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Ships in the Night - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 9:18am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1400Hrs - July 21st, 2393

"While our Predators burned our worlds to ash." came the voice of the story that Gyce was reading, she had learned earlier that Iteela was indeed assigned here and she was finishing off her assignment before she was due to depart the Starbase. Gyce knew she needed to wait otherwise she would be waking Iteela out of bed, and since Iteela started work at sixteen hundred, she knew she needed to wait a little longer. What she did not know, however, was that Iteela had the day off and was using it to put her affairs in order before her departure.

"Allied with the Terrans, few of us now remain and our greatest tribulation has come.... the Hybrid." the character from the story was narrating his people's plight in the darkest of times as Gyce was sitting on the sofa of her new home, she had unpacked and then had pestered medical, for her coming aboard physical and then she had decided she would deal with the security concerns when she went on duty the following day, rather than confront issues head-on, she decided she would sidestep them when she had the authority to do so.

"Computer, end playback of the story," Gyce said evenly before she pushed herself to her feet, she had been considering the Akurian medical tech for a while now and maybe it was past time for her to consider it. She moved over to where her shoes were located and she tugged them on with the usual effort, which left her annoyed because of her issues and injuries before she sent out to find Iteela's quarters, she was sure her girlfriend would be awake by now.

Gyce was working under the assumption that Tienn had work to do this evening while she was on the night shift, she also knew why her girlfriend was working the overnight shift, it was intended to keep her away from Doctor Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar and their issues from emerging again. Gyce had assumed that these two had sorted out their issues once and for all but apparently something had gone wrong between them, causing the issues to reemerge onto the scene. She frowned as she moved down the hallway towards her destination.

Meanwhile. Iteela was busy packing the last of the things that she had wished to keep into a couple of duffels, most of her things would remain here with her family, including her two children who would be looked after by her mother. The last things she would pack would be a picture of her family and a necklace which she often wore while off duty. She had a week before she was due to leave on the first of the month so she wanted to ensure that she did everything right and by the book.

Iteela was sitting on the sofa of her home, it looked like the average set of quarters with very little signs that anyone actually loved here. The younger Bajoran female let out a sigh as she knew her time on this assignment was drawing to a close and she was soon to be leaving medical for a new assignment as a commanding officer rather than as a medical officer. While she was looking forward to the challenge, she was also unsure about leaving this assignment. Her reverie was interrupted with a knock at the door.

Iteela rose to her feet and she went to answer it, she found herself face to face with Gyce which she had not been expecting. She blinked before her fist snatched a hold of Gyce's uniform top, she bolding hauled the other woman into her home before she pushed her up against the wall, Gyce's protest had been silenced as Iteela kissed her on the lips, the kiss started simple but quickly became passionate as Iteela kissed her girlfriend hungrily on the lips.

Gyce returned the passionate kiss with her own as she began fumbling at Iteela's clothing, Iteela hauled Gyce's uniform jacket off of her, before removing the undershirt and so within moments, the two were naked and were lying on the floor of Iteela's quarters, as the began having sex. Iteela kissed Gyce hungrily on the lips before she felt the older woman push her up against the wall.

Thirty minutes or so later, the two were lying on the floor, Iteela was lying on her side and Gyce was on her back, both had red marks across various areas of their bodies as they both sighed softly. "Well... I had not been expecting that." Gyce commented.

"It was fun," Iteela answered with a smile before she slowly sat up, she then climbed to her feet and she offered her hand to her girlfriend who was busily gathering her clothing. "We've already lost too much time as it is. Come on Benice, let's go sort out this last issue between us."

Gyce looked puzzled. "What the last issue?."

"Beneice Gyce, would you marry me?"

Gyce blinked, she had not been expecting this, whereas she realized that she should have done. "Yes... When?"

"Now," Tienn answered evenly as she finished donning her clothing.

"Okay." and with that, Gyce began to get dressed.


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