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Upstanding in a Field

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 5:09am by Chief Warrant Officer Courtney "Warhowl" Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1340Hrs - July 12th, 2393

Lieutenant Courtney Yamaguchi, who was better known by her nickname of Warhowl sighed softly as she slowly moved down the forest trail, she could feel the heat of the planets star high overhead and in the wind, the sounds of wildlife could be heard from all around her, she moved silently across the ground while she moved towards her destination, a Starfleet Delta Flyer which carried the rest of her team.

Suddenly, her com badge beeped at her. "Telfer to Yamaguchi, you alive Warhowl?"

"No. I'm dead," Warhowl answered. "Allow me to assist you, you are asleep in bed, as your body processes the copious amount of toxins you ingested last night," she added in a rather snide tone of voice, her dislike of the man she was addressing was telling and she didn't care who knew of it either.

"Ha. ha. Funny." Telfer answered. "How long will you be?" he added, the hostility was really coming out in his tone.

"What's the rush?" Yamaguchi answered with a soft chuckle. "Maybe you don't like that I'm the best in my field," she added.

"You're taking too long," Telfer answered bluntly.

"Aww, poor baby," Warhowl answered in a snide tone of voice. "I'll be right along when I get there. Stop being pushy," she added as she emerged from the forest into the clearing where the away teams Delta Flyer was located, among them was an Andorian Shen, a Bajoran female and two human males, one of them was doing some work on an open cover near the starboard nacelle.

"Hello guys," Warhowl commented as she approached. "What did I miss?"

"Just his being an ass. How'd things go?" the Bajoran female answered as she indicated Telfer, who was the only one standing around, not doing anything, a wide grin on her face.

"It went well. I got the samples we needed." Warhowl commented evenly as she regarded the Bajoran.

"Hey hey, you with us, we got work to do." Telfer snapped at her.

"Oh shut up will ya." The Andorian Shen responded. "Telfer, I think you are just being an ass." the Andorian added.

Telfer went to get into her face except Warhowl got into his first. "Go back inside the shuttle and sit down, we were sent here to retrieve these samples, we did that so once the Delta Flyer is ready to fly, we will head back to the ship," she growled softly.

"We would-" Telfer commented.

"Stop talking." The Andorian interrupted. "You are not in command of the mission," she added.

"Who told you this?" Telfer answered evenly.

"We all did," Warhowl commented evenly. "You've been a complete and total asshole on the subject, now go and do your actual job before someone around here decides to deal with you." Before Telfer could respond, Warhowl turned and went into the Delta Flyer through the large back hatch as she went over to the science lab in the back of the room, she opened the kit and she produced the soil and rock samples as she smiled, while she went to work on her soil analysis. "What I need is a vacation," she commented aloud.

The Andorian Shen sat down next to her. "Just a vacation, what you need is a man to handle your various needs."

"I don't need a guy who is oversexed," Courtney answered with a smile, as she worked at the display. "I need some time off, to lie down on a beach and spend time getting a tan," she added.

"Mind if I go with you?" the Andorian inquired.

"So long as I don't have to hang out on an iceberg, then you have a deal," Courtney answered.

"It would hurt..." the Andorian responded. "But okay."

Warhowl regarded the Andorian in silence. "Sure," she added after waiting a moment before she answered the Andorians question. "Still. I should have these soil samples done by the time we land," she commented. "Then I should be free to relax and unwind."

"Sounds good to me. I still have those two holosuite passes for us. I want to spend them somewhere really exotic. I assume you're interested." the Andorian Shen smiled down at Warhowl. "Just think, you can get your issues tended to and not worry about men while you do it."

"The Hoobishan Baths on Trill... I've always wanted to see them and now I will get my chance, fuck yes. I'm in." Warhowl answered with a wide grin on her face. "It'll be fun. you'll see." the Andorian answered before she smiled down at the human female. "So, what time and what day?"

"Tonight, nineteen hundred hours. I will see you there." Warhowl answered with a smile, suddenly the Andorian slowly faded away as the space around her turned back into an office where Warhowl looked down at the desk where she had been working earlier. Warhowl blinked. "Where did Shallis go?" she asked aloud.

"Unknown." the base computer answered.

"Computer. Locate Tallas zh'Shallis?" Warhowl inquired.

The computer's response was swift and quick. "Major Tallas 'Thor' zh'Shallis is not onboard the Starbase."

"What posting does she hold?" Warhowl inquired.

"The Major is the 1/145th Marine Battalion Commander." came the response from the computer.

Warhowl smiled, there was something about that Andorian that made her smile. Warhowl knew that this woman would not know her but the idea was what she wanted, she also decided that she would get out more often.


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