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Hell's Chariots

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 6:52pm by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 65: And Death Rained Down
Location: The Chaj Daq Star System
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 27th, 2392

Wohavi knew that her outlaying possessions in the half dozen systems controlled by her house were vulnerable so she began deploying more ships and troops to protect it, using the assets and ships she and her allies had taken from the two dozen or so houses she had ordered to be expunged from the histories of the empire.

Meanwhile near the Chaj Daq system. General Tethi sat down in the command chair on her bridge as a rather evil grin appeared on her face, she bared her fangs as she pointed. "Onwards to victory!"

The dozen or so ships in her first wave began moving out into the system under cloak, the dozen ships was lead by six Vorcha's and four Negh'Vars and the last two were older K'Tinga's. they spotted four Klingon ships and Tethio's force attacked, them battering down their shields and boarding all four within minutes.

The four of them were taken and Tethi had all Wohavi troops put to the sword, regardless of rank and actual house loyalty.

The second attack was more of the same as there were actually two dozen ships in the system and the other Tethi led groups attacked almost all of the remaining forces simultaneously, capturing over twenty ships in various conditions.

Tethi watched the displays on her viewscreen before her, she had been the one to advocate for this strategy as they were fighting from a position of weakness rather then a position of strength.

A Klingon bird of prey counter-attacked as it began shooting at one of the K'Tinga's when a torpedo off of one of the Negh'var's caught it and destroyed it, adding yet more debris to a battle that was stupidly one sided.

Tethi smiled. "Time to take down that starbase.." she commented as she leaned forward. "Tell Rakehell Squadron to send in their ships." The ships of Rakehell Squadron were a dozen or so armored birds of prey, the ships had only six people aboard them and they would go to their death's weakening their enemy. two of the ships exploded due to incoming weapons fire where as the third and forth exploded against the bases shields, the first and sixth sailed on through the gap in the shielding and began to attack and destroy critical components on the base itself.

Tethi smiled as she watched the base begin to implode with multiple explosions going off around the base as bird of prey number ten rammed the base in the fusion reactor area, this caused a domino effect as the humans termed it.

The final explosion was truly massive, it wiped out the base and the half dozen docking scaffolds clustered around, eliminating the remaining military force in the system.

Tethi nodded as she turned. "Tell the remainder of Rakehell Squadron to glass the colony... Kill everyone on that planet... No survivors." as the Klingon female knew that her fleet had accomplished all of its goals and now she needed to send one last message. One that Wohavi would understand.

From orbit the five remaining Birds of prey began to open fire on the Klingon colony with torpedoes, several of which detonated above ground, with their maximum yield they acted as old style nuclear warheads, except these were far larger and far cleaner as they didn't spread radioactive material around. Several mushroom clouds began appearing in and around the colony and within minutes the deed was finished as all the Klingons in this system were either dead of dying, soon to die from various causes as the Birds of Prey cloaked and departed.


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