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Catching up and a Revelation

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 8:01am by Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Post Captain Tirion Fordring & Brigadier General Jorge "Noble Six" Sinclair-Di'Tomasso

Mission: Mission 82: It Is War’s Prize to Take All Vantage.
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: Apr 26th 2392

Teval entered the green dragon and selected a table for the group to sit down, once there Teval asked Tirion Fordring. "So, how have things been going for you lately."

"It is irritating," Fordring responded. "The fighters are being maintained however we are not getting replacements to keep up with losses.. the Drones manage as well as they can but.. it is not enough... and anytime we ask... we are told that we are last on the list due to Roanoke's age."

Cyrin nodded. "Yeah, its a never ending problem."

Teval had to explain. "Already know all about that, your reports tell me that, so I'm not asking about it, I am asking about how are you personally doing. Let's face it, we haven't interacted much since the hangar deck disaster."

"Ahh... right." Fordring paused. "I'm doing okay. Life has been progressing along at pace... Other than the fact that Galiaan wants more children... Not much is really happening with me." he sighed. "I'm not sure how to tell her I don't want more children.."

Teval shrugged, saying. "Well, I know how you feel," I'm going to end up with even more children in my life, thanks to Hakaya getting herself pregnant again. Though right now I am very much missing mine. Stupid war."

"I got nothing nice to say about the Klingons.." Fordring responded quietly. "They can't behave themselves.. so we gotta do it for them.."

Teval nodded, while Cyrin added. "Speaking of behavior, the crew does behave better now with you in charge."

"Probably because I don't set the horrific example of being drunk and stoned on duty," Teval replied.

Fordring chuckled softly. "That's being subtle," he responded. "You are also a little more right in the head," he added.

Teval nodded then he noticed Noble Six, Toshnarr, and Zarloos coming into the green dragon as well.

Toshnarr hissed softly. "Excellent.." as he regarded Fordring. "Join you?"

Fordring indicated a chair. "Sure." as Toshnarr selected a chair before Nobile Six selected another chair. "So.. what did we miss?"

Fordring shrugged. "Nothing much... the usual... chatting... Hows Mikaela?"

"She's planetside and I miss spending time with her." Noble Six responded.

Teval nodded. "Yeah knows how you feel, I am definitely missing my kids as well, I could really do with cuddling with one of them."

"Well at least its only been a few weeks of separation for you," Ryuukei added. "It's been 60 years worth of separation for me. Though at least Nevanzi has confirmed, that at least on our side less than a year has passed."

"So... You're almost not missing at all then." Noble six responded.

Toshnarr sighed softly. "Depressing."

Teval then looked at Ryuukei," Speaking of you, you have been far more well behaved about this gender flip thing than Shorin or Lasarra."

Ryuukei looked at his hand replying," Well, this isn't exactly an unusual situation for me."

Teval had a confused look on his face, prompting him to ask, what do you mean by that."

Ryuukei looked back at teval. "Well, I was born with a few defective genes. I had male DNA and a male mentality, but born with partially female body parts, albeit nonfunctional, basically, a similar situation that Seykai is currently in."

Teval had an incredulous look on his face," Wait, what, but, but how. Before this, you had fully male body parts, what happened. Not to mention you said you had children."

Ryuukei gave a small smile and leaned back in his chair," Yep, well, during the dominion war I had the pleasure of running across a rather skilled Federation doctor. He figured out a way to fix my issue, using the transporter he was able to fix my physical issues as well as the few defective parts of my genes in order to correct that problem. As for how I have children, well that was accomplished through an artificial method."

Teval looked at Ryuukei curiously. "But couldn't that same method that that doctor used to be used to correct your issue."

Ryuukei shook his head. "No because of two problems. One, back then it was only a few obviously defective genes. This time around my DNA has been completely changed. Two, that doctor was using an experimental imaging system to accomplish this. Unfortunately, that device was lost when a few weeks later our ship was destroyed by a Dominion attack, and the doctor who accomplished this feat was killed. Along with that, his research notes where destroyed."

Teval sighed saying. "Ugh, that's just typical. Someone does something brilliant and that's how the universe repays them."

Fordring sighed. "Lovely. So.. there is no other option then?" he inquired. "There must be an alternative...."

Noble Six sighed. "Time travel then?" he inquired in a dry tone of voice.

"You are not serious?" Toshnarr rumbled as he regarded the massive human.

"I am seldom otherwise." Noble Six responded.

"How do you propose to achieve this minor feet of engineering... we'd need the precise date, time and location... otherwise this effort is worse than wasteful."

"Well. I was actually going to just wing it."

"You are fucking with me.." Toshnarr rumbled.

Yeah... because you are such an easy target." Noble Six responded.

Ryuukei sighed commenting. "No even I am not crazy enough to start messing around with time travel just to do something like this."

"Aww, why not?" Noble Six responded. "I mean it could be diverting... I mean think of all the people we could see... all the women we could know."

"You need to get out more," Fordring commented.

Toshnarr sighed softly. "Really.... How about we focus on the more immediate issue before us."

