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The Matters of Mercy

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 1:35am by Lieutenant Jeffran Sinclair & Staff Warrant Officer Veri

Mission: Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1100Hrs - March 20th, 2392

Lieutenant Jeffran Sinclair walked into sickbay, a large pack on his back that was clearly medical in origin and design, also it had his name stenciled on it. He looked around as he sought to gain an idea of where he would be working, his eyes were a brilliant shade of brown as he peered at the notice board where the schedules were made up.

The light reflected of the shiny part of his head as a voice inquired what he was doing, he turned to the left as he found himself face to face with an Asian female he didn't know. "My apologies Lieutenant Commander." he started before he stopped. "I am new here and I was not sure who to see.."

"You see me. I'm Lt Commander Tanya Stevenson, Assistant Chief Medical Officer in this part of town..."

"Lieutenant Jeffran Sinclair, at your service."

"Welcome aboard El Tee. I assume all of your documentation is on file?"

Sinclair simply handed her a PADD. "Indeed sir. My oath is on record."

"To be honest. I was never worried about the oath. I understand it can be a bit of a handicap at times."

"I worry about it as my seeing anyone other then another Deltan will cause... problems for all concerned. I'd prefer to avoid them." he explained as a female Deltan entered the room, she walked past him as he turned his head to watch her depart out the second door. "Who was that?"

"That would be staff warrant officer Veri... She has recently returned from med school so try to behave with her.. Anyway... I won't keep you... Go settle in and we can start you on your work tomorrow."

Sinclair nodded. "Yes Doctor... tomorrow at eight then?"

Stevenson nodded. "Yes. Seeya then."

With that he turned away as he went to follow the female Deltan, he had not seen one of his own kind in too long.

Veri stopped in her track and turned her head. She smirked at the new arrival. A deltan. A new playmate. Catch me if you can, Veri sent telepathically to her Deltan counterpart.

You are.. Mine!. Sinclair regarded her, a smile graced his lips as he honestly wanted a challenge and it seemed like this female would give him one.

Veri darted down the scrub halls and walked very quickly to the showers with snicker. A playful snicker.

Sinclair turned as he lost sight of the female Deltan. He turned his head. "Where'd she go?" he turned and went down the hallway towards the showers.

Ah! But I truly never leave my ken, Veri taunted as she awaited him in the shower stall.

Indeed?. he thought back to her before finding her moments later. "Hello.. So the stories I heard about Deltans not being assigned here were lies.." he said aloud while he regarded her.

"Fleet likes to try and have two on a ship if they can, in case of biological emergencies," Veri admitted with a smile and shifted a bit, grinning. Trying to line him up just right.

Sinclair regarded her, as he narrowed his eyes while he tried to figure out what she was doing. "Nothing wrong with that.... What are you doing?"

"Cooling you off," Veir snickered as she turned the showers on and took off on a run out of the showers.

Sinclair sighed as he simply took one step backwards. Out of the water as he watched her retreat. "Hmm..."

"Welcome to the ship," she teased with a warm laugh. Friendly. "I'm Veri."

"I'm Jeffran." he responded. "Do you welcome all new crew members this way?" he inquired of her.

"Only fellow Deltans," Veri purred. "I'm not sure if non-Deltans would understand."

Jeffran regarded her. "Now you think little of the others present." he responded.

"Nah... I love people. Love getting to know them," Veri spoke energetically. "But not many understand Deltans. We're aloof to them."

"We are?" the Deltan inquired of her. "Oh do tell?"

"I get the impression Humans think we're a bit too open," Veri said with a contained laugh.

"Not all humans are alike." Sinclair responded while he shrugged his shoulders. "Yes we are far older to them but... They will catch up to us... as a species eventually."

"So what you do on the ship, Lieutenant?" Veri asked with a bright smile.

Sinclair regarded her. "I'm one of your surgeons." he responded.

"You'll see a lot more of me then. I'm a trained surgical nurse. Used to be a RN, but trained further to attain my NP licence."

Sinclair nodded his head, accepting the information he had just been told. "Very well. I have no doubt we will be working together then."

"Well then... Come find me if you find you need a connection with Home," Veri offered with a huge smile.

Sinclair regarded her. "I have not been home in far too long." he responded. "My family did not like the fact that I joined Starfleet.." he then shrugged as if to say he didn't care which he didn't.


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