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The Stars that Lie to You - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 3:47pm by Commander T'Arla Hammerson & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Hospital Complex - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 2000Hrs - August 18th, 2393

Nebris's eyes slowly flickered awake. "Uhhhh.." she moaned ever so softly. Commander T'Arla Hammerson smiled. "Easy Lasarra, welcome back." the Vulcan woman gently smiled which in itself was odd as the average Vulcan did not show emotions but this woman had a reputation that proceeded her. "Hey... I... I feel weird." Lasarra commented. To her ears, she sounded weird and she felt like she had been turned inside out and upside down, she knew her body was confused and she was too.

"That's to be expected. But the surgery went well and you're now in post-op." the Vulcan woman smiled. "You will feel various shades of strange for a while as your body adjusts to being female rather than male," she explained. "Can I get you anything?" the Vulcan inquired.

"Just a glass of water please?" Lasarra inquired, her voice sounding strange to her ears.

"Certainly." The Vulcan moved off as she filled the request. "Doctor Fordring sends her regards. The surgery was long for her."

"I... I understand..." Lasarra responded in a gentle tone of voice. "It feels odd to... speak with... my old voice... It sounds odd to me..."

"I understand." the Vulcan smiled as she held a glass of water in her hands before she gently assisted Lasarra with holding the glass in her hand, she guided the glass to the human woman's lips as Lasarra drank the water in silence. "Mmmm..."

"Easy," T'Arla said in a gentle tone. "Take it easy, we have time," she added. "You seem to be healing nicely."

"So... Everything went well then?" Lasarra inquired as she slowly placed the glass at her bedside.

The Vulcan female nodded. "Yes, it did go well. Your body has been through a massive traumatic ordeal so you will need to take it easy for the next few months... " she explained. "How is the bed?"

"It's not bad actually." Lasarra paused. "Could I get another blanket please...?" she asked. "and how soon before I can get out of bed?" she inquired as she regarded the appealing Vulcan female before her.

The Vulcan nodded. "It is very cold in here but then I am used to a lot more heat then yourself..." she paused. "Do you mind if I give you the once over?" she inquired. "To ensure you are well?" she added.

"Yeah... I'm just cold." Lasarra answered but she nodded. "Sure, give me the once over. Let's not make more work when it's not needed." the prone human-looking female added a moment later. "Gods knows I feel like crap..."

"Very wise," T'Arla answered as she opened her tricorder and went to work. "Your system is adjusting, you don't have the same mass that you had before." the Vulcan commented. "Let me go get a blanket for you." as she withdrew, she nodded to a nurse who knew to keep an eye on the patient. The young woman nodded back while the Vulcan went about handling her errand.

Lasarra gently rubbed her right hand over her face as she honestly felt like she was going to throw up. The Nurse came over. "Hey, sweetie." the nurse commented to Lasarra who sighed. "I feel strange..." Lasarra admitted a moment later.

"That's understandable." the nurse smiled down at the prone female as she answered her statement with her own. Moments later the Vulcan returned with a blanket under her arm. The Vulcan nodded to the nurse who backed off. "Lasarra. I have your blanket and some soup," she commented. "It is a broth but it might help." the Vulcan handed the large thermos to the nurse before she draped the new female with the second blanket as if she was putting one of her children to bed. She grinned at Lasarra as she did so. "You feeling any better or do you want another?"

Lasarra smiled. "Mmm... much better," she paused. "No, this one is good enough. Thank you, Doctor," she commented as the nurse assisted her with drinking some soup. "Easy Lasarra." the nurse cautioned her in a gentle tone of voice.

"Mmmmm..." Lasarra swallowed a few mouthfuls of soup, she took her time and swallowed the soup gently. "Mmmm... Now, that's good."

"Sickbay food is never good dear." the nurse commented gently. "But we'll get you through this," she added. "One step at a time right?"

"Yeah," Lasarra answered with a gentle smile on her lips.


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