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Noncommissioned - Part Two

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 3:30am by Master Sergeant Braelynn "Shadow" Di'Tomasso

Mission: Mission 84: The Ghastly Echoes of Vietnam
Location: Ruins of Halan'goren - Midtown
Timeline: 1330Hrs - May 4th, 2392

Master Sergent Braelynn Di'Tomaaso was seated in a small clove of trees that would not amount to much anytime soon as the Klingons most recent move had failed, the banzai charge that had started when their scout ship had gone down had only resulted in massive casualties for the Klingons and Di'Tomasso's blood being quenched for the afternoon. "Odin. I hate these bastards." she lamented.

Kellog regarded her. "I don't." the smaller Orion female then shrugged as she pulled the clip out of her rifle. "They came to die... I have no problems giving them what they seek," she explained.

Di'Tomasso smiled, it was something not often seen these days. "I didn't think I was going to like you Kellog," she admitted. "It takes me awhile... After what happened to Odessa and Orellia... I just want all Klingons to die." she paused as she let out a sigh.

"No.. That's, not a bad thing." as she produced a thermos from her BDU gear that she wore, she opened it and then took a mouthful before she handed it to the larger female. "What is it?" Braelynn asked.

"Noros Fruit Punch. I was able to get some from home... Orion that is... Y'know how hard that stuff is to come by?" Kellog responded before she asked her question of Di'Tomasso.

"Unbelievable." Di'Tomasso gently accepted the beverage, it tasted like the sweetest wine, the juiciest and ripe fruit in the galaxy as she savored sipping the drink rather than gulping it. "I've not had this drink... in far far too long." before she slipped the lid and handed the beverage back to Kellog. "My thanks."

"You're welcome." the smaller female grinned. "Did you think this was booze?"

"Of course not. But then we are in a war zone and I now see why the humans nicknamed this place 'New Stalingrad.' I confess I didn't know Earth's history." the tall Orion explained. "I decided to look it up after they booted us out of sickbay."

"Yes. the humans among us have some interesting habits." the smaller of the two women responded with a smile. "How are you coping?"

"I'm not." Di'Tomasso responded. "I'll deal with it after this battle ends and we get rotated off of the front lines." the tall Orion responded, her thoughts made sense and were entirely practical.

Kellog nodded. "Fair enough... Just... Don't do anything stupid in the meantime okay... Losing Orellia like that was..." she paused. "I don't think I'll ever get over that."

"I know." Di'Tomasso responded, she had been there and she knew exactly what Kellog was saying to her. "So we'll sit here and carry on killing Klingons, as many as it takes to win this thing and then we'll go home.. and...then we'll carry on with life, I guess.."

"We'll do whatever we must," Kellog responded quietly.

"So how many did you get?" Di'Tomasso inquired. "I myself got forty-three kills and two probables during that stupid banzai charge," she explained.

"I got forty-four and no probables," Kellog explained, a smile appearing on her face as a Gorn sniper prepared. "Master Sargent, the Klingons seem to be massing to the north for another assault. We need you guys."

Kellog grinned at Di'Tomasso. "So... Shall we?" she inquired.

"For Odin. We shall." as the tall Orion lifted her rifle before the three of them moved out to their new nest.


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