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The Poisoned Challice - Part Four

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 6:50am by Commander Ken Noros & Commander Ryan Saunders & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Kira Stormrage & Lieutenant Kell Stormrage & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Lieutenant Raeven & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Zheng Jet

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad / Michael Monsoor and USS Holland
Timeline: 1430Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

Antilles sighed as he tapped his combadge. "Antilles to Stalingrad. USS Michael Monsoor Main Engineering is secure but I need some medics and some engineers, the ship is in bad shape and needs help..."

"Copy that Ivan. Nice work... Help is on its way..." came the response from Stamper. "New orders... Take their bridge and imprison their command staff."

"Understood," Antilles answered. "Squad four... Remain here and police this place away." he paused. "One through three, with me." and with that, he turned and marched out of engineering, another twelve or so marines all followed after him in a jog. The other four marines slung their rifles over their shoulders. "How can we help?" the leader inquired.

Meanwhile, Antilles narrowed his eyes. "Anyone got any flashbangs?"

"I got two." came an unexpected voice. "Alright... Computer, take this turbolift to the bridge." Antilles commented as he held out his hand. "Give me one... you toss the other," he commented with a nod of his head.

The marine handed over his second flashbang without comment or question. Antilles accepted it, he then smiled as he prepared himself. As soon as the doors opened on the bridge, he tapped the arm button once and threw his flashbang, the other marine did likewise. "Close turbolift doors," Antilles ordered, a moment later the doors slid closed right as both flashbangs went off. "Open turbolift doors." the other marine ordered before Antilles and the other marines stormed the bridge, stunning all those gathered. Moments later it was all over.

"Captain MacPherson, I am obligated to relieve you of your command sir, if... you would hand it over and come peacefully, we can do this quickly," Antilles commented in a quiet tone.

The man nodded his head. "As you wish." he deliberately kept his hands where the assembled marines could see them. "I was taken in by promises.... promises of power and glory... all for nothing..." he sighed. "I'm sorry Lieutenant, what's your name?"

"Ivan Antilles." the marine commander answered quietly, he knew he was watching the downfall of a Starfleet Captain. "Wait... You're Arianna's boy... arent you?"

"My mother, yes... Wait you knew her?" Antilles raised an eyebrow in curiosity more then anything else.

"She was my instructor while she taught at the academy, tell her... I'm sorry..." he sighed softly, knowing his former instructor would be disgusted with his actions.

"I'll pass along your message. Captain." Antilles answered in a soft, gentle tone of voice.

"Very well... I yield the Michael Monsoor to you Lieutenant Antilles, Computer transfer all command codes to 1st Lieutenant Ivan Antilles, authorization MacPherson Alpha Two Nine." MacPherson explained as he went about the formal command transfer.

"Command codes transferred, USS Michael Monsoor is now under the command of Lieutenant Ivan Antilles." the computer responded.

"I uhh... I relieve you, Captain." Antilles paused, he wasn't sure of how to handle this matter but he opted to do what he had heard his mother do when she had gotten her command when he was a teenager.

"I am relieved... I... I am sorry my career ended like this..." MacPherson turned to the guard. "Would you allow me the dignity of walking into your custody without cuffs?" he knew he was asking much, he only hoped the other man was in an accommodating mood.

"If you do not cause issues, sir... Then I'll permit it... But anything funny happens and I'll stun you, fair?" the marine answered.

"More than fair, I'll make no trouble," MacPherson answered quietly.

Antilles one he could have had the man confined to his quarters but he decided not to do so, he still had his orders to carry out. "Captain, for what its worth, we'll get this matter sorted out, and hopefully we can deal with things."

"I hope so too Ivan... Thank you for your respect." MacPherson knew this was goodbye and he opted not to drag it out any more than it already had been.

Antilles nodded before he looked at the other marine. "Alright, come on Captain..."

MacPherson turned and walked into the turbolift in silence. Antilles tapped his combadge. "Strike Lead to Homeplate. USS Michael Monsoor secure, Captain has turned over command of the ship to me. Orders?"

"Nice work Strike Lead... So do I address you as Captain Antilles now?"

"Only until someone who's qualified to assume command can come over here and take this crate of my hands skipper. I've heard of my rather illustrious relatives and I wish they were here to handle this matter."

There was a soft chuckle over the com. "Don't sell yourself short Ivan. You have secured a place in your family's history as well you know... the first Marine to command a Federation ship."

"Perhaps sir.. Orders?" Antilles pressed.

"Secure your prisoners... The skipper is working details out with various people now...So your guys might be there for a while. In the meantime, we'll wait... so you're gonna be in command for a while yet." as the soft chuckle sound still be heard. "Get cozy Ivan, that crate is now your girl... Look after her." before there was a momentary pause. "We'll get back to you soonest, out."

Antilles sighed. "Alright, looks like I'm the man now... Alright, let's get these guys revived and see who's willing to side on with us... and who's gonna be difficult." he shook his head.


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