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A Balm for my Confusion

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 4:14am by Lieutenant Shorin DeMasscho & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 83: Gender-Blender
Location: Ryazar's Shield - Various Locations
Timeline: 0900Hrs - May 11th, 2392

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi sighed softly, the morning so far was quiet so she decided she would take some time to get her problem addressed. "Javier. The Courageous is yours until I get back." she rose to her feet and departed the bridge and ten minutes later, she had departed her ship.

Transporting over to the Akurian warship Ryazar's Shield, she decided she needed to talk to the other two people involved with the gender swap event, she decided she would see Ryuukei first rather than Shorin DeMasscho, she'd read his or rather her file before making the choice to come see Ryuukei as she suspected that this juvenile delinquent would give Yamaguchi anything she could work with.

She reached her location a few minutes after arriving aboard. "I'm looking for Ryuukei... Is she about?" Yamaguchi inquired after arriving in Ryazar's Shields command center.

Hyril akarin was the one sitting at the command console and the snow leopard like Akurian turned her attention to Torilla. "You're looking for Ryuukei, I think he is with one of the maintenance crews, they are trying to unjam turret D3."

"Where is that?" Yamaguchi inquired. "And.. how do I get there?"

"Ask a robot to take you," Hyril answered. "I don't have anyone to spare to escort you. Sorry..."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Okay then." and with that she turned and walked away, spotting the nearest robot, she requested the location to turret D3 and how to get there. The robot walked Yamaguchi to her destination, arriving shortly thereafter. "Hello." she greeted the small beings before her, many of them working with various tools. "I'm looking for Ryuukei. Is he about?" Yamaguchi inquired. "This won't take too long."

One of the Akurians pointed to a group of Akurians whom were busy attempting to dislodge a railgun round that had fallen out of the loading mechanism. Ryuukei was among that group.

Yamaguchi moved over to the second group of Akurians. "Ryuukei. Can I talk to you when you have a few minutes... It's not urgent." she explained. "Can I assist?"

Ryuukei looked over at Torilla, saying. "Nah no real need for your help, we are just getting this thing tied to the crane." He then stepped away from the crowd commenting. "Yeah the moment we get a stable wormhole open to the OISU, this ship is going straight back to the yard, this is the third time this turret has done this."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I heard you guys were having issues with this old girl," she responded. "I need some perspective on this whole gender swap thing... Lasarra wants to remain a male permanently, she or rather he has... changed out of all recognition. He's gotten one of the medical staff on Roanoke pregnant but rather than act like the Lasarra I know, he decides to shack up with her and tells me that my grandchild will be raised by the two of them together... I don't get it... Lasarra was a lost cause, a terror, and a rebel... and now he's a model citizen. " Yamaguchi sighed. "I do not know what to make of any of this... and that's why I come to you."

Ryuukei gave off a confused purr, then answered. "Well, I have no idea what to say about that. Personally, I don't like having female body parts, but I know because of my species I am stuck with it, But my brain doesn't work any differently than before, except for these damn hormones. Well at least breeding season will be over soon, I can hardly wait."

"Lasarra has even requested a new name... He's taken my father's name... Nebris and he wants to remain male forever... I'm used to him being an asshole and ... being generally irresponsible.. but this has confused the crap out of me."

Ryuukei scratched his ear, looking adorable in the process. "Well, I am not sure what to say about that, that is quite the change. I know from my own experience, I still feel I should be in a male body, so I still feel like I am in the wrong body. I don't know how Lassara can feel like that unless she was one of those people whom always felt she was the wrong gender."

"In terms of personality. It's almost a complete flip from what she used to be to what he is now." Yamaguchi explained evenly. "She used to be... for lack of a better word, a complete asshole... Now he's saying he'll raise a child as his own, considering he got a Bajoran doctor pregnant."

Ryuukei took a seat and stretched his legs. "Well, I'd say have a conversation with Plataea about it, because all I can say is my personality didn't change at all from this experience, so it's probably something else is going on here." He then laid on his back to stretch and looked as though he was inviting a belly rub.

Torilla proceeded to sit down, she crossed her legs as she did so before she gently reached over and began rubbing the small beings belly. "I'll do that. Its been awhile since I chatted with her... and I know Plataea has been through a lot... but I doubt she's been told about this event."

Ryuukei gave off a soft purr and was about to say something, but his sister, Arumi, decided to interrupt by pouncing on him and initiating a cuddle session. Ryuukei responded with a play wrestle session that ended with him inadvertently waggling his butt at Torilla.

Torilla watched in silence before she let out a soft sigh but she still had little ideas of what to do with the Lasarra situation that was developing.

Arumi, who was now on top of Ryuukei looked up at Torilla, all while gently rubbing her brother's rear end. "You look rather down, whats going on."

"I am confused," Yamaguchi explained softly. "The recent sex change event changed Lasarra from an irresponsible female who caused trouble wherever she went to a responsible man who wants to remain as male." she paused. "her personality went from being an irresponsible troublemaker to an upstanding citizen, wanting to help a Bajoran woman raise a child... However, Lasarra was the one who impregnated her..." Yamaguchi sighed softly, taking her time to ensure she didn't miss anything while she explained her situation.

"Well learning from living with my brother here. "Arumi indicated her sibling by tickling his footpaw. "It sounds like Lasarra always felt as though she was the wrong gender, and was never comfortable with being female, but didn't know how to express it. I'm willing to bet Lasarra always felt trapped in the wrong body but was either unwilling or unable to do anything about it."

Yamaguchi paused. "Mmmm... You have a point," she said quietly. "I shall consider it further... and I'll watch what Lasarra does going forward."

Arumi looked down at Ryuukei, then she commented to Torilla. "Oh yeah, by the way, Ryuukei has a very soft rear end."

Torilla regarded Arumi in silence, clearly unsure of what to say on the subject.


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