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Returning to the Beginning

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 8:27pm by Cadet Sophomore Grade Pasha Ch'Yamaguchi & Cadet Sophomore Grade Pava Sh'Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: 0900Hrs - March 2nd, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi had stuck her name in to adopt her three Ferasian children that she was presently fostering. She had kept up with the events of the Akurian fleet and their efforts around Durandall and now their efforts were just about complete.

She tapped the display before her once. "Gods I need to talk to the twins." she paused as she had a momentary panic attack as she wondered what Pava and Pasha would think of all of this.

Celeste sighed. "Get a hold of yourself girl." she paused as she checked what time it was on Earth, early evening in San Francisco so she decided to stick in a call to the twins and connect with them.

Celeste called the bridge to arrange things.

Meanwhile at that same moment, at the academy in San Francisco. Cadet First Class Pava Sh'Yamaguchi entered her quarters that she shared with three other female cadets. Two of them were already and the third Pava knew was in the gym cranking out some iron to work off stress. "Hey ladies." she greeted them.

"Hey Pava.. Find any good looking men today?" the human female of the troop responded, she was Kenyan from the African Confederation with skin as black as coal and she carried a shapely figure that many tended to fall in lust with, she got around it by being friendly to everyone.

"Not anymore then usual.. Sorry Adriana." Pava responded with a smile.

"Aww.." The Kenyan responded. "What about you?" she asked of the troops resident Bajoran female named Duran Sariae. "Nope. I told you already.. I have a mate back home."

"Well thats boring.."

"Such is the will of the prophets.." the Bajoran responded. "I don't question it.."

It was well known that Duran Sariae was devoutly religious and nothing would shake it, at least not yet anyway. Adriana Mobutu however was as agnostic as one could get while not provoking people.

Pava sighed. "Adriana. Stop antagonizing the faithful. Its not wise to question someone's faith..." she turned to Duran. "You, stop using it as a shield.. Something will come along which will cause you to question your faith. No if.. when... be ready for that."

"I was wondering... You don't come across like any Andorian I've ever heard about... why is that?"

"Trade secrets my daughter." Pava responded as the doorbell to their space beeped at them.

Pava rose and went to get the door, finding herself face to face with her twin. "Mom's calling. She wanted to talk to the two of us."

"Okay." Pava responded. "Ladies.. you wanted to know what separates me from the average Andorian... Come I will show you." she paused. "Oh this is my brother. Pasha..."

The introductions were quick as Pava activated the display before her. There was a message on hold for her, it was flashing down at the bottom left of the display, it was flashing in red which meant someone was trying to call her in real time rather then a canned transmission on a time delay.

She tapped it once as a voice came over the system. "This is the academy mail system. Thank you for accepting this transmission."
as an image of a brown skinned human woman with breathtakingly good looks came over the com system.

The two females snapped to attention the moment they laid eyes on Celeste Yamaguchi who looked like it was early morning where she was. "Hello Pava. I see Pasha went to get you did he... good."

The Bajoran and the Human woman both shared a look as Celeste told them to stand easy. "This.. is what separates me from the average." Pava explained. "This woman took me and him in out of the kindness of her heart and raised us as Andorians.. Rather then humans with blue skin.." she turned to Celeste who was smiling, clearly she'd been using Celeste to get a point across to her fellow cadets about something or other.

"Pava. Pasha. Good... I have you two together and thats what matters." Celeste explained. "I was considering adopting a couple of these Ferasian children. Would you guys have problems with that?"

Pasha smiled. "Oh heck no. Mom you have a big heart and Pava and I have left home... If you desire more children then you do not need our permission to do so.

Adriana Mobutu and Duran Sariae both looked astonished at the conversation happening before them. "Umm,... Should we be present for this?"

Celeste regarded them. "What are your names ladies?"

The human spoke. "Well Commander sir.. I am Cadet Adriana Mobutu and this is Cadet Duran Sariae."

"Stay ladies. This is not something that is super classified and you can share the news with your fellow classmates as I highly suspect that many of your medical students are going to end up here soon enough anyway... There are billions of refugees here that are in need of help."
Celeste explained. "I plan to adopt three children. Maybe more.. depending on how many are in the pack they have together.. "

Pava smiled. "Mom I think its a great thing. You have been having issues with your impending little one and three more will simply fill your home with joy. You've always been good to us... and we can never repay you for what you did for us."

Celeste paused. "I wanted you involved with this choice because... while you are not of my flesh and blood, you are still my children." she said it with an unshakable faith and conviction.

Duran regarded Mobutu. "Now that.. is conviction of borne of faith.."

"and love Ms Duran." Celeste responded. "I follow a very simple philossophy in life... If I don't then who will."

"I'm sorry sir.. I didn't mean-" was as far as she got before Celeste raised her hand. "Do not be sorry Ms Duran...Are you medical by any chance?"

"I am. yes."

"Y'know I like you..." Celeste smiled. "When you graduate. I will request you as I have uses for one such as you."

"Umm..I umm.."

"Now thats the response I was expecting." Celeste chuckled softly. "Ms Duran. I work with mostly agnostic people. I find I operate best with a balanced viewpoint on life and perspectives. I don't have that so I rely on my staff to supply it for me."

Duran cleared her throat. "Uhh yessir."

Celeste turned her attention back. "So... no issues then?"

"Mom, if you want to raise more children the way you raised us then we will not deny you mom..." Pasha explained with a smile. "I am flattered that you felt you needed to ask but.. No. Its your life and your home... If you want more then we won't refuse you."

Pava smiled. "Yeah. So it'll make special occasions when we visit a little more unusual but it'll be great to get to know our new siblings.."


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