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The War Without, The War Within - Part One

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 8:04am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant Commander Mij Gilamar & Lieutenant Commander Megan Halifax & Lieutenant Taselle Dragon & Master Chief Petty Officer Suvek & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Masako Anderson

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Grey Wolf / USS Hermes
Timeline: 1000Hrs - November 16th, 2393

The stars flashed and the starlines snapped back to points as the USS Grey Wolf and USS Hermes emerged from warp near the Starbase. On the viewscreen, the planet appeared going from nothing to filling half the screen almost instantly, as the Starbase appeared before the ship. Yamaguchi smiled. "Take us in Mij, nice and slow..." she turned to the human woman at Operations. "Masako, get us clearance to dock." the tall handsome-looking female commented. "Where's the Hermes?" Torilla inquired after a moment.

"Hermes is heading for one of the nearby orbital scaffolds. Rather than wanting to dock inside the Starbase." Anderson explained.

"Helm, drop our speed to two hundred kilometres a second," Tienn commented.

Gilamar nodded her head. "Two Hundred KPH, aye Commander," she answered in clipped tones.

Commander Masako Anderson tapped the display before her. "Approach control, this is USS Grey Wolf, ready for docking manoeuvre."

"The answer was quick and simple. "Grey Wolf is cleared to dock."

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Lock on."

Gilamar worked her pannel as she smiled. "Systems locked."

The lights around the bridge seemed to dim while turning from their usual colour to a deep blue tone.

Tienn grinned softly to herself. "Vanguard, you have control."

The answer from the Starbase was clear and quick. "Affirmative Grey Wolf, enjoy the ride and welcome home."

Yamaguchi answered this time as she shifted her position in her chair. "Grey Wolf confirms."

The Grey Wolf slowly moved through the massive hulking slabs of metal that passed for the spacedock doors. Gilamar smiled as she watched the displays on her pannel. "Vanguard is moving us into position."

"Stand by to Dock," Tienn commented from where she was seated.

"Ready to dock sir," Masako Anderson answered in her usual crisp tones.

Tienn watched the display on his own panel as he nodded. "Engage mooring beams and lock off..."

Gilamar nodded. "Aye Commander." she slowly smiled as several new sounds could be heard throughout the massive ship as she came into position.

"And... Docking complete." Gilamar reported as a loud series of booming sounds could be heard as the Grey Wolf physically connected with the Starbase.

"Thank you, number one." Yamaguchi smiled as she rose to her feet. "Well done everyone. I know this has been a trying mission, we've all had various issues, but we came through when the time came and others are alive because we acted. It's been my privilege to serve as your Captain and when you get to The Heavens Devil's Bar, the first round.. is on me." she paused. "Commander Tienn, Commander Halifax, you two come with me... Everyone else, see to the safety of all hands." Torilla explained her orders in simple terms.

Gilamar nodded. "Yessir." and with that, she departed the bridge, Marie Hasti-Antilles following him while Yamaguchi and Tienn went into another turbolift. "Primary Airlock," she commented in an even tone of voice.

Tienn held her silence while the lift started to move. "This will be an interesting debriefing," she commented.

Yamaguchi nodded her head in agreement. "Aye, it will be... Still, the crew performed magnificently, wouldn't you say?"

Tienn smiled. "Oh, without question," she answered in an even tone of voice, the turbolift door opened in the middle of her answer before Yamaguchi moved out into the hallways, Tienn followed in silence as the third member of their party came from around a corner. "Captain, Commander, fancy meeting you two, on this fine November day..." Halifax commented evenly, with a large PADD in her delicate-looking fingers.

"Indeed Commander. The weather is a balmy eleven degrees with a chance of slow showers for later." Tienn answered her in the same tone as Halifax had addressed her and Yamaguchi. The Captain for her part simply chuckled in amusement while the three of them reached their destination. "Here we are..."

"Starbase maintenance team approaching the main airlock." was the voice from the Chief, a male voice rather than the usual female voice that people were used to.

"Thanks, Chief, open the airlock and allow them to board," Yamaguchi commented evenly.

The hatch opened as six people stood before the assembled welcoming committee. One was a large human-looking male. Next to him, stood a younger-looking female with reptilian skin. The Cardassian woman smiled as she nodded to Woerner. "Permission to come aboard Captain?" The Cardassian inquired. The others were one Bolian female, with svelte features. Two human men who looked big and strong and the last was a youthful-looking human female.

"Of course Lieutenant. Welcome. This is Commander Tienn Kerris, my first officer, and Lt Commander Megan Halifax, my Chief Engineer."

"It's good to meet you both." The Cardassian answered. "I'm Lieutenant Taselle Dragon. I'll be leading the engineering team that's going to be handling the various issues and concerns of the USS Grey Wolf while you're crew is on leave here ma'am." Dragon explained herself and why she was here.

Halifax smiled. "I'll show you to engineering. Most of it is just the usual issues that tend to pop up on long patrol assignments." the chief engineer explained.

"Sounds good to me ma'am. We're here to deal with your issues." Dragon answered.

"Right this way then folks." with that, Halifax turned and departed with her new charges in tow.


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