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Fall of Ogat

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 9:16pm by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: The Ogat System
Timeline: 1100Hrs - March 7th, 2392

Wohavi sighed softly, her damaged bird of prey couldn't make it far as she fled out of the system, her remaining crew of sixteen were loyal to her. "Find us a place to set him down..I need to get at the outer hull." the Chief engineer who was fat and old wheezed at her, his breathed ranked of something she didn't carer to know or guess about.

"Fine.." Wohavi turned. "Helmsman take us out of the system."

The Bird of Prey's cloak was non-operational at this point but it didn't matter as a Vorcha class cruiser suddenly decloaked. "We are being hailed."

"On viewer."

J'impok's face appeared. "Chancellor. I'm glad to have found you.. You should come aboard my ship... We must talk."

"My ship and crew need repairs."

"I will see to it." and with that the screen went black. Wohavi rose to her feet. "I'm going over there. Carry on with repairs as best you can."
and with that she exited the bridge before transiting aft through the long corridor that spanned most of the ship's neck section, she entered the transporter room moments later.

She beamed over to the Vorcha where she found herself facing six armed guards. "What... What is this," she demanded. "I deman-eerrrkk" as someone clubbed her hard from behind, she world went away as dropped to the deck, unconscious. Meanwhile, the Bird of Prey was demolished with all hands aboard being lost in the fireball that had resulted, one more act of dishonor in a day full of them.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the system. General Tethi remained seated in her command chair as her remaining ships proceeded to clean out the last few remaining of Wohavi's forces. "Group Two... Finish off the colony on the primary moon." she ordered, turning her attention back to the display, a smile appeared as she bared her fangs. "So... my comrade has died a warrior's death.. good for him." she added for nobody in particular.

Tethi turned to her first officer. "Disperse the fleet to blockade this world." she paused as a grin highlighted her face. "Glass this plant, kill everything on it."

The world itself almost seeme to hold its collective breath as the sky began to rain fire as on the planet surface, chaos reigned as the civilians planetside tried to find ways to escape the destruction of their world as the rain of fire began impacting in the various cities and the ground around it.

"By Kahless... She plans on glassing this entire world.." cried one person as she fled down one of the side streets towards a fallout bunker, disruptor blasts were getting louder as smoke began to belch from the ground itself were massive forest fires were blazing.

Suddenly there was a massive detonation as the city itself was consumed by fire from a truly enormous explosion, the shockwave rippled out, demolishing and incinerating everything in its path. The skies began to cloud over with soot and ash.

Tethi turned. "Commence bombardment of the primary ocean... disruptors only... superheat the top layers in the tropical areas.."

The orders were carried out without comment or protest as several dozen disruptor bolts began impacting the oceans, superheating the surface which began to boil away, generating a truly massive hurricane almost right before their eyes. "Thats enough.." Tethi ordered about about five minutes of saturation barrage of the one target location which was even now generating a massive storm system.
"Shift your fire to the primary landmass.. and finish the job."

The Klingon force gathered over Ogat Three, continued glassing this world while other ships underwent repairs for battle damage sustained during the battle.

Several hours later the last of the Klingon ships departed Ogat Three, now a severely devastated world with worldwide forest fires, acid rain storms the size of countries and one truly massive hyper hurricane that had a cloud top height of thirty kilometers and was almost two thousand miles across, with wind speeds that were just unbelievable.

Tethi and her forces had left behind a devastated planet that would be incapable of supporting any life, in later years this event would be compared to the destruction of the dinosaurs on Earth millions of years earlier.


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