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Our Last, Best Hope - Part One

Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 5:03am by Commander Gail Hobbs & Lieutenant Commander Courtney Hammond-Brown & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Lieutenant Morg "Morgan" Wolfsong & Lieutenant Wayne Hawkins & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Karen Dauntless & Ensign K'Porak, Daughter of K'mak

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1700Hrs - October 27th, 2393

Lieutenant Kadian Paris sighed softly, she was tired and she knew everyone else who was a part of their little group was as well, she shifted her tired gaze over to the older female who was sitting next to her. "So, do you think we sank enough hours into this effort?" she inquired before the younger female turned her attention back to the scope before her, she narrowed her eyes as she regarded the results which were still coming in. All of the members of the three teams were present in the lab but many of them were working in silence rather then endlessly chatting. It was nice and quiet which helped Paris focus on her work.

Hobbs smiled. "Nope, not at all... The people here leave me alone, they don't try to murder me in my sleep or stick me with the worst cases while I'm on duty, the medical staff don't try to violate me while I'm doing work and the living accommodations are amazing... All in all... If I want a bath, I can take one and if I desire some male or female companionship., I don't have to be demanding on the matter... and they don't need to solicit my services either..." Hobbs explained in a rather jovial tone of voice.

Paris raised an eyebrow. "There are so many things wrong with that explanation..."

"it's okay sweetie, you didn't live in my previous reality... The women were made to wear uniforms that highlighted their sexuality and more or less to advertise that they ere available." Hobbs answered. "I didn't wear the getup... I don't have the legs to make it work... but you do."

"I do?" Paris asked.

"Sure." Hobbs agreed. "You got those sexy dancers legs... How I envy you at times, honey." she sighed. "You should be having men lining up to compete for you."

"My luck with men is pathetic... I'm always busy or I am always unsure of what they want... Or they don't want anything to do with me."

"You could try asking a woman instead. We know how to deal with such matters..." Hobbs commented. "I've not had considered dating my co-workers but I had time to observe our co-workers though," Hobbs commented with a nod of her head. "I think we might have this cure after all..." she commented

Paris nodded. "I see it... Yes, we've got it," she commented softly. "Chief."

"Yes ma'am..." came the response from the Starbase AI which was newly installed into the system.

"Check what we have please?" Paris inquired as she tapped the display before her. The AI went to work, a million times faster then Paris could even consider operating. The response came back a minute or so later. "Yes, this cure will work." came the answer. "The other two teams have added their work to this one..."

Paris slowly smiled as she sat back. "I need a vacation..."

"I hear ya..." Hobbs answered as she smiled. "I need to get laid..." she added a moment later.

The main entrance to the science lab opened and in came Lt Commander Courtney Hammond-Brown entered, she held a PADD in hand, she wore a medical coat over her uniform, which mostly concealed her figure. "The Chief called me... I take it we succeeded?"

"Yeah, we found a cure..." Hobbs answered. "I guess dinner is on me after all."

"Nah." Hammond-Brown suddenly grinned. "We'll just bill the Admiral, I have a feeling she'll happily pony up the money for us. Especially if this works..."
the middle-aged female explained as she took a seat. "But we need to find a person to test it on... Captain Torilla Yamaguchi would have been a good choice but she was cured, thanks to her sibling," she explained. "All of her children were likewise cured thanks to Captain Plataea Lasky."

Paris turned her head, she had a thoughtful look on her face. "She does have a sibling... A blood sibling who isn't compatible with her cure..." she commented.

Hobbs paused, she had not expected this statement. "Who?"

"Commodore Korelii McKnight... She's... I think she's the skipper of the Courageous..."

"No, she's the skipper with the Hermes..." Morg Wolfsong commented as he turned his head, he had not said anything in quite some time, and clearly, most people had forgotten that he had even been in the room, to begin with.

"We need to speak with her, and ask her to try this cure..." Dauntless commented softly, she was a female Orion and she was now heavily pregnant, she was due to deliver her baby sometime within the next couple of weeks but she was able to remain on duty so long as she was not stressed, she was often asked to handle light duties and paperwork, which allowed several other doctors to carry on with operational procedures and also extra training without being bogged down with the paperwork as Dauntless was taking care of said details.

K'Porak nodded her head. "Indeed." she paused. "We can inform Doctor Dvald that we have a cure ad she can select someone to handle the matter at hand," she explained with a smile.


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