"Is there an issue on your mind," Teval asked.

"When is there not an issue on my mind Teval?" Fordring responded in a flat tone of voice. "I must explain to my wife that I do not wish more children, however, she wishes it.. and I do not... so we have an impasse... that I am unable to break."

Toshnarr blinked. "I could attempt to reason with her."

"No," Fordring responded. "That will be a waste of effort."

"Well. I guess that's that then.." Noble Six responded with a sigh. "It's like Odessa I don't like her selection of movies.."

Ryuukei looked at Noble six," Why whats wrong with her selection of movies."

"Nothing but porn... lots of porn..." Noble Six responded in a dry tone. "It gets annoying after a time."

Toshnarr blinked his eyes. "Humanoid porn is... dull."

Fordring raised an eyebrow. "Dull?"

"Humanoids are rather strange." Toshnarr rumbled.

Ryuukei sighed," Yeah Akurians generally aren't as big on porn. Then again, with our society, the distinction is a little more blurry."

Teval snorted. "Yeah, tell that to Hakaya. If I remember right, she used you as the subject for one of her drawings."

Ryuukei replied in a nonchalant manner. "Hey, I have a cute fluffy butt. She liked it."

"Yes I recall a few incidents with her drawings at the center of them," Fordring responded in a dry tone of voice. "A couple of the Yamaguchi's got involved too.

"Yamaguchi's seem to have a magical ability to get involved in everything," Teval commented dryly.

"Rachael Yamaguchi has been very useful to me over the past while... Engineering has her bouncing back and forth between her guys and mine... She's been my point man... well woman between the two departments... Considering the issues with the com system."

At that moment Hakaya showed up and hugged Ryuukei from behind, saying. "Hi, cutie."

Ryuukei's fur briefly stood up out of surprise, and he felt sudden though a brief surge of hormones, prompting him to exclaim. "Dammit, Hakaya doesn't do that," Hakaya responded by giving him a lick on the cheek and a nuzzle.

Fordring watched in silence, slowly blinking his eyes before he smiled. "Well it could be worse right?" he inquired before he suddenly grinned widely.

Toshnarr rasped ever so softly. "That's not very subtle..."

Teval grabbed Hakaya's tail, saying. "Well, this is Hakaya after all."

Hakaya responded by grabbing Teval with one arm and pulling him closer, so that she was hugging both Ryuukei and Teval, purring happily.

Fordring watched in silence with a smile on his lips. "Nothing wrong with that.... and I've never seen her so happy anyway." the massive man shrugged.

Toshnarr lifted his drink to his snout and he drained half the contents of the drink.

Teval rubbed Hakaya's cheek. "Eh, you guys don't interact with her very often, so you don't see her when she is in a cuddly mood."

"I didn't think that was even possible," Toshnarr responded.

Fordring shrugged his shoulders. "Well, it could always be worse right"? he inquired of the gathering, several people were nodding their heads in agreement.

Teval looked at Toshnarr. "Well, that's because you haven't interacted with her very much."

Toshnarr peered across at Teval. "I do interact with her... I also treat her clients she sometimes sends to sickbay with, shall we say various wounds.." the Gorn rumbled.

Fordring regarded the Gorn. "I don't think that's the sort of interaction he means.."

"Oh.. I know what he means..." Toshnarr responded. "When was the last time you clawed someone Hakaya... I have heard all the stories.. and may I say I could write a novel about it."

Hakaya gave Toshnarr the innocent kitten look while Teval mentioned. "Not since she has been in engineering, short of the one time Tienn attacked her for no reason. Well, I think also those secret service guys too, but we all know they deserved it."

"Yes.. they did," Toshnarr responded evenly. "I hope those impudent fools return..." before he smiled.

"Never bring that up again." Fordring rumbled. "After that those fuckers did to my wife and her colleagues, death is too good for them."

The Gorn regarded the Vrykul. "Ralih was my friend too.." he rumbled quietly when suddenly the third and final member of their little group sat down. "Ahh good, I'm just in time..." Maraad Skyshatter commented. "Miss me?"

Fordring raised an eyebrow. "Deeply," he responded in a rather insincere tone of voice.

"You hear him talk... I'm deeply offended. I demand restitution.." Skyshatter responded.

Toshnarr chuckled. "I am sure... Golf then?"

"Driving range on the hanger deck?" Skyshatter responded. "Sounds good to me... assuming we can get the deck boss to let us have it."

"We don't need the main hanger forcefield. I'm sure we can borrow a cargo bay... something with a door and forcefield." Toshnarr responded. "It had been too long since I burned marks in the deck plating."

Skyshatter sighed. "You enjoy that."

"Maybe.." Toshnarr answered before finishing his drink.

Teval didn't say anything while Cyrin commented. "Well unfortunately with flight ops going on so often, I don't think I can spare the hangar space, sorry about that."

"That's fine... We'll borrow an unused cargo bay." Toshnarr responded evenly. "I know we have one that's not being used... Cargo Bay two. It has an exterior hatch... it'll work well enough for us."


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