." Dvald answered. "What do we tell the kids?"

"Tell them at lunchtime, after we start packing," Dvald-Grenix commented. "I'll go pick them up as you are better at packing our things than I ever was."

"I know. Okay, sounds like a plan. I'll see you at home when you get there okay?" came the quick response from Heris.

"Sounds good. I gotta go, the old man is getting angry and time is money as he says." he paused. "I am tired of working for shitheads and slavedrivers, this assignment better be different or I'm dropping my retirement papers," Dvald-Grenix stated bluntly.

"I hear ya. me too. I'm getting tired of this endless shit." came the half-expected response from his wife, he knew she was upset with this but it couldn't be helped as orders were orders.

"I'll see ya soon, Dvald out." and with that, she hung up on him before Dvald-Grenix turned and went back into the security annex, he found his relief already there so Dvald-Grenix smiled, he made his farewells quick and then he headed home to assist his wife in packing.


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