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What do we do Now

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 8:26pm by Captain Aurelian Saunders & Captain Worf, Son of Mogh & Lieutenant Tial Lamek & Lieutenant Micheal Ward & Lieutenant Charles "Chick" Chappel

Mission: Mission 53: Last March of the Enterprise-E
Location: Enterprise-E
Timeline: March 2nd, 2392

While mostly everyone on the crew was feeling a little better thanks to a month-long Vacation on the planet, now it was time to decide, what course of action will the crew take. So the senior staff along with Worf and Martok were all present in Enterprise's briefing room.

Worf looked around the table. "Now that we are all here... " he nodded to Saunders who was standing at the head of the table. "Alright folks, Now that everyone has had a month to sort themselves out and unwind a little.. We're stuck asking ourselves what to do next.. We have no communications with the outside world and no reliable way to get around anywhere as we don't have a warp drive system anymore.." the older female looked around the room. "What we have found however are lots and lots of wormholes that seem to have appeared all over the place in this region." she explained. "Chancellor have your crews had any better luck.?"

Martok shook his head as he regarded what he had assumed to be an old human grandmother with a simple look but then she was serving with Worf, his comrade and housemate so she must be more then she looked. "Noo..." he rumbled softly. "We have not found anything.."

Saunders nodded her head. "Have any of these wormholes indicated where they will lead?, so any of them go closer to Federation space?"

Zeri whom had become something of an expert on the matter brought up an issue, " Problem is as far as we can tell, this is an alternate reality where the federation may not even exist at all. One of these wormholes goes to a known federation member world, Zibal, yet the planet itself is completely uninhabited, and while habitable like this world, the planet shows no evidence that it ever supported Sentient life."

Saunders paused. "Just the one member world?" she inquired

Worf listened to the options being presented and he honestly like none of them but he held his silence, waiting for his officers to explain themselves as they tossed their options around the room. "So... if we go to Zibal... Will we be able to locate anything else nearby?"

Saunders took a long look around the table as one of the Klingon Captains who's name she forgot spoke up. "We should get our warp drives working first. Then we can scout and find out what has happened to the Empire.. and to the Federation."

"We've been working on it... All our systems say they are working flawlessly." Saunders spoke. "Considering that Alyssa-" the older woman indicated the gold shirted female as she spoke "-and I both just came from Engineering.." she sighed. "I can't figure out what the issue is... and I spent most of my career as an Engineer." she shook her head. "No.. The issue isn't with us... Its this area of space... Somehow its changed from what we knew.. that means the properties of subspace have either been damaged... or plain does not exist anymore."

"How is that possible?" Martok inquired as he sat forward. Clearly interested in what was being said.

Worf slowly blinked his eyes. "Anyone?" he inquired softly.

Chappel noded. "Sir.." he paused while he waited for Worf to give him permission to speak, he did so with a simple nod. "I think we can all agree that this isn't the result of a disaster..." he looked around the room as he was clearly addressing everyone. "I was prepared to admit that... until I saw Sherman's Planet below us... there is no evidence its ever been settled... This means the issue is not with space.. its actually with us... Subspace doesn't exist in this reality... and we're no longer in our home reality, the samples the away team brought back prove this. So.. the bigger question is... What do we do now?"

Worf nodded his head. "I am willing to entertain suggestions?."

Saunders was the one who spoke up then. "We can't stay here... We need to pick a direction and head either towards the Federation or the Klingon Empire... Both don't exist in this reality.. We're stuck here and we're never going home again... Now that said.. we know there are other Federation ships that ended up wherever here is." the older human female sighed. "I took the liberty of looking up the service record of Commander Shireen Yamaguchi..."

Chappel regarded the woman who was twice his age. "What does that prove?"

"She would have gone to one of two places.." Saunders explained. "Inverness... or Starbase 12 in the New Holland System." she turned to Worf. "Sir. I recommend we stock up on supplies and the like.. then we head for either one of those two locations.."

"Very well. Anyone else have anything to add?" Worf inquired.

Xeri then had to mention," But how to we intend on getting there. Not all of these womholes may lead to well known systems and if they do, we don't know of all the systems are linked in a straight forward manner."

Alyssa nodded then added," Well as it stands we don't have a lot of options on the matter, but there is one option we could use without having to traverse the wormholes."

Saunders regarded her. "Oh... Do tell?" she inquired.

Alyssa didn't like this solution since it was akin to time travel but she suggested," Well I would only consider this as a last resort but basically we just try to go on impulse speed to Earth or another core federation world. We accelerate to near lightspeed, it would take several hundred years probably, but for us it would be only a few weeks at most due to time dilation."

Saunders processed that one in silence before she sighed. "Ouch.." she responded. "No other options on getting around?" she looked around the room as she wanted the comment open to everyone.

Norvin suggested. "Eh.. Why not build a giant hamster wheel, hook it up to the warp drive and have Michael Ward start running in it, that should get it working again. Michael looks like a good runner. I think he can handle it."

Ward chuckled softly. "It could be worse... I'll do it if... you'll join me chief."

Norsvin was about to say something else but got interrupted from the bridge, "Captain, we have just picked up several unknown vessels entering the system."

Saunders responded. "Any ideas as to their intentions bridge?" she inquired as she shifted her gaze to Worf. "Dismissed..." he ended the meeting right then and there.

As the senior staff got onto the bridge, Massae parks took her station and began to attempt to hail the incoming vessels. Most of them where larger than the Enterprise E but smaller than the Bortasque. However without subspace comms, Parks was resorting to using a laser based comm system. Unfortunately either due to the other ships equipment incompatibility or just plain not bothering to reply, they got no response. However their intentions became clear once they closed to within 3 million kilometers. That's when Parks Reported. "Captain, I am detecting missiles launching, they are firing at us, impact in 4 minutes."

"Red Alert." Worf sat down in his chair. "All hands... battlestations..." he paused. "No response to hails?"

Meanwhile several of the Birds of Prey began to move out to engage the missiles that were rapidly moving towards the Enterprise and the Bortasque. Suddenly the com system crackled. "Today is a good day to die!" came a Klingon voice.

Massae did a more thorough scan of the area, when she found a second group of ships behind the first one, this one was larger but the ships where the same Configuration. "Captain, we have a second group of enemy ships behind the first. They are much larger, I don't think we can beat those odds, but from what I can tell, their ships are slower than ours."

Worf nodded his head. "Very well... Inform the Chancellor that we must depart... We are overmatched."

Saunders understood the reasoning, there was no sense in fighting when one was going to get their ass kicked anyway. "Helm, head for Federation space... towards... Earth, for lack of a better place.."

The Ensign who was presently seated at conn, simply nodded. "Aye Commander..."

Meanwhile on the Bortasque, Martok calmly ordered his ships to withdraw, knowing he was outmatched. Unfortunately one bird of prey was unable to escape, eating multiple missile's, destroying the ship outright.

'Meanwhile on the bridge of the Enterprise-E. Lieutenant Charles Chappel, turned his head. "Sir. These are not retrofitted Freighter craft as I had assumed.. They are fact warships.. they have the ability to take us on.." he paused. "Their design is not Akurian or anything remotely like it..."

Saunders responded. "So... they aren't allied to us or friendly.... Great." she let out a long sigh.

"That much is obvious," Norsvin commented darkly.


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