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L'heki's Time of Grace

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 9:05pm by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: The Ogat System
Timeline: 100Hrs - March 7th, 2392

The ships scattered around the system were not faring very well as fireballs bloomed all over the system, as munitions and starships exploded with equal fervor, either detonating against enemy ships hulls or in space.

L'Heki smiled as he watched the battle rage around him, the firestorm of weapons fire that sucked in ships and other assets all over the system. "Incoming incoming incoming!"

L'Heki's world went away for a moment as he blacked out, the ship's inertial compensators clearly didn't adjust well enough for whatever hit them. "What... what hit us?!?"

"A bird of Prey rammed us sir.. our fleet however is intact..." a voice answered as L'heki slowly picked himself up off of the deck plating, he found he could taste blood. "Status of the battle?"

"The battle is going well... Ogat Two, six, seven and nine are ours.." as the tactical officer spoke, planets one then four all went from being red to blue, marked as either taken or secure as Wohavi's forces either died in place or withdrew to a second rendezvous point. This just left Ogat Three which incidentally was the primary habitable planet in the system. Also there was the moons around Ogat Five which was a class J gas giant much like Jupiter in the terran system or the world of Kahless on the Kronos system and last was the various moons orbiting Ogat Eight which were even now being contested by Tethi-loyal ships.

Moments went by as he watched the display when suddenly world eight went from red to blue which indicted the last Wohavi forces there had been slain or driven off. Neither of them were in the mood for prisoners.

L'heki smiled as he turned. "Take our group to attack the third world, tell groups two and three to attack world's five and eight respectively."

"Yessir. right away."

Meanwhile Ogat Five was a beehive of activity with ships from both sides fighting it out, if one could stand on the cloudtops of Ogat Five, they would see a rather impressive fireworks show, made up of antimatter fireworks and ion trails in a rather intricate dance, except this dance was of death and destruction.

HoD Man'gri of the IKS Mup'wi smiled. "Take out the flanking Bird Bird of Prey.." which was done just moments later as the storm of weapons fire continued, the two Negh'vars converged on the single Vorcha before they began to pour weapons fire, causing the Vorcha to disintegrate under the ruthless weapons fire.

Several more ships converged on the Mup'wi, as Man'gri smiled. "come then dogs.." as he nodded. "Fire." before the Vorcha returned the fire from the four smaller Klingon ships, one of these took a hit, which caused them to fly out of control and it smashed into the moon rather then any of the nearby ships.

Man'gri chuckled. "Fools." he turned. "find me something else to kill."

Meanwhile, seated in her command chair was Wohavi as she growled softly. "How many losses?"

"Almost two thirds of the fleet.. control is crumbling over worlds five and eight.."

"Alright. order all remaining loyal ships to come here.. We make our stand and destroy these fools.." she then rose to her feet. "Captain. command this ship in the battle to come.. I will transfer my flag to the orbital battlestation."

"Yes Chancellor." and with that Wohavi withdrew from the bridge, her next stop was the transporter room. "Beam me to the battlestation."

"Yessir. right away." and with that she was beamed off of the ship in question, she then moved into the base operations area after stepped off of the transporter platform. "Status?" she cried aloud.

"Shields are fully charged and weapons are at maximum." came the response. "Our remaining ships are on their way."

"Good." Wohavi responded. "Status of the enemy?"

"They have taken heavy losses.. But their morale remains high.. and Ogat Four has been glassed... They are also glassing the colonies and bases on every single other planet and moon."

"They do that to piss me off." Wohavi responded, she sounded calm on the outside but on the inside she seethed with rage, the enemy were killing her people, slaughtering much of her kin who were on those various worlds.

Meanwhile L'heki smiled as his ship and battlegroup were approaching their targets under cloak. "Move into position then drop cloak and fire everything at the battlestation only."

The tactical officer nodded his head. "Ready sir.."

"Drop cloak... open fire." as the lighting on the bridge went from a dull red to a brilliant white. L'heki could see his weapons landing hits on the bases shields. "Release all our mines... kill that base..."

The tactical officer nodded as most of the ships around then found themselves taking fire and many of those did not survive the attack. A single Bird of prey wheeled around at maximum impulse, it made it ninety percent of the way before several missiles exploded it short of the target but its degree was still heading in the direction, it still landed and in many cases going through the bases shields after collapsing them in raw, catastrophic fashion.

The several hundred mines that followed began the task of demolishing the battlestation. Wohavi beamed to a bird of prey that had been damaged in an earlier engagement as the base fell apart around her, she escaped as the base blew up.

L'heki smiled as he watched the base blow up but he and his ship were jumped by a force of Wohavi ships, six in all and while L'heki demolished one of his attackers, the other five proceeded to take him apart. He died in battle which was exactly what he wanted, his last act was to scream Wohavi's name as the world went white around him.


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