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An Enemy Within the Castle Walls - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 11:18pm by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant Konrad Anjou & Lieutenant Penthesilea "Ilea" Rohr & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 11:23pm

Mission: Mission 95: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Watchman Station / USS Argonne
Timeline: 0910Hrs, September 5th, 2392

"Doctor, I need your approval to administer this drug. May I have it please?" A young Asian human nurse asked Anjou.

"If you're not qualified to administer drugs to patients, why are you here?" Anjou told her. "Asks someone who cares about lackluster medical skills."

"What?" Is about all the nurse could say before the two left in the turbo lift.

When the turbo lift doors opened Dr. Konrad Anjou stepped out. He knew that with the battle he would have casualties. As he entered sickbay he saw a Bolian nurse crying.

"Nurse, what's wrong?" He asked her, concern in his voice.

"I'll just keep my thoughts to myself, you thoughtless asshole." She told him, tears streaming down her face.

"Um..okay." Anjou was confused but headed back through sickbay. "Ah, Petty Officer Kruzg, how is the leg?" He asked.

"I don't know. I might break it again because I'm so fat." He stated angrily. "You flaming asshole."

"Alrighty then." Anjou was a little taken aback. He just continued on to sickbay he noticed his operating room tech. "Ah Kazworth, is the operating room ready?" He asked him in a friendly tone.

"I dunno. You outrank me so can I talk to you? or are you going to send me to the sewage plant?. You stuck up asshole." He told Anjou in a grumpy mode before he moved on.

"What the hell is going on?" Anjou asked himself. He then noticed Nurse Takeo with slumped shoulders working on her PaDD. "Nurse Takeo, are you feeling okay?"

"So now you care about my lackluster medical skills?" She asked him, almost in a state of tears. "I do have feelings. What kind of an asshole are you?"

"That seems to be the multiple-choice question everyone keeps answering," Anjou replied, more to himself than anyone else.

"Did you even hear me?" She asked.

"Yes, I did Nurse Takeo. Was I the one that insulted you?" Anjou asked.

"What the fuck? Yes, just a few minutes ago. You were with that Klingon girl." She told him.

"Klingon girl?" Anjou asked. He tapped his combadge. "Anjou to Tienn, I know this is an awkward time but something odd just happened in sickbay."

Tienn nodded her head as she tapped her display once. "Confirmed. You're not the only one complaining to me today, my good doctor. I'll be right down." the tall Bajoran responded. She nodded to her relief who came over.

Tienn headed down to sickbay, arriving at her destination not five minutes after she was called in. "Yeah, Doc. What's going on?" she inquired, quickly noticing the half-dozen cases of stink eye that was being directed towards Anjou.

Before the Doctor could answer, her combadge beeped. "Skipper. Markson has not checked in with his rounds."

"Odd. Send team four after him. Maybe I'm being paranoid but tell them to gear up. Just in case." the Bajoran sounded unamused before she turned back to Anjou. "You were saying?"

"Well, I think we may have an impostor running around on the ship. Although why they would be in sickbay makes no sense to me." Anjou told her.

Tienn tapped her combadge. "Tienn to bridge. Skipper. we might have uninvited guests again." she commented.

"Thank you, Commander Tienn. I am initiating all security protocols and locking down the ship." Sorvok told her.

Meanwhile, Konstantin Anjou and Ilea Rohr made it to the shuttle bay. "Where is that dolt brother of yours?"

All of a sudden, klaxons started screaming. "Damn it," Ilea shouted.

"Behind those supplies. We'll contact Ajax from there." Konstantin told her.

The doors opened and in walked several security troopers, all were armed with tricorders and phasers, the team leader indicated the supplies nearby. "I have two heat blooms. There. Fred, take three and go over there. Rest of you come with me. Box them in."

"Commander Rohr. Now would be a good time to beam us out." Konstantin talked over his comm.

"If I transport you over the Argonne will be able to track the shuttle," Ajax explained.

"I'm willing to take that chance," Konstantin told him. "Beam us up!"

"I'm not willing to take that chance," Ajax explained.

"What! I'm going to be captured. You can't do this to me." Konstantin yelled.

"I can and I am. And Konstantin dear, when they capture you, be polite." Ajax told him mirthfully before he chuckled softly.

"You stupid ridge head!" Konstantin screamed. "I can't believe he just abandoned his political officer!"

"You self-centered dick head!" Ilea shouted. "I'm his sister!"

"You two. Come on out of there." The team leader commented. "I assume that you two are the intruders. This is the worst escape attempt I've ever seen." the man commented. "and Doctor... Do resist my arresting you... So I can beat you like a cheap Orion slave girl."

The rest of the team closed in. "Come on you." he indicated the Klingon female. "No sudden moves now."

Ilea smashed her phaser on the deck before throwing her hands up. Konstatin simply crossed his arms and waited for security.

Two guards gently took Ilea into custody. "Come on lady. Let's go." he commented softly as he gently cuffed her. "Ma'am. Please don't make any sudden moves," he said to Ilea.


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