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Babysitting - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 7:14am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Tienn Jaina & Almar Pettar

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard / Utgarde IV
Timeline: 1745Hrs - July 19th, 2393

Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed softly as she held T'Ree in her arms while Tienn Iteela held onto Hysre in her arms, both children had already said goodbye to Rachael Yamaguchi who had already departed. Yamaguchi-Cullen also carried a large pack over her back and so did Tienn as the two of them moved down the hallways towards their destination. "You okay with all of this?" Yamaguchi-Cullen inquired in a gentle tone.

"I will be." The Bajoran answered. "My children will be well taken care of and they will have their various needs handled," Tienn answered in a quiet tone of voice. "My new assignment does not permit children, I did ask about the matter and I was told no." the tall Bajoran female sighed softly after she explained herself. "Nebris isn't interested so I've asked my mother to handle matters between us. I can't ask you to raise them simply because you have enough children Rachael." she paused. "I have to do what's best for them."

Yamaguchi-Cullen nodded her head, she didn't like Tienn and both women knew why but Yamaguchi-Cullen could at least respect the other woman's choice and decision on the matter before her. "Then let's take care of matters before us," Yamaguchi-Cullen said, in a gentle tone of voice.

Tienn nodded her head in agreement, as the two women went into the transporter room as Tienn looked over at the transporter operator. "Could you beam us down to the planet please, outskirts of Utgarde City."

"Right-yo then ladies, if you'll step up onto the transporter pad, I'll send you to your destination." the man answered evenly.

Tienn stepped up onto the pad, the child in her arms as Yamaguchi-Cullen followed in silence, before they were both beamed down to the surface. The sight that greeted them was a midsummer morning, the air felt cool and crisp which instantly set Yamaguchi-Cullen at ease. "Where did your family settle?"

"Forty kilometers out of the city," Tienn answered evenly as the two women stepped off the transporter platform before both proceeded to exit the station. Outside was a Cardassian male who looked middle-aged and he was waiting for them. "Tienn." he waved at her to catch Iteela's attention. "Over here sweetie." he then came over to her. "Hey.." he greeted Hysre who seemed really happy to see him. "Are you guys ready to go.?"

"Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen, meet Almar Pettar. My step-father." Tienn handled the introductions. "Dad, this is Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen, she has been helping me with the twins."

Pettar smiled as he gently shook Yamaguchi-Cullen's hand with his own, in the human style. "Its good to meet you at last Ms. Yamaguchi-Cullen. Iteela has told us of you."

"Lies, I tell you, all lies," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered, a wide grin on her lips. She didn't need to make the fact that these two women had a dispute into something that happened in public.

Pettar chuckled softly. "I like you. Come on, I got the shuttle over here and we'll take these two home." Pettar answered with a smile before he started off for the parked shuttle, the two women followed in silence.

"Is everything ready for them?. Dad" Tienn inquired as the five of them boarded the shuttle, Rachael went over to the co-pilots chair as she sat down. "Let's see." and with that, she went to work. "Mmm.." as Tienn gently relieved Yamaguchi-Cullen of the child in her arms while the other woman assisted with co-pilot duties.

Pettar regarded Yamaguchi-Cullen with a look of amusement, clearly, she was a pilot. "You fly Starships?" he inquired of her.

"Starfighters actually," Yamaguchi-Cullen responded. "I'm used to assisting with co-piloting duties," she added. "If you want, I can take a look at your shuttles for you. See what you need to look at and whatnot."

Pettar was highly tempted to turn her down, he didn't want her working for him for anything but he understood why she was asking. "Sure. If you feel you want to do so. I won't demand anything of you." he commented.

"You're not demanding anything of me, I'm offering," Yamaguchi-Cullen responded, a gentle smile on her lips.

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she regarded the other women before her. "You okay with this Rachael?"

"Sure, It'll give me a chance to get to know your family and the environment they live in," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered. "Plus I get to do it on my terms and my way."

Pettar found he couldn't fault the younger woman attention on the subject. "I do have a rather complete setup, I don't know if it's up to your standards but we'll see."

Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled. "I'll call up to the base and get my gear and I'll use my own kit, it'll be easier for me," she explained evenly. "Alright, we're good to go Almar," she added. "Your impulse engine regulator needs a little attention, as does your anti-gravs," she added.

"Okay." The Cardassian then started the flight and Yamaguchi-Cullen watched the systems on the shuttle as they exited the area and within moments, the shuttle was speeding across farmland and empty landscapes, Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled as the shuttle reached its destination a few moments later and they landed inside a rather sizeable garage looking area.

Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled as Tienn dropped the ramp at the back of the shuttle. She gently picked T'Ree again while Tienn picked up Hysre and the two exited the shuttle, to be met by a Cardassian-looking teenaged male. "Hey Tienn." he greeted Iteela. "Everything is ready. Mom sent me to meet you." the teenager said to Tienn.

"Nice," Tienn answered. "Corat, this is Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen. She has been assisting me with matters." she turned to Rachael. "Rachael, this is Corat. He's my younger brother."

"Its good to meet you Corat." Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled at him as she shook his hand in the human style.

Corat smiled. "A couple of my siblings have told me of you. Ms. Yamaguchi-Cullen." the large man answered, a smile on his lips.

Yamaguchi-Cullen raised an eyebrow as Pettar as he stopped by her. "Let me take her." Yamaguchi-Cullen handed the child in her arms off to Pettar in silence. He gently removed the child before he moved off. Leaving Corat and Rachael to chat.


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