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Justice is Blind - Part Four

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 9:45am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant JG Tienn Durin & Tienn Jaina & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 102: Sic Transit Tienn
Location: Various Locations - Bajor
Timeline: 1030Hrs - August 8th, 2393

Tienn Koll walked outside into the brilliant sunshine from Bajor-B'hava'el, he felt it warm him as he felt the gentle breeze wash over him as if to comfort him. "You confuse the crap out of me," Marja commented evenly. "I don't get it, you were to be punished and you walked away... Was it to avoid the punishment or was it because you got angry with them and left?" Marja regarded her husband with an annoyed look in her eyes.

"Neither," Koll answered evenly. "Two of Them came to see me... Taking the likeness of Iteela and Nerra... I've never questioned their motives before but they were most insistent that I find a different path... I can't explain it, Marja. I only know I had that epiphany right then and there and I decided to change my situation. I lost my way because I was chasing political power, not service." Koll regarded his spouse as he explained himself. "I got them confused..."

"Wow, it was the word of the Prophets. That caused you to resign." she inquired as she regarded him in silence, waiting for his answer.

"It sure felt like something special..." Koll paused as the two walked away from the house, into the bright sunlight from the sun that was climbing up and over the valley. "Maybe I should not ask myself where it came from, but be grateful that the idea came to me at all," he added quietly.

Marja looked lost and confused. "I, honestly never expected you to come out and tell me something along those lines." she paused. "I honestly, was prepared to leave you and take the children with me." she regarded him, she wanted to hear what he would say on the matter, she was expecting him to revert to form and lose his temper, what she got back was nothing short of astonishing.

"I know," Koll answered. "I still ask myself... What's keeping you here, willing to talk to me..." as he regarded his spouse. "I mean thinking back over the last several years, How anyone wanted to be around me is honestly beyond me." he paused as he attempted a joke. "Kosst, I don't want to be around me," he added the last as a joke.

Marja regarded her spouse in silence for a moment. The shock in her eyes was evident. "I... I don't know what to think."

Koll regarded her in silence a moment. "There is not a lot to consider. I have behaved very poorly, leaving the temple has forced me to consider that my behavior has been downright unacceptable to just about everyone." he paused. "That is why I must leave Bajor for a time," he commented.

Marja gently ran her right hand through her hair, in order to take a moment to process what her husband was now telling her. "Koll, you were always so pious... What will you do now?" she asked him.

"Honestly. I have no idea... But its a good thing..." Koll answered. "Marja... My life in the temple was a sham. All my work was wasted, because of my losing sight of the fact that my service was not in service to Bajor... It was in service to a uniform, a rank... and political power." he paused. "Because of the fact that I lost sight of what was really important." he let out a soft sigh as he decided not to push further.

"H-How?" Marja stammered softly. "I don't get what you want Koll, you used to be the kind of man who planned everything in advance and.." she ran out of steam as she struggled to process what he was telling her. "I... I don't get it..." she regarded her husband.

"When I was demoted, I had an epiphany... My service to Bajor was never to Bajor in the first place... It was chasing power, a uniform and a rank..." he paused. "I might as well have joined the Bajoran Militia and it would have made no difference in the end... I never wanted to wear a uniform. I am not my sisters."

"They all left Bajor but they had their own reasons for doing so. Ezas because she wanted to escape what was done to her, Iteela because she wanted a better future away from Bajor. Nerra because she wanted examples of the best tech available and Kerris... What did Kerris want again?" Marja inquired.

"Kerris wanted to serve a cause that was something bigger than the militia which she saw as poorly trained, poorly equipped and poorly funded, so she followed her sisters into Starfleet, all four of them have done very well for themselves," Koll answered evenly. "Jeran wanted to be a teacher, he wanted others to not face the pain we faced as children." Koll felt that this was something worthy and he had chased it to begin but his piety had gotten in the way. "And Jeric is a Doctor, three of my siblings are Doctors, the teacher is also a full-time Chef, their spouses reflect their intentions and ambitions," he added.

"So you were the only average one in a house of geniuses?" Marja poked at him, as she grinned at him.

"Not by accident either." Koll paused. "All I had was my piety, I had little desire to nurture anything else and now I have nothing," Koll commented.

"Are you sure?" Marja commented. "Koll, this is all very sudden and you have a lot to process in a short time, the last thing you need to do is to regress back to what you were yesterday... Do you recall what you told Durin when she told you she wished to go to the stars and join Starfleet?"

Koll regarded his spouse with an even look. "I do." he slowly smiled. "It seems I should take my own advice then."

"What did you say to Durin that caused her to sit down and eat breakfast with you and everyone else... You know anti-social she is at times."

"I do." Koll regarded Marja a moment. "I apologized to her in front of everyone."

Marja paused. "What. I'm sorry I missed this... But I see why you must leave Bajor for a time. To find your new path and see where it leads you."

"Yes," Koll answered, accepting her statement at face value. "Over the last while. I have been a very poor husband to you and a bad father to our children. I seek no forgiveness as I am not entitled to it." Koll admitted. "Durin was right though, about me all along..."

"You were holding on too tight to your piety, the pursuit of political power as you put it." Marja paused. "Do you wish for me to come with you?"

Koll paused, her assistance would be most welcome but he had come to realize that this was placed before him and him alone. "No. My sudden change of heart will be too jarring for most to accept at face value." he sighed. "Kosst, I am not sure that even I accept it but I did have that epiphany and I believe it came from the Prophets."

Marja nodded. "Where would you go?"

"I will go and stay with my mother for a time, she has made the offer and I will accept. But I won't stay long with her." Koll admitted. "A week or two at most and then I will move on, besides I need a new shuttle anyway," Koll admitted

Marja paused. "What's wrong with your old one?" she asked.

"I gave it away." he paused. "Kalren Tohas had more need of it then I did," he explained. "So I gave him the keys and he thanked me with trying to crush the life out of me. That man has a heck of a grip."

Marja paused. "Okay, so we need a new shuttle for you."

"I'll take care of it, Its time I embraced something different... Something new... and I need to figure things out differently."

Marja nodded her head as she fell into step beside her husband, she didn't honestly know of what to think of all of this but he was still her spouse and clearly, the vision from the Prophets had changed him.


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