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More Scrutiny

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 3:15am by Commander Saia Azuresteel & Lieutenant Commander Heather LaMonica

Mission: Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Location: Various Locations - USS Argonne
Timeline: 1100Hrs - March 24th, 2392

"Doctor Anjou!" Captain Rhodes called out to the lieutenant as he entered sick bay. "I have sent you several requests to interview you. You have ignored all of them. It seems you would rather not talk to me."

"When I ignored your requests that should have been an indication of my intentions." Anjou replied as he continued to work on his PaDD.

"This is an official investigation." Rhodes told him.

"Is it?" Anjou countered. "Colonel Nye was a murderer and a war criminal and was still holding a command. Yet when he meets an untimely but not unexpected demise now Star Fleet launches an investigation? This whole affair smacks of politics."

Rhodes pursed his lips but kept cool. "This is how things are run in Star Fleet. You were the one who found Colonel Nye unfit for command on medical grounds, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was." Anjou replied.

"Yet only a few hours earlier he was fit. What happened in that narrow time frame for you to change your mind?" Rhodes asked.

"A few hours earlier a lot more people were alive and the good Colonel had not mutinied." Anjou told him.

"Just because some one commits an act of mutiny that doesn't mean that they are insane." Rhodes told him.

"No, it doesn't." Anjou agreed.

"So you misused your authority as chief medical officer?" Rhodes asked.

"Are you kidding me? He was committing mutiny! I used it as a tool to stop him and I was completely justified." Anjou told him.

"That is not the proper use of that power. You could be brought up on charges." Rhodes threatened him.

Anjou finally stopped working on his PaDD. "Than please by all means do that. I will gladly acknowledge my actions."

"I don't think there will be a need for that though," Rhodes told him.

"Forgive me if I do not thank you." Anjou told him. "We both know those charges wouldn't stick. It would also be an embarrassment for Star Fleet."

"Doctor Anjou, why are you in Star Fleet?" Rhodes asked.

"To heal people." he replied.

"You can heal people on Earth?" Rhodes countered. "Unlike the rest of Star Fleet officers, you have an Oxford education. You could work anywhere you want."

"To be honest, that is none of your business." Anjou told Rhodes.

"Oh but it is my business. A man of your background isn't usually found out here. You pissed someone off or you did something or possibly both." Rhodes warned him.

Anjou looked angry but held his tongue. Rhodes smiled at him. "Please cooperate Doctor or we will have to take a close look into your past."

"Who is we?" Anjou asked.

Rhodes just smiled as he left. He had another crewman to talk to. "Computer: Where is Lieutenant LaMonica?"

"Lieutenant LaMonica is in her quarters." the computer responded.

Meanwhile Heather was in bed with her wife whom she had not seen in far too long. She gently held Saia Azuresteel in her arms. "I'm glad Captain Yamaguchi could spare you for a few days... I need to thank her."

"Try not to take her to bed.. She's hard up all the time these days." Azuresteel almost purred at her before she doorbell beeped at both women.

Azuresteel got out of bed, she stood up before selecting a robe for herself and she handed one to her wife, then Azuresteel went to answer the door. "Hello... Can I help you?" she inquired in a cool tone of voice but the annoyance in her eyes said a lot.

LaMonica meanwhile was in the bathroom, cleaning up.

"Lieutenant LaMonica has some questions to answer." Rhodes coolly told her.

Azuresteel regarded him as her displeasure only grew. "Thats nice... but who the fuck are you?" she growled softly.

"Captain Rhodes, Adjutant General's Office." He calmly told her.

Azuresteel was ready to explode, as she glared darkly at him. "Fine. Come in..." she responded quietly before she turned away.

LaMonica was wearing only a robe over nothing but her skin. "Captain Rhodes... I keep hearing all about you." the Operations Officer said. Her tone indicated that it was nothing good.

Azuresteel didn't make any attempt to leave as she sat down on the sofa and got comfortable. LaMonica sat down next to her wife. "So... whats the matter Captain?"

"I need to ask you some questions about the recent mutiny and the actions of the crew of Argonne." Rhodes told her.

LaMonica regarded the Captain before her with a pained look. "You couldn't have come at a different time... Could you?" she inquired. "The event was six months ago... Why so long?"

"Yes, well the bureaucracy on Earth works slow." Rhodes looked at her and Saia. "We can reschedule if this is a bad time for you?"

"No." LaMonica responded but suddenly Azuresteel commented, "We'll never be rid of you otherwise." Before her wife could finish her sentence as she elected instead to regarded the Captain with a pointed look as if to say 'get on with it'.

"Just, in your own words, tell me what happened." Rhodes stated.

LaMonica's memory went hurtling back to the event in question. "Colonel Nye decided to mutiny against Captain Sorvok, he also threatened to kill anyone who didn't agree with him, sending massed wave assaults against enemy targets.. The opposition didn't have any space defenses and so Nye decided he could throw out the plan and do it his way like he did with his previous operations where the opposition was too weak to really be a threat." she felt her wife take her hand in her own.

LaMonica shrugged. "He committed mutiny, he then locked out the main computer and he committed various crimes against the Federation and our allies... We recovered the ship but it cost us heavily. To the point where three of our escorting Destroyers turned their guns on us..."

The last sentence piqued Rhodes interest. "Why did our own ships turn their guns on the Argonne?"

"Because Colonel Nye threatened to shoot down our own ships." LaMonica responded. "The Chief of Security... one Lieutenant Udloi Korgnov was in on it... He had his phaser out and said he would shoot people dead if they did anything stupid."

"Why was Colonel Nye in command of the ship? Were was Sorvok?" He asked.

"He was confined to the ready room under Marine guard." LaMonica responded. "Then Captain Snee locked out the main computer using a backdoor program he had installed a while earlier."

"Alright, I think we are done for now. Thank you Lieutenant." Rhodes told her.

"Yep." and with that the two women rose to their feet as Azuresteel showed the Captain out the door before the two women went into the bedroom.

LaMonica slipped off the robe as she felt her wife kissed her on the side of her neck before she turned her head and kissed her wife on the lips. "Back to bed?"

"Yep... Your ass and body are both mine... and I will have my way with you..."

LaMonica smiled as she climbed onto the bed, before her wife pushed her onto her back, she grinned before she went down on her wife.


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