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Torilla Returns: In the Darkness

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 5:27am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 87: Torilla Returns
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 2100Hrs May 28th, 2392

Nebris was by far the smallest of the men in the Yamaguchi name but this didn't stop him or even slow him down in the slightest as he dropped the four feet from the ledge to land next to Tienn. "Interesting place you selected," he said to her.

"This was actually my home, once long ago," Tienn commented. "That was until my brother attainted my twin." she paused. "Kol must be made to answer for that." the small woman commented as they emerged from the treeline and onto a large field.

"Violence is not the answer Iteela. You know this more them most.." Nebris commented as he moved down the trail behind his girlfriend who was a couple of inches shorter than he himself was.

"I know but. Sometimes I just want to hit the jackass with my fist." the Bajoran woman responded. "You used to be so much nastier."

"Well, I did lose my temper and at that time. I broke a half dozen of Commander Lasky's ribs. He then threatened to murder me and afterward, he said he'd sign my discharge papers." Yamaguchi explained to his bedmate. "If I didn't shape up."

"Seems overkill to me." the Bajoran female responded as the two came to a stop near the main farm house which looked more like a sprawling collection of houses rather than one complete farmhouse. "Well. This is it." Tienn commented. "The closest to home I'll ever get."

"That can and will be cured soon enough," Yamaguchi responded lightly. "I know your twin wants to go deal with your brother. Will you go home with her?"

"Oh.. I probably will." Tienn shifted her attention from the farmhouse compound and over to Yamaguchi, he seemed to almost disappear into the night as it was quite dark without any of Bajor's moons in the skies overhead.

Yamaguchi admired her as he slowly smiled, she looked almost exotic in the faint light. "If you want. I'll go with you?"

"Sure," Tienn said quietly. "Nerra is the one who really needs the moral support rather than me but Koll needs to be dealt with."

"I'll go along." Yamaguchi regarded her. "Besides the Bajor in my original-" he said original rather than home as this was now his home reality. "-reality was nothing like this." Nebris paused. "The Bajor I once knew, was little more than a giant concentration camp and an open mining pit."

Tienn regarded Nebris in silence, she sucked in a breath of air as the look on her face said a great many things. "The war you were telling me about?"

"I never served on Bajor," Nebris commented. "I was special forces against the Romulans mostly, with some work against the Klingons." he slowly turned as he heard something, he lifted his arms as if he was facing a threat.

Tienn raised an eyebrow. "It's okay. It's just the wind," she explained. "I never added any life forms to the program. Just the location," she explained softly.

Nebris sighed as he lowered his arms, he took a deep breath. "Well, that was something else."

"You went back to the war.," Tienn explained softly. "Mentally you did anyway." as the small Bajoran female knew full well that he might now see her as a threat rather than his girlfriend. "Nebris?" she inquired.

"Yeah." Nebris sighed as he shifted his attention back to the small Bajoran woman beside him, inhaling and taking a deep breath as he did so. "Two years I fought those bastards." as he felt her gently take his hand in her own. Nebris closed his eyes as he tried to push the old memories away. "I hated them."

"I know," Tienn answered quietly. "How are you with knowing that Torilla Yamaguchi is alive"? she asked him as the two made their way towards the main entrance of the farmhouse compound.

"I didn't know she was alive," Nebris answered quietly. "When did this happen?"

"Earlier today. I heard Elizabeth talking about it. I work with her remember."

"You two have a rather strange relationship brewing." Nebris paused before he smiled. "Why don't you bed her.?"

Tienn looked up at him. "I am going to assume that was in jest?"

"Well, it was, mostly," Nebris responded before he chuckled. "I mean it would resolve the issues you two have."

"Yeah, it would cause more issues that she and I would need to deal with," Tienn commented while she walked beside him.

Nebris chuckled softly. "Well, I wouldn't worry about it. But Torilla being alive. The last words she and I shared was an argument, remember. You were there for this one and I'm glad I can reconnect with her."

Tienn regarded him, gentle compassion in her eyes. "That makes two of us."

"I know. You two almost got into it. I can thank Commander Lasky for that after I decked him. I deserved to get my ass kicked and I'm also on probation with him, probably for the rest of my natural life."

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far. It's not like he has that level of pull with others." Tienn smiled.

"No, but he's not my issue. Torilla is. I mean she looks and sounds like mom and every way, shape, and form." Nebris responded quietly. "Maybe she and I can work things out between us."

"There is always hope," Tienn answered.


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