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The Anvil Falls - Part One

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 4:06am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr

Mission: Mission 83: Gender-Blender
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0830Hrs - May 10th, 2392

Lieutenant Galiaan Fordring regarded the small Bajoran female before her, who was wearing medical teal as she sneezed for the umpteenth time this morning. "Eleven, twelve, thirteen." Fordring counted, a wide smile on her face.

The massive female was answered with a rather nasty glare from the Bajoran. "Are you ... done tormenting me?"

"Are you okay... You are sneezing an awful lot recently." Fordring commented quietly. "Wait... isn't that?... No.." the Bajoran looked up at the Vrykul female before her. "Umm...Could you run a check for me... I want to be sure I'm not pregnant.."

"Pregnant.," Fordring answered. "Yeah, I can do that... I wish I could convince my husband to impregnate me. I want more children... He's being an ass on the subject."

Tienn paused as she wasn't sure of what to say to that statement as the large female before she opened her tricorder and began her check of Tienn. Fordring eyed the small female before her before she looked down at the display. She then tapped the display once and then ran the check a second time, a second opinion was always good. "Tienn. You are pregnant.. about six weeks along."

"Oh." Tienn paused quietly.

"I assume congratulations is... not in order then.?" Fordring responded quietly. "We can make-" when suddenly the small Bajoran female cut her off. "No.. No.. I will keep the child, it's not its fault that it wasn't planned... But that's okay."

Fordring looked unconvinced. "You are sure of this... Tienn?..."

"Yes..." Tienn paused. "Yes. I am.. I need to share the news with the father..." she paused as she felt her insides turn to the consistency of jelly or liquid water. "Who is the father?"

"Well, that's an easy one... Who had you had sex with recently?."

"Lasarra Unal was the only one."

If the statement that Tienn was pregnant had surprised Fordring then this statement astonished her. "Lasarra Unal... That's the last person I expected to bed you."

"I took him under my wing and I wanted to show him what life as a guy could be life... We ended up in bed a few times." Tienn explained. "What... he was interested and so was I."

"I was not judging you Tienn. Not at all... In fact, I'm happy you found someone you can bond with on that level..." Fordring responded with a smile. "Which explains why you are always in a happy mood... Many have noticed and... I was wondering why this was so... I'm glad. I really am."

Tienn smiled. "I need to break the news to him. I'd prefer to do it in person... Can you spare me for a little while.?"

"Sure." Fordring smiled. "I think the guys can spare me too... I'm going to go and find my husband because I want him to pin me and have his way with me."

"You like abusive sex... Don't you?" Tienn inquired.

"I'm much larger than you sweetie and my bones are much denser. Besides... I've always preferred it when my husband beds me with passion.."

Tienn chuckled softly. "I doubt him bedding me would be as pleasurable for me as it would be for him." the small Bajoran responded.

"Errr. No." Fordring answered. "He'd leave you with a sexual experience that would have you end up in here as my patient," she explained. "Nope. You would really tear something you don't need to tear and it would leave you bleeding and screaming."

"Sounds like something less than a good time would be had by all." Tienn reasoned. "Anyway... May I get going?"

"Sure.. go." Fordring turned. "Toshnarr.. you are in charge, my good man... Try not to eat anyone," she commented in a rather dry tone of voice.

Toshnarr blinked his massive eyes. "As you wish." his answer was as dry as the deserts of Vulcan while the massive Gorn retreated into the Chief Medical Officers little den that used to being to Lieutenant Commander Nalla Furban before she had been reassigned back to Starbase 12 to assist with medical research and development efforts for her new technology.

Fordring smiled as she tapped her combadge. "Fordring to Fordring?"

"Yeah?" came the voice of Tirion Fordring. "Whats up Galiaan?"

"You up for lunch back at our place?" she inquired of her husband.

"Yeah. I got thirty minutes." Fordring responded as Galiaan grinned at Tienn. "Seeya later." and with that, she licked her lips as the massive woman went out the door. Tienn followed but the small Bajoran turned left where as Fordring turned right. She has other fish to fry and other places to go visit.


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