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Message from the Gods

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 5:57am by Captain Astrid "Alex" Yamaguchi & Commander Yuri Denisov & Commander William Hague & Commander Victoria "Vicki" Cameron & Commander Sasha Behl & Lieutenant Commander Candace DeCoste & Lieutenant Commander Michael Jankowski & Lieutenant Commander James De Poix & Major Matthew "Monkman" Gideon & Lieutenant Commander Don Henson & Commodore Korelii MacRae & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Laurel Takashima & Lieutenant Colonel Charles Mitchell & Lieutenant Colonel Michael Pallara & Colonel Miranda 'Coop' Cooper

Mission: Mission 88: We Must have Bloody Noses and Crack'd Crowns
Location: USS Hermes - Near the Morska System
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 1st, 2392

The clock was ticking down as Commander Yuri Denisov regarded the battlefield display. "Adjudicator, you may proceed when ready," he commented, the response came back. "Aye, sir."

Denisov smiled grimly as the single Federation battleship got underway with her six ships, of those, two were Heavy Cruisers and two were destroyers while the fifth was a light cruiser and the last was a marine assault variant of the Nebula class, loaded down with the marines to help take the system. All five battle groups looked like this except the Hermes group which had four heavy cruisers and no marine ships.

Denisov checked his display. "Chimera. Your turn, good hunting." the response likewise came back quickly. "Thank you command. We're moving now."

The second group's ships flashed away into warp as he smiled. "Deaths Head. Your turn." and the pattern of events repeated even after the Stalwart was deployed.

Captain Korelii McKnight regarded her executive officer as he came back to his chair. "Commander. Is my ship ready?" McKnight asked the formal question

"The Hermes is fully at your command Captain." came the formal response from Denisov.

"Alright. Tell the group to head for site bravo. Set our course for site alpha." McKnight. "Commence Operation: Sledgehammer."

"Done sir. Ready for warp jump." Lieutenant Henson responded crisply

"All Weapons and shields are online and ready for anything." Lt Commander De Poix added.

"All exterior sections of the ship have been evacuated." Lt Commander Candace DeCoste reported. "We're set, the marines are as well."

"Alright." McKnight steeled herself. "I assume our birds are all deployed and set?"

"Coop checked in a few minutes ago. They are ready for this." Denisov responded with a smile.

"Let's do it," McKnight commented as she lifted her right hand and pointed towards the viewscreen. "Engage."

Henson tapped the warp drive engage button on his display once, the stars suddenly turned into starlines as the Hermes and her group of ships hurtled forward into the system. "All stop in six. five.. four.. three. two.. one."

The Hermes flashed from warp alone, her bridge crew knew that this was part of the program as Behl smiled. "Sending hail now," she commented as a burst of what sounded like gibberish came over the bridge comm speakers.

McKnight understood part of it as she turned a shade of dark chocolate. "Well, that'll get someone's attention," she commented.

Denisov raised an eyebrow. "I had no idea what that was. I assume you did," he asked of McKnight.

"Yes. Let's just say that I miss my husband and leave it there." she then smiled. "If you knew what was said. You'd be thinking of Yulia."

"I think of my wife often skipper. I miss her." Denisov responded quietly before he turned. "Anything?"

"Oh yes. I'm reading plenty of Klingon com chatter." Behl responded, a wide grin on her face. "Oh, we pissed someone off.." as over a dozen Klingon ships of sizes and types suddenly decloaked and began shooting at the Hermes.

Henson nodded, it was his cue to act. "Starting the Henson Maneuver," he reported. "Initiating full axis rotation to starboard." he tapped his combadge. "Bridge to Flight deck, lunch all support craft now."

Master Warrant Officer Charles Mitchell's voice came back. "Understood. Throwing everything out of the hangers now."

Denisov smiled but he said nothing, opting to let things take their course. McKnight did likewise as Henson coordinated the operation from Conn. "All support craft, break into two forces and proceed at full speed to flank the enemy."

"Klingon ships are closing on us."

Henson nodded. "Give our support guys a moment." he paused. "Now!."

James De Poix smiled as he tapped the display before him, dozens of missiles began launching from our of their launchers, before speeding into the Klingon force not far away as the support craft began deploying all of their ordinances into the Klingon force, the mixed effect was devastating and within two minutes, the entire Klingon force was reduced to floating and flaming wreckage.

"Very nice!" McKnight commented from her seat on the bridge of the Hermes. "Damage report?"

"Shields back to forty percent, other than that. We're good here." Came the voice of Commander Victoria 'Vicki' Cameron, down in engineering.

Commander Sasha Behl suddenly sighed. "Skipper. I'm reading another forty Klingon ships decloaking, they are moving to envelop us,"

"Fire everything!" McKnight called out as the sounds of thunder began to sound down on the bridge. "Sheilds collapsing under the weight of enemy fire." came the voice of Sasha Behl, even she sounded afraid now and she was usually the headstrong one now.

Denisov smiled. "Five seconds," he commented.

"What?" McKnight commented. "Whats the five seconds for?" she protested.

Suddenly the Hermes's reinforcements came out of warp behind the Hermes before quickly flanking the helpless carrier to engage the Klingons, along with them was the entire complement of starfighters from the Hermes, all twenty-three hundred of them.

'Coop' lead her guys and gals into battle. "Alright guys, keep it right. Let them come at us, meet them head on," she ordered. "Well guys, let 'em have it. Open fire!" Coop added.

The Federation ships began targeting the wings of the Klingon force as they began shooting at their smaller ships, one Federation heavy quantum missile smashed into the head of an older Bird of Prey, demolishing the entire front half of the ship, with the rest exploding moments later, at that same time the Federation fighters began deploying their ordinance on the Klingon force which caused a ripple effect with several Klingon ships suffering enough damage to force them to withdraw or were destroyed outright.

Hermes meanwhile returned the Klingons fire with her own as she slowly turned. As soon as he had a good bearing. Di Poix opened fire with all of his front weapons, demolishing a Klingon destroyer and then a light cruiser. Both were reduced to shattered scrap metal. Being hit from all sides was enough to cause this Klingon formation to lose all unit cohesion and the force scattered and broke up, most of the Klingon ships opting to remain and fighting to the end, with themselves trying to take their enemy with them when they died.

On the bridge of the USS Hermes. The reports began coming in that the system was being taken by the Federation forces as base after base fell to Starfleet, their forces were not interested in killing everything so they opted to use none lethal force whenever possible.

Now they had one last target to take. The world of Morska Three. McKnight turned to Major Matthew "Monkman" Gideon. "Major. Take that world."

"Yessir. I'll coordinate with my guys and we'll get back to you in two hours." and with that, he nodded before leaving the bridge in silence. However, before he got far. Captain Astrid Yamaguchi turned. "Skipper.. the Governor is hailing. he's ready to surrender if you don't put him or anyone else to the sword."

"That was too easy," Denisov muttered.

"Tell him I will accept his surrender providing his people behave." McKnight paused before she began detailing the surrender term for the Klingons to process but one thing was certain, this battle was over and the Federation now owned Morska.


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