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Storytime with April - Part Three

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 6:34pm by Franklin Armstrong & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi
Edited on on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 6:48pm

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: arious Locations - Canmore, Earth
Timeline: 1910Hrs - February 3rd, 2394

April looked around at her assembled children that were present. "The attack started earlier. Before the loss of the USS Lalo was reported. A distress call was received by the U.S.S. Enterprise-D." she slowly smiled. "She was presently commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard." she paused a moment. "It had been sent from the New Providence Colony. A settlement of some nine hundred people." she proceeded. "When the Enterprise arrived. They found a gigantic crater with no sign of the colony. It was not an explosion that had done it." she added. "This new foe had simply scooped the entire colony off of the planet as it had never existed in the first place."

Raymond paused as he softly whistled. "Woah, that must have been one heck of a bang," he whispered.

April looked at him. "There was no explosion. An explosion of that force would have glassed an entire continent as well as left the planet uninhabitable for decades." she shook her head. "The colony had been simply sliced off of the planet and then hauled into orbit. Like a box of rocks." she then smiled. "Meanwhile, back on the Yellowstone. We were ordered to report at once to Starbase Three twenty-four. To pick up new weapons and drop off anyone who didn't need to be there." she slowly smiled. "As we began to dock with the base. Several more ships arrived. All Starfleet ships. Thats when it started to dawn on the Yellowstone's crew of just how large this operation actually was." she added.

"How many ships Mom?" Kimora inquired softly.

"At that point in time. Eight ships. So something major was going down somewhere." April paused. "It was about that point when all of the Starship Captains were asked to attend a briefing on the situation. All of the starship crews were informed shortly as to who and what this new foe was. They were called the Borg and we were being deployed to a star system named Wolf Three five nine, as part of Task Force Beta. One of the largest Starfleet forces ever put together. It was a scratch force of forty starships. The sight was like nothing else I'd ever seen up to that point."

"But you were still defeated?" Haiyan asked her mother. "How?"

"Because what we had, wasn't enough," April answered. "What we had wasn't good enough or fast enough. It wasn't capable enough or strong enough." she paused. "Once everyone was ready at the Starbase. We all got underway for our next and final stop on this sad tale." she paused. "The Wolf System." she then sighed softly.

Daniel regarded his mother. "The Battle of Wolf Three Five Nine," he commented.

"You've all heard this tale." April regarded her son. "Now hear it from me. I was there," she added. "The force assembled at the Starbase had already gotten underway for Wolf Three Five Nine but there were several other groups coming as well, One from Earth and a second from Starbase Twelve. Anything that wasn't already on an assignment was pulled for this effort." April closed her eyes. "It took us five days to get to our destination and then we all began to be separated into groups for this effort. Yellowstone was assigned to attack wing nine." she paused. "Your grandmother, my mother, was also present for this battle," April added. "She was assigned to the USS Goodson as their Chief Medical Officer. We had time to chat while we waited for the Borg to show up," she added. "I was a little too brash and thought nothing of it, nobody was gonna stand up this much firepower. How could they?" she inquired. "Mom was a little more realistic and she tried telling me things... I wasn't listening to her. Nobody did. She saw the rot in Starfleet... How complacent we had become, how... arrogant we were." she then smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile. "None of us saw it as we had forsaken the old wisdom learned in decades past."

Thats when Torilla nodded in response to her mother's statement. "Space was dangerous Mom." the ten-year-old answered.

April nodded in agreement. "So dangerous Torilla, that it would kill you in a second if it could," she commented. "Anyway. After all the ships had arrived, some sooner than others. We began to detect the cube on long-range sensors." she paused. "We were able to compute their arrival time and prepare accordingly." she looked around the room, locking eyes with each of her children in turn. "This long-winded tale is intended to be both word and warning," April commented. "As every now and again, you will face a foe that you will not be able to contend with. He will outclass you in all ways, shapes and forms. Accept this as a given kids. It will happen."


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