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The Other side of War

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 6:46pm by Commander Autumn Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Ajal Yamaguchi & Commander Noq't, Son of Gedlr
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 6:46pm

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0800Hrs - 29th July 2392

Lt Commander Autumn Yamaguchi moved slowly down the hallway, she knew the sex would be interesting and she had gotten what she wanted, she entered to sickbay, preceding the other two Klingons who had lasted much longer than Autumn herself had.

Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded her cousin. "Autumn, what happened to you?" the large female inquired of the smallest person of the group.

Yamaguchi paused her mouth to explain." Well, you see, it's like this." she said as the doors opened and in came Ajal and Noq't. "It was a little over the top but..." she sighed. "How do I explain?"

"You don't" Yamaguchi-Solusar responded, in a dry tone of voice. "Ajal, Noq't. Do you two want to try to explain?" she added, with a rather potent grin on her face. "Sounds like you three had fun."

Autumn turned a shade a deep red at the statement. Ajal nodded. "It was memorable." the Klingon female responded.

Yamaguchi-Solusar chuckled softly. "I'll handle you three myself, come on right this way and I can heal you three of your wounds and ills."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Noq't stated quietly as he followed.

Yamaguchi-Solusar went over to a nearby biobed. "So...Which one goes first. the handsome one?. My cousin or the hot one?" she inquired of the three people before her.

Autumn paused. "I'll do it, since I have work to do." the smaller woman explained before she turned to Noq't. "Do you want me to operate once I am able?" she inquired.

"What? No!" Noq't replied, a little surprised at Autumn's request. "To be honest you should take at least the day off to recover."

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded her cousin with a soft chuckle. "He's right, you know. Take today off and I'll handle things for you instead. Now, what does the operation consist of?"

"I need two sperm samples from Noq't here, one for me and one for Ajal." Autumn explained.

The Klingon female nodded her head. "We wish to assist with the continuation of his line."

Yamaguchi-Solusar noticed two things very quickly, one was that Noq't had impressed these two to such a degree that they wished to assist him with familial matters and two was related to the first, both women wanted a family together. "Okay, I can assist with this." she turned her head. "Nurse. Could you go round up some items for me please?"

"Of course Doctor?. What do you need.?" responded a young female who was standing nearby.

"I need-" Yamaguchi-Solusar listed off the items she would need for this little dance. "As soon as you can."

"Right away." as Yamaguchi-Solusar began working on Autumn injuries. "The next time you want some aggressive sex. May I recommend toning it down just a little. Autumn, you are not the strongest woman out there and not the largest either."

"Reprimand received Doctor."

"Good," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered lightly. "Mostly the usual, muscle sprains and a few strains. Nothing too major, however." as she began to operate on the smaller female before her. "Yeah Autumn, not to worry. I'll have you shipshape in a moment." as she gently administered a painkiller. "This will help you as it'll kill the pain." the massive female explained as she went about tending to Autumn's medical issues.
"So, do you feel better?"

"I do. Thank you, Doctor." Yamaguchi responded, a smile on her lips before Elizabeth went over to attend to Ajal in much the same manner, tending to her sexual injuries. "This won't take long El Tee," she commented to the Klingon female who watched her with expressive eyes but said nothing.

The nurse came back a moment later with the materials that Elizabeth had requested. "Alright, Mister Noq't. Your turn." she grinned at him. "I need two samples.. okay. Have a seat and I can start with you."

Noq't stood up and pulled down his trousers. "Very well doctor, do your worst."

Yamaguchi-Solusar produced a hypo. "Apply this, hold this button until you see the amount you wish and there is a bathroom over there." she pregnant female indicated the nearby door with her thumb.

Ajal chuckled softly. "It could be worse."

"Indeed it could. I could have requested Noq't here donate his seed the way they did several hundred years ago." Yamaguchi-Solusar responded evenly.

Noq't exited the head. "That was rather easy." He stated as he handed the hypo back to Elizabeth.

The tall female smiled warmly as she regarded Noq't. "Alrighty then." she accepted the hypo. "Okay, do you feel any pains, strains or sprains?" she inquired of the Klingon male before her.

"Despite my age and what I put my body through, I actually feel fine," Noq't replied. "I still feel a little fatigued but that is to be expected."

"Alrighty then. I'll take these two delinquents and I'll help them along their path to motherhood. You, sir, are free to go." Yamaguchi-Solusar responded, a wide grin on her lips. "Ladies, please come this way and we'll get things sorted out for you." and with that, Yamaguchi-Solusar turned and moved off. Ajal and Yamaguchi followed moments later.

"Thank you Doctor," Noq't stated before leaving. "I can expect to hear from the two of you in the near future." He inferred Ajal and Autumn.

Autumn nodded. "We'll see what happens." the small female responded. "Don't worry, it'll be interesting either way," she added in a cheery tone of voice.

Ajal regarded Noq't in silence before she nodded. "No more bloodwine for me, ever," she added.

Yamaguchi-Solusar observed in silence, she knew this was a major moment for the three people in her care before Noq't departed sickbay. "Right ladies, let's get things rolling for you two," she said quietly.


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