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I'm Going to make you Scream - Part Nine

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 10:35pm by Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Cadet Sophomore Grade Pasha Ch'Yamaguchi & Cadet Sophomore Grade Pava Sh'Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 11:02pm

Mission: Mission 96: Settling Accounts
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - September 2nd, 2392

Captain Marie Yamaguchi was wearing civilian clothing as she regarded Celeste who was not wearing a shirt while she was breastfeeding Jackson, the smaller Yamaguchi had a smile on her lips as she watched Celeste go about the caring and feeding of her son. "You'll miss this time Cel when it's gone." she clearly knew where she spoke.

"Weren't you considering having more?" Celeste inquired.

"I was actually," Marie admitted before she lifted her cereal bowl and spooned herself some more oatmeal. "I had no idea that oatmeal was so tasty." the older Yamaguchi commented with a smile.

Celeste missed the comment as she paid more attention to her son than anything else. "Hmmm wait, what?"

"Jackson isn't Celeste's first child. This is the first one she gave birth to." Hobbs stated.

Marie shifted her attention from Celeste to her wife. "True," she commented. "I've missed the twins and I heard they are doing well at the academy after spending time on Andor."

"Yeah. They will soon be proud uncles and aunts soon enough."

"That's wonderful news Cell." Marie grinned. "They will pass on what you taught them," she commented as she spooned the food around while she added some milk. "I'm considering taking some food down to Enyo," she admitted.

Celeste regarded her sibling. "Why?"

"I feel I need to make a peace offering to her."

"You are not the one who needs to apologize to her."

"She and the other version of me in that reality, hate each other.. I want some details as to why. Maybe with some food. I can pry loose some details."

Celeste raised an eyebrow. "You do make a lot of sense." she paused as her son finished feeling. "You feeling better now sweetie?" she grinned at her son.

"He ate enough." Hobbs joked. "He'll be eating solid food in no time."

Celeste smiled as she gently set her son down in his bassinet before she donned her underwear and then her t-shirt that she had been wearing earlier. "Well he is a newborn after all." she sighed softly. "But then I've not had a full nights sleep in years. Why should this be anything different.?"

"Because before that was by choice. Now you're doing it because another person is keeping you up." Bri replied.

Marie chuckled. "Well. I'd best get some breakfast ready so I can go to the brig."

Celeste regarded her wife. "You weren't supposed to tell her that," she added with a smile.

"She kinda already knows," Bri told Celeste. "Honestly, what are you going to one-up Marie when it comes to child rearing?"

Marie snickered. "I don't think that's ever going to happen," she commented in a light tone. "I already have six and Horus wanted more," she added. "So what about you Brianna?" as she slowly smiled. "When do you plan on having children of your own?"

"I'm not even going to worry about that until Jackson is up talking and walking on his own," Bri told her.

Marie dropped the schoolgirl act, she regarded Brianna as she did so. "Having children is not for the faint of heart, it's demanding in its own ways, for some, it's the greatest challenge they will ever know." she paused. "I love it but that's me. Most people are not like me."

Brianna laughed at Marie's words. "Indeed, your rather unique Marie."

"What?". My husband is big on family and I have nothing against it." Marie answered. "Sure it's been a major challenge at times, diving my time between my career and my family but. It's worth it in the end," she explained. "Anyway. I'd best take some of this down to the brig. I doubt Enyo has eaten a decent breakfast."

"Rather kind of you considering what she did," Hobbs stated.

"She assumed I was her Marie." the older Yamaguchi sighed softly.
"I want some details.. and you know how this works."

"The best way to a woman's heart is through the stomach," Celeste answered with a smile. "You want something she has and she might want something you have."

"Exactly," Marie responded.

Brianna looked skeptical. "If you think that will work."

"I can try Bri," Marie responded in a quiet tone.

"You can. Just remember we don't know that much about these people. They may look like us but they obviously come from a much more brutal background." Hobbs cautioned Marie.

Marie nodded her head. "You're right. I look at her and I see Celeste here. Except seeing Celeste with that level of hatred in her eyes does bother me."

Celeste spoke up. "Marie, you do need to reign in your sense of humor, we don't all share it and nor do we share your extreme love of jokes."

"It's how I get through my day, most days," Marie explained. "But you're right all the same." she paused. "I will consider it, going forward but she might be stranded here forever. How will she adjust?"

