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Meeting of Old Friends - Jake and Odakin

Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 3:37am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Petty Officer 1st Class Braelynn 'Lady' Naz'jar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Brigadier General Sorlora, Daughter of Edraks

Mission: Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1600Hrs - January 19th, 2394

Admiral Jake Yamaguchi was walking out of his office, he smiled as he regarded his aide. "Have a good afternoon Braelynn. I'll seeya tomorrow," he commented.

"You too Admiral." Braelynn Naz'jar answered, a gentle smile on her lips.

Yamaguchi departed his office area before he turned right. He had promised dinner with an old friend. He had also informed Torilla that an old friend was coming to visit. Jake wondered where Odakin had gotten off to. "Where are you?" he muttered aloud. "Computer locate Odakin Marin."

"Admiral Odakin Marinn is located on the plaza."

Jake smiled as he set off to track his quarry. "Excellent. Do not mark my approach, I know the way." he said to the computer.

At that time, Odakin was busy hanging out with Rykar on the Starbase promenade, getting something to eat and reviewing Roanoke-A's repair and refit schedule.

Jake approached the plaza. He pondered where the man would be. When suddenly it came to him. Jake smiled as he set off across the plaza. "I figured I might find you here." he addressed Odakin. "Still working?" he added.

"Kinda sort of," Odakin replied casually, "Well what I can do anyway."

"You need a vacation," Jake commented. "I'm heading home so if you wanna drop by. Met the kids. The pets and such. Torilla is here too."

"I guess i can take a few days off," Odakin replied casually, "It has been a while and my transport back to my fleet isn't due to leave for another four days."

Jake smiled. "Thats the spirit. Hello Rykar. How've you been recently?"

"I have been fine, all things considered," Rykar answered simply. "Roanoke-A is a far quieter ship than the original."

Jake chuckled softly. "Thats a good thing," he commented. "The Roanoke Alpha will be a far better ship. The original was... different but that was only because Starfleet allowed her to get to that state."

"Oh I'm not denying that she is a better ship," Rykar added softy, "And I have no complaints about it being a quieter ship too. Im perfectly fine with it. Though I kinda wish Teval hadn't left so suddenly fifteen months ago."

Jake paused as he frowned. "What happened to Teval?. This is news to me."

"I'm not sure," Rykar answered, shaking her head, "He left on pretty short notice, Hakaya went with him, same with Aerin and Karryn, and all the other Akurians we had with us on the ship."

"Oh." Jake paused. "I wonder where they went... Oh, right. They went home."

"Well I kinda wish they had told me about it," Rykar replied dryly.

Odakin then added, "They might not have known at the time. Fifteen months ago, things were pretty messy, and there were still a lot of issues being sorted out with the OISU. Some of them, not so great compared to others."

"But now?. FNN has not stopped talking about the OISU ever since we met them." Jake sighed. "Considering they emasculated an entire Klingon fleet in one sitting. They are making a Dyson Sphere habitable and liberating trillions of Borg drones. FNN are really selling the OISU as the greatest thing to happen to the Federation ever since the founding of the Federation. I wonder what magic trick the OISU will do next?"

Rykar sighed, saying, "Well. If the Federation is expecting magic out of the OISU. They are going to be disappointed."

Jake smiled. "If they prove to be useful and decent allies... That will be magic enough."

"Well they certainly have that potential, better than anyone else I've seen," Odakin replied with a smile.

"Okay. I'll take it." Jake sighed softly. "Hell. With the Romulans in pieces and the Klingons falling apart. If the Dominion starts a round two. we are more or less on our own. The Cardassians are rebuilding, but the Borg are gone. So that's something."

"And we still have the breen and the tholians causing trouble too," Odakin pointed out. "And this is on top of the fact that we have to keep security around he klingon border beefed up constantly because of the threat of pirates and mercenary groups. Plus the Gorn are still rebuilding after their invasion, and we are having to divert resources to help with that. We are unfortunately short on allies and not short on enemies."

Jake nodded. "You understand our issues very well, old buddy."

"Probably more than you do my old friend," Odakin answered with a smile, "Remember, I came up in ops, I'm a trained observer. Its my job to know whats going on around us. Of course being an ex fighter pilot yourself, you would know very well that situational awareness can mean the difference between life and death."

"Oh yes. A habit I've never stopped using." Jake smiled. "Considering it's saved me from more than one person's stupidity over the years." he then sighed.

"Its a good habit to have," Odakin replied with a smile. " Anyway, so how is the family doing these days."

"Everyone is good." Jake answered. "My three eldest children are all assigned here with their various spouses. Selendis and Lasarra are all based on Utgarde. Ouros is assigned to one of the ships based from here." he smiled. "All their spouses and children are here too." he added. "A weekend when everyone turns out at my place... All fourteen grandchildren and all my kids mean's my house is very crowded indeed."

"Yes i heard you and Torilla took on quite a few extra kids, she told me as such." Odakin mentioned casually. "We do occasionally communicate via email every now and then."

"The tale of that is actually not quite true. We inherited them from another Torilla who came from another reality. She has since settled here and is married to someone else. She left me and Torilla take in her three adult children." Jake commented. "Meeting them can be arranged. If you like. I believe Torilla has arranged something of a family get-together planetside." he commented. "You're both invited if you want to come," he added.

Odakin shrugged, "Sure why not." He then looked to Rykar, whom added, "Yeah I have time too."

"Alright. Let's go. My ride is this way." Jake answered.

Rykar and Odakin then both got up and walked with Jake.

The three reached hanger eleven. Jake went over to his shuttle. He did a quick walkaround, this was something he always did. He re-entered the shuttle when he was finished. "Take a seat guys." as he sat down at the pilot's station. He tapped the display as he requested clearance which he had got. Then the shuttle departed.

A short time later. Jake flew the shuttle over the skies of Utgarde. "Time to destination. Six minutes." Jake reported.

Rykar just rested in the shuttle without saying much, while Odakin jsut looked down at the scenery. "I take it this planet is still mostly untouched."

"Yep. We have one small city and two large towns. Along with three bases planetside." Jake paused. "We're also got several observation posts for various volcanos and the like."

Odakin nodded, "How do you all like it down here."

"Well. Its very Earthlike. Utgarde county and it's surrounding towns and installations are all in the middle of winter at the present time. Lots of snow and ice. It can get very cold at night." Jake explained.



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