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Calling Home - Part Three

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 6:32am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Location: Various Locations - The Cassini Battlegroup
Timeline: 1620Hrs - November 30th, 2393

Commander Tienn Iteela smiled. "Go on with the rest of it." she encouraged Gyce. "Then I'll have child one," she explained. "Then I'll wait another couple of months before seeing the same donar for a second donation and then I'll have child two," she explained. "All in all, this will take me about two years or so."

Iteela smiled as she regarded her spouse. "Yeah. All in all, that sounds good to me," she answered. "Your plan is sound, proceed as you think best, whether I am home or not," she added.

"You don't think you'll be here?" Gyce asked.

"The Cassini is working out the bugs and glitches on some new technology that I'm not allowed to talk about, even on a secure channel," Iteela explained. "We'll be doing this assignment for another two months. Then it's back to Vanguard to have the technology removed so we can return to normal active duty," she added. "To the best of my knowledge. All of that will take about two months." she paused with a sigh. "So end of January of Twenty three ninety-four as the humans reckon time. I'll be back to Vanguard and then if all goes well. I'll be back out the door, into the field sometime around April timeframe." she explained.

"Okay," Gyce answered. "I should be done with my medical issues and concerns about that timeframe as well," she added. "Then I'll start hunting down a donar but not until then. I don't want to rush it." Gyce then smiled at her wife.

Iteela smiled back at her wife. She appreciated what her spouse was saying without saying it. "If it's someone I like. I can go ahead with child three," she added.

"That's the idea," Gyce answered. "Maybe we'll find a guy we like together." as she regarded her spouse.

"That'll be nice." Iteela smiled. "But I have no idea where the Cassini will be assigned after April." She reminded her spouse of that detail. "I'll keep you informed as I learn more. Alright?" she answered.

Gyce nodded as she sat at her desk in the study that also did double duty as her bedroom. In truth, she was grateful to the Tienn family she taking her in and accepting her as one of their own. While she still felt unworthy at times. She made it clear that she was happy and grateful to know their hospitality. "I should be going. I need to have a look at these files you sent to me."

"Gyce," Iteela said to her spouse. "You might want to take a moment to prepare before you read the files in question," she commented, a sad look in her eyes. "If you do decide to do it. Then make him suffer as only you can. When you read the files. You will understand why I asked you to wait until after we had our time together before you did... They will piss you off and I have seen you angry." Iteela paused. "I thought it best to wait before I angered you."

Gyce regarded her spouse. "That bad, huh?" she asked softly.

"Worse," Iteela answered softly. "You will find out soon enough," she added. "I should get going." she sighed softly. "I wish I was sitting next to you when you read those files."

"Or I was sitting on your lap... If it's as bad as you say." Gyce answered with a smile. "When all of this is finished. I will give you a lapdance and then we'll see who moans longest." as she grinned at her spouse.

"I look forward to it." Iteela smiled before she gently tapped the display once. "Take care Gyce. Until next time." and with that. Iteela ended the transmission.

Gyce tapped the display on her end. Before she took a moment to harden her heart, she had been warned that the files she was about to read were bad. She was going to find something that would test her faith in the Federation and what it stood for. Gyce paused as she tapped the display once. She opened the files and she began to read.

What she found were lurid, often shocking tales of debauchery. Sanctioned at the highest level by one officer against his former spouse, who is also a serving line officer. Gyce felt her hand clench into a fist. "Oh, Admiral Hunt... If even a tenth of this is true. I will see you burn for this..."

Gyce went through the files supplied. There were over a dozen movie files as well. She moved those aside before turning off the volume and playing one of them, at random. What she watched was a scene straight out of hell. Or at least a place Gyce would call hell. "Oh, I gotta do something about you." as she watched the rape scene take place right before her eyes.

What was worse was that from a distance. Kimora Reeves resembled Tienn Iteela. Gyce's eyes narrowed as she focused on the work before her. She went through as she read the details. Before she began making two copies. The first would go to the JAG office on Earth. An accusation of this level had to go to the top. She would then send the second copy to the Criminal Investigation service and her old partner. Avok. This was going to be a very long and interesting conversation.


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