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At Loose Ends - Part Three

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 7:16pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1430Hrs - August 5th, 2392

Commander Tom Lasky gently smiled as he regarded Plataea Unal as she lay in his arms. She grinned across at him as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. "You were magnificent."

"So were you," Lasky answered with a smile. "I didn't expect to last half that long, to tell you honestly," he added with a gentle sigh.

Unal slowly sat up. "Mmm. Well, you were motivated and... It was great. Long overdue for the two of us..." as she regarded him. Lasky smiled as he looked up at her. "So.. What now?"

"Well. Now I need a shower and so do you." Unal then gently climbed out of the bed as Lasky followed her a moment later, the two went into the bathroom, she went over to the shower before she turned it on. "So.. How do I rate?" she asked him with a grin. "Better than Elizabeth?" Unal grinned at him.

"Oh much better. Considering I can't remember much of bedding Elizabeth and it was on a carpeted floor rather than in a bed. Thanks to Peeves getting the whole of Roanoke's crew stoned and horny, thanks to Torilla and Nalla... Did she tell you anything about that?"

"I have carnal knowledge of Nalla myself," Unal answered. "Oh Jake was a magnificent stallion, he impregnated Nalla rather than me." she paused "Which I don't mind, to be honest. As I wasn't sure I was prepared to be pregnant just yet." she paused. "It would not have mattered either way..."

"Well. Children are always an option. Apparently, the other Tom Lasky and his Torilla have several." Lasky explained.

"Yes, I encountered her. I've taken to calling her 'Bugs'." Unal grinned as she explained.

Lasky regarded Plataea with a look. "Bugs. Okay, I'm dying to hear this one... Why?" he regarded her with a pointed look as he noted the locations of the towels in the bathroom before he shifted his attention back to the female before him.

"Simple. Boobs under G-Suit, she's always wearing flightsuits with all her kit, steel-toed boots with name-tag and the like." Unal responded. "Plus she never takes anything too seriously, a good thing if you ask me." as she gave him a look. "The shower awaits." before she stepped into the shower, he followed before he closed the door behind them.

About twenty minutes later. Lasky turned the water off, now feeling much better than he had in quite some time as he let out a sigh of satisfaction. "You feeling okay?" he inquired of his companion who was busy running her hands over her arms, upper body and her legs, sluicing off the extra water. "I'm good," she responded as she gave him a sultry grin. "Oh have no complaints, you were great. "

Lasky stepped out of the shower before he picked up two towels, then he handed one of them to her. Plataea began drying herself off as Lasky did likewise.

A few moments later, the two of them were dried and dressed in new clothing. Unal was wearing a shirt that honestly was one of Lasky's, the two were the same height but he was slightly more massive than she was so his shirts easily fit her.

"I didn't think gray was your color," Lasky commented as he pulled on a shirt of his own, black in color. He preferred neutral colors and tones for his clothing rather than some who liked flashy clothing.

"I tend to prefer more minimalist clothing when I'm off duty. I liked to get as far away from the uniform as I could. But I do like the uniform you guys have, it's more practical than the older one, more pockets and the dress code isn't as formal or strict." she paused. "What do you think will happen to us now?"

"Well, honestly due to recent events. I can see command breaking up the crews of the Roanoke and the Courageous and assigning the personnel involved to separate ships." Lasky paused. "Javier Morales I can see promoting to Captain and assigning him his own ship. God knows the man's earned it for holding Torilla's crew together after she got killed." Lasky added in a soft tone of voice.

Unal regarded him, a gentle look in her eye as she went over to the replicator. "I need some good food. I don't know about you?." as she regarded him with a look.

"Oh god yeah," Lasky answered. Unal turned back and ordered a large pepperoni and salami pizza, deep dish with extra cheese with two pitchers of soda.

"Mmm." she brought over the food while he grabbed the drinks, they got the food to the table without incident before he pulled out a chair for her, she sat down before he did likewise. "Well. Let's make good use of the time we have together while we have it." Lasky commented.

"I thought you weren't going to rush it."

"I thought it was a bad idea. But I forgot about the realities of the service and the uniform we both wear." Lasky slowly smiled. "Besides I didn't mind the sex. What about you?" Lasky answered as he lifted a chunk of pizza and began to eat it. Unal smiled as she did likewise. "The sex was invigorating. So... Shall we carry on then?"

"Yes, Let's take things as they come and see where we end up," Lasky responded quietly.


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