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Meeting the Ferasians with a Bajoran Twist

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 7:56pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Various Locations - Zekarria Base Planet Surface
Timeline: 1000Hrs - February 28th, 2392

Lieutenant JG Tienn Iteela was sitting just out of the sun as she sighed softly before she lifted a bottle of water to her lips, she drained a mouthful. "You guys good?" she asked her erstwhile companions, three Ferasian children who all looked lost. One was sitting next to her, the second was sitting on the floor beside her legs and the third was lying, asleep with her head on Iteela's thigh, using her leg as a pillow.

"It'll work itself out." Iteela gently run her fingers through the matted fur of the eldest. "Yeah... I need to talk to Gyce.." she muttered to herself but she wouldn't have this chat in front of the three children.

She made herself comfortable as she waited for Gyce.

When Gyce showed up, she looked tired. She was also nervous, for the guest she brought with her was her daughter of another timeline.

"How are you feeling Dear?" Gyce asked Iteela as they approached.

Iteela shifted her attention from the three Ferasian kits around her to Gyce. "Hey." she smiled as she regarded the second person who was standing next to Gyce, she quickly noticed that the two were related. "Hello." Tienn greeted the Bajoran woman next to Gyce.

The three kits all reacted to the appearance of Gyce and the other woman with her. As the second kit woke up as Tienn rose to her feet.

"This is K'Vom," Gyce spoke with a massive grin.

"I am a time remnant of her former counterpart," K'Vom intoned very vulcanly, though she smiled to Tienn. "That would make me her daughter."

"A very complicated tale I had every intention of talking to you about," Gyce spoke very fast and very guilty. "It's just not a topic I'm great at explaining without confusing myself."

Iteela raised an eyebrow before she shrugged. "Its also unimportant." she responded. "K'Vom. I greet you." Iteela added with a gentle smile. "I am Iteela.."

"Greetings," K'Vom spoke with a simple nod. "Mother told me you were recovering from a terrible injury. I hope you are all right."

"I am processing my new reality." Iteela responded. "I am satisfactory at the present time." she added. "I was taking a few minutes out of the sun... these three wanted some companionship. I did not object." she paused. "Tell me about yourself K'Vom... I assume that you being here was a surprise?"

"I was ejected from several schools Mother and Father believed could temper my two halves," K'Vom answered. "Because lack of information was on hand about my last school's terrible rehabilitation program, neither Mother or Father could have foreseen the outcome. Nevertheless, I am here with Mother."

"Do you wish to be?" Gyce asked with concern. "I could arrange for you to go to your dad, if I am not to your liking."

"I wish to know you, before I can make the most logical choice. Thus I also wish to know my... stepmother?" K'Vom looked to Iteela for confirmation on that title.

"For now. I will settle for the title of Aunt." Iteela responded. "You will be welcome to stay with me for the foreseeable future should you desire it." The smaller Bajoran explained. "So your mother also has the time to get to know you."

"You may like it here too," Gyce spoke with a warm smile. "A far more diverse group of kids than your last school."

"I will have to judge that by my own experiences." K'Vom gave Gyce a dubious stare as she sat down.

"She's right." Iteela responded evenly. "Give it time... and we will see which you prefer?"

Gyce kissed Iteela on the forehead as she cuddled with her. "Your rehab classes going well?"

Iteela smiled as she gently hugged Gyce back. "They do. Yes." she responded evenly. "For now I am assisting with looking after tens of millions of children."

"I'm glad you've found a cause to help ease your mind," Gyce admitted, and looked to K'Vom. "And I'm glad you are being open-minded. But we do need to discuss your rage, I think."

"I know it is the root of my being ejected from very prestigious schools you and father wish me to excel at," K'Vom admitted.

"We only wanted, and still want, the best for you... If not being closer home to either of us is the root of your anger, then I am truly sorry for that," Gyce apologized.

"I wish to know more about you, Iteela." K'Vom diverted the conversation in a less-than-overt way, Gyce knew. But she let that slide.

Iteela too caught the less then subtle hint from K'Vom. "I'm going to put my counseling hat on for a moment." she smiled. "K'Vom. Tell me something..." the smaller Bajoran inquired. "What is anger?. And what is rage?. Whats the difference between the two?" Iteela inquired.

"Anger is being mad at someone. Rage is being so mad, you act out on it in a negative and generally harmful manner." K'Vom answered that as if she plucked it from a psychology book.

Iteela shook her head. "No." she responded. "Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility." Iteela responded. "Rage is a shame based reaction based on a feeling of helplessness.." she added as she regarded K'Vom. "Now.... How do you feel?" Iteela inquired. "About your mother."

"I love Mother," K'Vom answered almost instantly. "I just do not like being pushed from one school to another."

"They'll be no more of that," Gyce assured K'Vom. "I promise."

Iteela raised an eyebrow "Roanoke's school system is a decent system." she explained. "We will try it here and see how things go from this point forth."

"I believe that is acceptable," K'Vom nodded after she took a few moments to ponder the suggestion.

"I also need you to promise to keep your temper in check and Iteela and I will see about finding you an outlet for it," Gyce spoke diplomatically to her daughter.

"Also acceptable... I cannot promise, but I will try." K'Vom then looked to Iteela and offered her a small smile.

Iteela regarded Gyce. "What about Martial arts?" she inquired. "Captain Yamaguchi teaches a class on the Courageous, she's also a second level black belt. If anyone can teach K'Vom here... It's her."

"I was thinking teaching K'Vom springball... Something a little-less full-contact," Gyce pointed out diplomatically.

"There is far more to martial arts then simple combat." Iteela responded. "There is a science to it, an artform... If you will.." she paused. "I enrolled in Captain Yamaguchi's class.. and I want to learn how its done."

"Springball is Bajoran culture though," Gyce impressed gently.

Iteela nodded. "I was never any good at the sport." she explained. "I was never really athletically inclined."

"Doesn't mean we can't teach her about Bajoran culture - even the parts we aren't great at." Gyce smiled at Iteela and kissed her forehead.

"I wish to try both suggestions, if only to cultivate a wider array of options," K'Vom told both women.

"Having multiple outlets is wise." Iteela responded as she smiled regarding Gyce's affection, something she didn't often see even these days. "I start classes tomorrow. K'Vom... you could come with me and we can start together."

"That is an acceptable arrangement," K'Vom agreed as she observed the children before her.

"The situation of these children is indeed quite dire." Iteela explained. "I've been keeping informed of the situation.. Many millions of these are orphans even after our allies recover the eight billion people presently being held against their will." she paused. "These are Federation citizens... Which makes their case somewhat unique."

"You wanting to adopt a few?" Gyce asked with curiosity.

"I am considering it." Iteela explained. "I will need to do some homework on their culture and the like." Iteela explained. "However I believe I would make a good parent for one or several of these children."

"Then I'd be happy to help you make that happen, once their government is ready to allow adoptions," Gyce promised.

Iteela smiled. "Alright.."


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