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Business, Pleasure and how to Mix them - Part One

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 6:28am by Post Captain Mikaela Di'Tomasso-Sinclair & Brigadier General Jorge "Noble Six" Sinclair-Di'Tomasso

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1000Hrs - November 20th, 2393

Post-Captain Mikaela Di'Tomasso-Sinclair was standing at the viewport as she looked out into space. She sighed softly as she heard the door chime "It's Open" she called out as she turned and went over to her desk, on the large wall monitor behind her was a Tactical map of the Federations Boarder with the Tholians.

She was concerned and it showed as she ran her hands ever so gently over her jawline. Before she turned her head, smiling as she regarded her husband. Brigadier General Jorge "Noble Six" Sinclair-Di'Tomasso, "Ahh General... What can I do for you?" she asked with a smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to give the boarder the once over now... Or later.?" Noble Six inquired as he regarded his spouse. She was a gentle soul, but she was a firey passionate woman and Noble Six knew how she operated, how she thought and how she acted.

The handsome Orion female looked at the tactical map on the wall. The Tactical Operations Center had a far bigger star map on the bulkhead then the one that was inside stellar cartography. Except for it had every location of the ships, military installations and colonies throughout the seventh fleet area of responsibility. Admiral Duval had assigned to her department the best and lastest equipment possible.

She nodded as she gently took her husband's hand in her own. "Now is a very good time... " she replied "Where do you wanna start?" she was referring to the border area.

"We should take a look at the Tholian border," Noble Six suggested as he gently pulled his spouse into his arms. She was a massive woman and this was something he enjoyed often. "The other borders are all covered by other fleets, so that shouldn't be our problem today."

Di'Tomasso-Sinclair nodded as she tapped her map once. It magnified to cover the Tholian border along with the dozen or so Federation border outposts. Also there was another few scattered Federation 'combadge' symbols scattered across the map. "What do you think?" She looked at him "You're the logistics expert..." Di'Tomasso-Sinclair sighed. "But in my opinion.." The boarder looks thinly held..." Di'Tomasso-Sinclair regarded her spouse. "If they cross... we will have a hard time repelling them.." she sighed "What do you think?" she looked up at him as while she was six foot in height. He was almost a half-foot taller then she was, he was also much more massive then she was.

"They are so thinly spread because the Tholians haven't been considered a threat in a long time," Noble Six said while shaking his head. "Funny how things change or end up being the same. We have never had good relations with the Tholians ever... But we've been ignoring them for way too long... Many have forgotten all about them. No running to protect our border from a people that I personally would've considered to not be much of a threat ten years ago."

Di'Tomasso-Sinclair nodded evenly as she looked at the map and then at him "They'll scream blue bloody murder if we start beefing up our defences..." the tall female shrugged. "The Tholians bitch because we exist... Oh, they hate us..." Suddenly she smiled as she tapped a 'combadge' suddenly "Ahh... Anthony Kuuztin is coming to town.... You'll like him.." she chuckled "He's commanding the USS Courageous... She'll be a most welcome addition to the ninety-second fleet... Don't you think?" she looked up at her husband as she spoke. In truth, she loved spending time around her husband for any reason. He always treated her well and he was gentle with her, even when she encouraged him to not be gentle.

"Any ship with that kind of firepower makes an excellent addition in my book," he mentioned with a nod of his head. "As far as us beefing up our defences, that should be none of their concern."

It was nice to know that they were thinking alike "Agreed.." she replied evenly as she regarded the map again. "The entire border is too thinly held.. the entire thing needs to be beefed up in a major way.."

"I would suggest putting the second tactical Wing on it. Hopefully, a bunch of battleships and their attendant escorts would make them think twice. And if they chose to tempt fate, then they'll have one heck of a fight on their hands."

Di'Tomasso-Sinclair nodded "We can't keep a Tactical Wing out there forever... I was thinking another four or six border posts with maybe another Starbase closer to the border..."

"That's not a bad idea." Noble Six commented. "But the Starbase location would have to be specific... Somewhere the Tholians would attack, and we could check their move in that region." As he regarded his spouse, he gently ran his hand over her shoulder before gently touching the back of her neck lightly with his fingers. It was meant to be a caress.

Di'Tomasso-Sinclair smiled, as she enjoyed the contact. She moaned softly as she perched herself on his deck. The tall Orion also rested her head against her thumb and forefinger, a sign that she was deep in thought "Well.. we do have three entire fleet's to consider... We can send the Seventh to patrol the border but keep the Second Tactical Wing out there as well, not along the border but closer in... So to send a message..." she replied "Realistically if they come across... There are a few targets but we're the largest and the most valuable.."


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