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Decap with a Twist

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 3:48am by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 82: It Is War’s Prize to Take All Vantage.
Location: Outer Reaches - Goranar System
Timeline: 1800Hrs - May 6th, 2392

HoD L'mak was seated in the command chair of his bird of prey, he always had a craving for the smaller ships as they allowed him to perform his favored tactic, get up close and then hit his enemy hard with overloaded weapons. He often only got four or five strikes before he had to withdraw but often that was all he ever needed. He had made it his mission to crush his enemies with ruthless force, honor to him was found only in victory. "Status of our fleet?"

L'mak had not been granted a commission in the Defense force so he was stuck using his own house fleet which he felt was a match for anything in the Federation or the Gorns arsenal.

"All thirty ships report ready for battle HoD." Replied a Klingon female who honestly looked far too young to be in her post. "They report they are ready to kill the enemy."

"Excellent. Now. Where is the enemy?"

"There is a small Gorn force attacking one of our orbital bases over Gyphan." another female responded, this one was much older and shared a crest with the Captain himself. This woman was also his aunt, assigned here to reign in the Captain's impulses which often were extremely violent more than anything else.

"Very well. Order all ships to head there." L'mak smiled. "Helm, take us there. Tactical. Prepare overloaded weapons and make ready to engage the enemy."

The tactical officer thought this idea was complete and total nonsense but he was a Lieutenant and there was no arguing with this arrogant fool who commanded this ship that they were on. "Yes sir," he growled softly, he hated this barge of the damned and he was sure they were all going to die sooner or later anyway.

L'mak however cared not for the gripes of his crew, spoken or unspoken, as he was here for glory and nothing else. "Intercept course laid in."

"Execute." L'mak responded with a gleeful grin. The stars suddenly elongated into star lines as the entire fleet moved faster than warp with the Bird of Prey being the last one into warp.

Moments later the battle group appeared. "Open fire!" L'mak demanded. "Whoever they are, they will NOT steal my glory." he roared.

Meanwhile on the lead ship of this second Klingon battle group. HoD Chee'hal regarded the display before him. "What are those fools doing?"

"They are targeting all of our ships HoD." responded a younger Klingon male from the tactical station.

"Unbelievable." Chee'hal sighed as he shook his head. "Ignore them, focus on the Gorn force first," he responded. "That Klingon house fleet is no match-" he was cut off when something exploded nearby, spraying the bridge with a cloud of deadly shrapnel that sliced into anything they touched, including Klingon bodies. Within seconds everyone on the bridge was dead, including Chee'hal himself.

L'mak smiled. "Keep firing!" he roared as he watched the two Klingon forces proceed to start firing at each other as the Gorn ignored the Klingon fleets and focused their efforts on the Klingon station, they were too busy pummeling the stations shields to be of any use to the Klingon fleets that were battering each other to death.

"Glorious!" L'mak yelled at the top of his lungs as he turned to his conn officer. "steer heading two two five. Stand by Photon Torpedoes."

There was little the conn officer could do other than to obey these foolish commands from a man who was a complete moron. "Yes, sir. On our way." the young woman responded.

L'mak smiled as he watched his weapons get discharged into the side of an older Vorcha class cruiser, the impacts left major flashes of white and red as the bolts dissipated on the enemy ships shields.

"What are you doing!" L'mak shouted. "Destroy them!"

"I am trying sir. We are a frigate and they are a battlecruiser." L'mak's aunt responded in a derisive tone. "Watch your tone boy or I'll fucking spank you right here!"

There were a few laughs around the bridge as L'mak pulled his sidearm and disintegrated his aunt with one shot. As her dying screams faded from hearing. "Junior Tactical Officer. You have been promoted." there was something sinister in L'mak's tone of voice.

"Sir. The enemy warships are locking onto us." a panicked voice called from the left side of the bridge. "They are all firing on us!" and suddenly the world went white. L'mak, his crew and his ship along with all of his dreams of glory were shattered with over sixty warheads hitting his ship from every Klingon ship from the enemy fleet.

Chee'hal's revenge had been a while in coming as both sides continued to batter the other ships into broken wreckage but suddenly there were sixty warp flashes as Gorn ships dropped into the engagement and proceeded to finish off both sets of Klingon ships within minutes and within ten minutes of the battle starting, everyone had died except the Gorn who departed to meet up with the rest of their forces elsewhere.


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