"I honestly don't know.. but will we welcome her into our family? I mean me suddenly having a twin sibling." Celeste commented gently. "I want to be sure I can stand being in the same room with her. I heard about Talon and her twin. She was petrified of Jake and April... I also heard why." she paused as she looked over at her son. "If I ever turn into that monster, shoot me," she said to Bri.

"How about I just shoot April or Jake instead of you?" Bri suggested.

"Because they aren't the one who needs to chill out. I will be." Celeste answered as she regarded her wife when suddenly the doorbell beeped at the three of them. Marie rose to her feet. "I'm heading that way. I'll get it."

The door opened and there stood two Andorians. Both wearing their cadet uniforms and two wide smiles. "Hey, guys." Pava gave Marie a hug followed by Pasha.

Pava went over to Hobbs. "Hey Bri." she greeted her like a long lost friend rather than her mother's wife as Pasha gave Celeste a gentle hug. "Hi, mom."

"Pasha. It's good to have you home sweetie." Celeste smiled.

"Good to see you too!" Brianna greeted them.

Marie slipped out a moment later as the two Andorians greeted the people that would be their parents. "So what are we interrupting?" Pasha regarded Bri while he picked up the smaller woman as he hugged her.

Brianna laughed. "Okay, you can put me down muscles."

Pasha did so. "Sorry." he stammered out.

Pava chuckled softly. "How you been Bri?" she inquired as the two switched and Pasha came over to Celeste, his greeting here was much more restrained as he gently hugged the woman he called mom. "Its good to see you, big guy," she said with a smile.

"I'm doing good thank you. I take it the academy is going well?" Bri asked.

"They are yes," Pasha responded as Pava paused. "I'm actually not in uniform. I should be wearing green." she regarded Brianna. "I'm going to follow you into the Marines."

"That's the right answer," Brianna replied. "I'm glad you followed through."

Pava smiled. "It's been educational." the female Andorian responded evenly.

"I bet it has been." She told her. "Any idea where you are going to be assigned?"

"Nope. for now though it's the academy for me and going back to Andor to have more children when the time comes. My bondgroup was rather specific about it," she added with a smile. "Pasha is in the same boat as me, while our species issues have been cured, we need as many children as possible to grow the numbers."

"How long will you be churning out offspring?" Bri asked.

"As long as it takes," Pasha responded. "Or until we have an army between us, whichever comes first." he regarded Bri as he spoke.

"That sounds so unfair." She told him.

Pasha nodded. "It is," he responded, silencing his twin on the subject. "But we are Andorians, we endure what we must when we should," he added. "But then our species just went through a genetic bottleneck and so many have been lost getting us to this point."

"You never told us how you feel on the subject. And with all due respect Pasha, you're not pushing babies out of your body." Bri stated.

"You are right. I'm not but I am helping those who are." Pasha regarded Brianna, while he indicated his twin with his thumb, a dark glare crossing his face. "That's my specialty. Obstetrics and Pediatrics are what I'm studying at the academy."

"Bri meant no offense Pasha," Celeste commented, the first words she had said for over five minutes. "We didn't know how you felt, you never told me or anyone else."

"I thought it was obvious," Pasha responded, in a quiet tone.

"You owe your people no debt Pasha," Celeste answered quietly. "Don't think that for one second you owe them."

"This is not about debt. It's about responsibilities," he answered quietly. "The Andorian species needs as many children as possible, it's simple numbers mom, we need as many as possible from as many as possible."

"Pava, how do you feel?" She asked.

"I agree with him," Pava responded quietly. "We need as many as possible but that doesn't mean I have to like it," she answered. "But I do accept it for what it is."

"I didn't ask if you accepted it. Clearly, you do. My question is how you feel about it." Hobbs pressed.

Pava regarded the other woman. "Like I said. I agree with Pasha. It's a numbers game and we're still losing, we need as many children as possible." she answered quietly. "That means I go home to Andor once a year to spend hours having sex with my bond group and ensuring my bondmate becomes pregnant, whatever it takes."

Pasha paused. "I don't like it either. But we're still endangered. We're still losing too many Andorians, besides hours of sex is not exactly the worst that someone can do. There are far worse fates out there."

"Pasha," Bri smiled, "I fully understand your duty and the concept of keeping a species populated. What you're not telling me is why you don't like it."

Pasha regarded her. "Because I'm tired of feeling like I have to measure up to other Andorians. I'm tired of always feeling inadequate. I'm tired of feeling like I owe everyone else and I'm tired of feeling like I'm always running ten minutes behind. I'm tired of the fact that I have to be the responsible one and I'm sick and tired of feeling like I am owned by my planets leadership because of all the fucking shit they put you through when you first adopted us." Pasha was in a truly angry mood.

