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Eastern Promises: Checks

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 3:56am by Lieutenant Commander Selgae It'kla & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar

Mission: Mission 82: It Is War’s Prize to Take All Vantage.
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 7th, 2392

Lieutenant Selgae regarded the reminder for her prenatal appointment in sickbay, a soft snicker escaped her lips as she smiled. 'When I was young. I lived a life of recklessness. in my selfishness, I inflicted pain and suffering upon those I cared for most. I have learned many lessons in my struggles with doubt and fear.' Selgae thought to herself.

'Balance and harmony are not easily attained. They MUST be fought for!' as Selgae sighed softly as the Caitian female went into sickbay. The place was still rather busy and every single biobed was full, a wounded person on each with a medic and nurses tending to them as needed. Her footfalls were soft and gentle.

Selgae padded over to the desk. "Hey. I'm here for my checkup."

"Okay." the yeoman responded. "Do you know who it's with?"

"Not anymore... Considering." Selgae indicated the organized chaos present. "Okay. I'll call you when someone is available." the yeoman indicated the nearby waiting area. "Take a seat Lieutenant and... I'll try to shorten this for you."

Selgae nodded before she padded over to the chairs nearby, her large paws felt soothing on the gray, metallic floor as she slipped her lithe form into a chair, moments later the doors opened and Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi walked over to the desk. "Hey... any appointments?" she tiredly asked the yeoman seated at the desk.

"Yes. Lieutenant Selgae is here for her checkup."

"Okay. I'll take her." Yamaguchi came over to Selgae. "Hey, El Tee... I'm here for you." the tall woman regarded the smaller Caitian female before her.

"Indeed... Very well." the Caitian leaped to her feet with a grace that only a martial artist could possess. 'But on my journey... I have learned another lesson.' she thought to herself.

Yamaguchi could hear Selgae thinking to herself as a gentle smile crossed her face but she opted instead to say nothing.

Selgae followed Yamaguchi to one of the isolated examination rooms. 'You do not have to fight alone!' as Selgae hopped onto the bed contained within. Yamaguchi opened her tricorder. "Let's see how Zuko's little ones are doing today."

Selgae growled ever so softly, warning the massive woman that her insolence would not be tolerated.

"Right. Sorry... How the little ones are doing." Yamaguchi commented a moment later, amending her statement. "Let's see. Minus their mom's antique humor. The kits, such as they are, are doing well." Yamaguchi explained. "You'll have two healthy children in early September or thereabouts, roughly in the first week of the month in question," Yamaguchi added a moment later.

Selgae regarded Yamaguchi in silence.

Yamaguchi regarded the Caitian female before her. "I am concerned however about the fact that Akurians are apparently compatible with Caitians as I didn't think that Caitians were compatible with anyone." she paused. "I'll need to have the lab run more tests to make sure there are no unexpected side effects." she paused. "The reason is that we are in uncharted territory here."

Selgae nodded her head. "I've been concerned about it for awhile now."

"I don't blame you. I would be too were I in your paws." Yamaguchi explained. "Other than the blatantly obvious, try to keep your stress levels down and keep doing what you are doing, it's obviously working so far." Yamaguchi paused. "I'm also going to send away for a second opinion, I'm going to ask the Akurians for some information on the matter as well."

"I see," Selgae answered. "Are there any major issues?"

"Well, normally Caitians have litters between three to five babies I believe," Yamaguchi explained. "You have only two simply because of the fact that they are hybrids. We're dealing with something totally new here but from what I can see, they will be a little larger than usual but from what I can tell, They are in good health Selgae, you have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else we should discuss?" she inquired.

"No. I'll schedule another appointment for you in about two weeks time. Come back and see me then for a follow up to this follow up."
Yamaguchi explained.

"Thank you. I will." Selgae then accepted the PADD from the Doctor, she then hopped off of the bed before she saw herself out, heading for the main desk to turn in the PADD. "Doctor Yamaguchi gave me this."

"Okay. Let's see.." and with that, the nurse behind the desk went to work. "Okay. Nice, nothing overly major and the lab results will come back as soon as possible alright. I'm gonna to stick a rush on them so you will get some peace of mind."

"Thank you, Chief. I appreciate that." Selgae answered.

The two chatted a moment longer before Selgae made her goodbyes, heading back to her post up on the main bridge and to let Zuko know that all was well with his children.


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