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Three Gates

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 4:47am by Major General Alan Masters & Lieutenant Colonel Tragg Highmountain & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 4:48am

Mission: Mission 74: The War Within, The War Without
Location: Various Locations - USS Argonne
Timeline: 1000Hrs - Mar 26th 2392

Major Tragg Highmountain tapped the doorbell to the Colonel's office, he was bade enter at that point. "Its been two hours Colonel... You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I've looked over Taylor's personnel file." Hobbs told him. "It is a little worrying. We need to talk to General Masters."

Highmountain nodded as he snorted gently. "May I ask why?" he inquired of the smaller human female before him.

"His role model, Colonel Nye, killed a lot of good people for his own ego. So we can get him at the very least transferred out of our command. That guy is trouble and I can see him making the lives of his marines hell." Hobbs told him.

"I read about him." Highmountain responded. "He likes to be abusive to his troops... He was apparently assigned to that battalion to reign in his impulses.."

"Oh, how wonderful of Star Fleet command." Hobbs replied. "I'm going to try and contact General Masters." Hobbs tapped on the controls on her desk. "General Masters, this is Colonel Hobbs. We need to talk when you are available."

The face of the General appeared several moments later. "Colonel Hobbs... I was just thinking of you." he responded. "Hows married life treating you?"

"It is treating me well, thank you General." Hobbs replied. "This isn't a social call. I need to talk to you about one of our Marine battalion Commanders. One Lieutenant Colonel Taylor."

Masters frowned. "Go on Brianna... I suspect I'm not going to like this... Am I?"

"No, you are not. Taylor was subordinate officer under Colonel Nye. He has the same mindset an idolizes him. I'm sure he has also committed several war crimes." Hobbs told Masters.

"Oh lovely." Masters growled. "Alright... I'll stat the paperwork to reassign him from your command." he paused. "Why the fuck did Major Tienn get her ass demoted.." he then smashed his fist into his desk in a rather rare show of emotion. "Sorry Colonel.. I will send you a replacement as soon as possible."

"Thank you General." Hobbs then continued. "The reason this came to my attention was there was a large brawl. Several officers were involved."

"Officers?" Masters paused. "Maybe I'd best have this story from the start please Brianna.?"

"There is a rather detailed report of what happened. I was not going to bring it to your attention but we had issues with Taylor." Hobbs told him.

Masters read the report quickly before he gave it the once over. "Oh boy.." he paused.

"Now you know why I brought this to your attention. How this officer continues to serve is a scandal. Sooner or later, something will happen with him." Hobbs told Masters.

"Well I don't have a large supply of officers available... but I will start the chapter paperwork for him... I'll have him off of you're hands in about a month and I'll send you someone hand picked by me and you as I will send you the files for the candidates for the post... Its the best I can do..."

"Thank you but how can you chapter out a senior officer?" Hobbs asked. "Besides getting into a fistfight, his record looks clean. We only know who he is because of his attachment to Nye."

"Its.... well ... Its best you don't ask me that Brianna... Ask me no questions.. I'll tell you no lies.."

Hobbs just nodded. "Alright, I heard nothing. Thanks for looking into this matter."

"Thanks for bringing the issue to my attention.." Masters responded. "Do we need to discuss anything else?"

"No, I think that is all for now. Just a heads up though, I think Starfleet command put a lot of undesirables in our new marine units. This won't be our only meeting when it comes to personnel misconduct." Hobbs told Masters.

"I understand." Masters responded. "I can send you a personnel officer who will help you sort out the losers from the decent marines?... If you wish."

Hobbs shook her head. "No thank you General... I think we can manage.."

"As you wish." Masters responded. "I will however request a replacement for Colonel Taylor. He will not be present for long." he then smiled at her.


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