Pava watched and listened in silence before she spoke, while she gently placed a hand on her twin's shoulder. "I feel the same way. You endured a lot of crap from the Andorian government on our behalf, you had to raise us a certain way, we had certain requirements. Most of those were not our own but they were forced upon you because they didn't think you could raise Andorian children."

Celeste regarded Pasha, she knew full well what Andorian fury looked like as she had seen her children lose their tempers before. "I did endure a lot of shit. I was made to feel like I was less than human at the hands of those rat-bastards. I see things have changed but not for the better."

Pasha sighed. "I need a drink. I'm sorry." and with that, he went over to the replicator to order something for himself.

Celeste watched him go, compassion in her dark brown eyes. "Son. You owe nobody anything at all. on any level whatsoever. You only owe yourself the chance to be a good man and that's all. Same for you Pava. You don't owe anyone anything."

"But we all know that's not true mom." the Andorian Shen responded quietly. "I do owe."

"No, you don't," Celeste responded evenly. "Did I take you in because I wanted you two to owe me?"

"No," Pasha responded.

"Did Bri here develop a liking to you two because she wanted you to owe her?" Celeste inquired as she indicated her wife nearby.

"No," Pava responded.

"So.. Tell me, why did I adopt you," Celeste asked gently. "I'll tell you. Two reasons. One: Because I could and two: it was the right thing to do." she paused. "Now both of you, have a seat and join us for some breakfast. You must be hungry and Marie made some oatmeal."

Pava sat down at the table a moment later before Pasha joined his sibling at the table.

"You're taking the noble action by sacrificing your time to repopulate your society. You still need to let others know that the way the government handled it was wrong. If you want to know why I'm so focused on this just ask yourselves how many generations is it going to take to stabilize the Andorian race?" Hobbs asked.

Pasha regarded Hobbs. "You're right," he answered quietly. "We can't save the species between the two of us but we can help our little corner of it."

Pava nodded her head. "The government sooner or later will get the hint."

"Pava, worry about what is truly important, those around us. Help them first. Let the empty promises of politicians tend to themselves." Pasha explained quietly. "We can only handle one problem at a time."

Pava regarded her brother, he was not normally the one who advocated patience as she was the one who usually did that and he was the aggressive one.

"So has does the government of Andoria have an estimate on when your species will have stabilized?" Hobbs asked.

Pasha sighed as he reached down into the duffel bag he had been carrying before he produced a PADD. "I have the figures right here." as he gently slid them over to his mother's wife. "It's not the best reading," he added quietly. "It's going to take twenty-four years to see growth," he answered her question. "That's assuming present losses remain the same of course."

Hobbs looked over the PaDD. "So your children will be sacrificing their youth also."

"I hope not," Pava answered. "It's bad enough I'm stuck putting my life on hold once a year for a month or so. It'll screw with my studies at the academy. Pasha here will be even worse as he training to become a Doctor."

Pasha nodded. "I am not going to have my children sacrifice their youth. But that said, had we not had Bashir's miracle. We'd only be able to have one or two, and that's assuming nothing whatsoever went wrong. Otherwise, it would be miscarriage after miscarriage." he explained quietly.

"Doctor Julian Bashir is a hero on Andor. A legend." Pava commented quietly. "There is a sixty-foot granite statue outside of the University of Health in Lor'Vella. Of him in his uniform with an infant in one hand and a tricorder in the other."

"I read Doctor Bashir's work on the cure. The paper he submitted on it" Celeste commented with a smile. "Insightful."

Hobbs didn't want to mention that while Bashir was Federation, he wasn't Andorian. "Still, nice to have you back."

Pasha smiled. "Its good to be home." he meant it too."Hows Jackson doing?"

"He's being demanding," Celeste responded, her eyes closed as she was taking a moment to relax as her son seemed to be happy for the moment.

Pava chuckled. "That's normal for babies of any species.." she answered. "We'll help for the next couple of days mom."

"I appreciate that," Celeste answered.

"Jackson has turned out to be a pretty good kid," Bri added.

Celeste still held her eyes closed, as a smile appeared on her face. "For now, wife of mine, for now." she then giggled softly. It was something Celeste almost never did.

Pasha and Pava shared a look. "Mom. you alright?"

"I'm good," Celeste answered. "For one, all is well with the world of Celeste. Well for now anyway."


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